Then we would make up the rest of the standing army out of commonplace materi- als, and officer it with nobodies, as was proper -- nobodies selected on a basis of mere efficiency -- and we would make this regiment
toe the line, allow it no aristocratic freedom from restraint, and force it to do all the work and persistent hammering, to the end that whenever the King's Own was tired and wanted to go off for a change and rummage around amongst ogres and have a good time, it could go without uneasiness, knowing that matters were in safe hands behind it, and business going to be continued at the old stand, same as usual.
The move surprised market analysts because they were expecting the bank to
toe the line of major central banks around the world.
'We are confident that Commander Bravo will
toe the line,' Ebrahim said in an interview, days after the ratification of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) in a plebiscite.
He said they would not allow anyone to disturb the peace and urged people not
toe the line of such elements.Earlier, the Pakistan Zindabad Movement (PZM) on Saturday took out a pro-army rally in the city.
Toe the line" has a couple of meanings, the most prevalent being to show obedience.
Meanwhile, David (John Simm) is told to
toe the line, he's about his private life.
"But now it's time for him to put on scholastic shackles and
toe the line."
But with so much of central government's behaviour, l fail to see the point and can only assume that threats to the BBC are intended to make it
toe the line and/or blur a bigger picture that they are intent on distracting us.
Toe the Line" (ISBN: 978-1475079258) provides both male and female readers with an intriguing, well-rounded, fast-paced mystery and a glimpse into the world of triathlon racing.
Sinn Fein's leader in the Seanad, Senator David Cullinane, said: "This is the Taoiseach who promised political reform, now he makes an appointment to keep the Fine Gael numbers up and have a go at those in his party who didn't
toe the line.
The only time anyone like him ran this country were the Royals from the first king until a Mr Oliver Cromwell changed things round and made them
toe the line.