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(ûr′lē)adj. ear·li·er, ear·li·est
1. Of or occurring near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events: in the early morning; scored two runs in the early innings.
a. Of or belonging to a previous or remote period of time: the early inhabitants of the British Isles.
b. Of or belonging to an initial stage of development: an early form of life; an early computer.
3. Occurring, developing, or appearing before the expected or usual time: an early spring; an early retirement.
4. Maturing or developing relatively soon: an early variety of tomato.
5. Occurring in the near future: hoped for an early end to the negotiations.
adv. ear·lier, ear·liest
Idiom: 1.
a. Near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events: departed early in the day; scored important victories early in the campaign.
b. At or near the beginning of the morning: She never used to get up so early.
2. At or during a remote or initial period: decided very early to go into medicine.
3. Before the expected or usual time: arrived at the meeting a few minutes early.
4. Soon in relation to others of its kind: a rose that was cultivated to bloom early.
early on
At an early stage or point: Early on in the movie, the main character loses his job.
[Middle English erli, from Old English ǣrlīce : ǣr, before; see ayer- in Indo-European roots + -līce, adv. suff.; see -ly2.]
ear′li·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(ˈɜːlɪ)adj, -lier or -liest
1. before the expected or usual time
2. occurring in or characteristic of the first part of a period or sequence
3. occurring in or characteristic of a period far back in time
4. occurring in the near future
5. at the earliest not before the time or date mentioned
6. early days too soon to tell how things will turn out
7. early doors informal esp sport Brit at an early stage
adv, -lier
8. before the expected or usual time
9. near the first part of a period or sequence: I was talking to him earlier.
[Old English ǣrlīce, from ǣr ere + -līce -ly2; related to Old Norse arliga]
ˈearliness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈɜr li)adv. and
adj. -li•er, -li•est. adv.
1. in or during the first part of a period of time, course of action, or series of events: early in the year.
2. in the early part of the morning: to get up early.
3. before the usual or appointed time; ahead of time.
4. far back in time: The Greeks early learned to navigate.
adj. 5. occurring in the first part of a period of time, course of action, or series of events: an early hour of the day.
6. occurring before the usual or appointed time: an early dinner.
7. belonging to a period far back in time.
8. occurring in the near future: I look forward to an early reply.
9. Hort. appearing or maturing before most others of its type: early apples.
Idioms: early on, not long after the beginning.
[before 950; Middle English erlich (adj.), erliche (adv.), Old English ǣrlīc, ǣrlīce]
ear′li•ness, n.
(ˈɜr li)n.
Jubal Anderson, 1816–94, Confederate general in the U.S. Civil War.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Adj. | 1. | early - at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time; "early morning"; "an early warning"; "early diagnosis"; "an early death"; "took early retirement"; "an early spring"; "early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties" first - preceding all others in time or space or degree; "the first house on the right"; "the first day of spring"; "his first political race"; "her first baby"; "the first time"; "the first meetings of the new party"; "the first phase of his training" late - being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time; "late evening"; "late 18th century"; "a late movie"; "took a late flight"; "had a late breakfast" middle - between an earlier and a later period of time; "in the middle years"; "in his middle thirties" |
2. | early - being or occurring at an early stage of development; "in an early stage"; "early forms of life"; "early man"; "an early computer" | |
3. | early - belonging to the distant past; "the early inhabitants of Europe"; "former generations"; "in other times" past - earlier than the present time; no longer current; "time past"; "his youth is past"; "this past Thursday"; "the past year" | |
4. | early - very young; "at an early age" | |
5. | early - of an early stage in the development of a language or literature; "the Early Hebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the 11th to the 6th centuries B.C."; "Early Modern English is represented in documents printed from 1476 to 1700" linguistics - the scientific study of language late - of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages; "Late Greek" middle - of a stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages; "Middle English is the English language from about 1100 to 1500"; "Middle Gaelic" | |
6. | early - expected in the near future; "look for an early end to the negotiations" future - yet to be or coming; "some future historian will evaluate him" | |
Adv. | 1. | early - during an early stage; "early on in her career" |
2. | early - before the usual time or the time expected; "she graduated early"; "the house was completed ahead of time" | |
3. | early - in good time; "he awoke betimes that morning" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. in good time, beforehand, ahead of schedule, in advance, with time to spare, betimes (archaic) She arrived early to get a good seat.
in good time late, behind
in good time late, behind
2. too soon, before the usual time, prematurely, ahead of time The snow came early that year.
too soon late, behind
too soon late, behind
1. first, opening, earliest, initial, introductory the book's early chapters
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
adjective2. Of, existing, or occurring in a distant period:
3. Developing, occurring, or appearing before the expected time:
Before the expected time:
Idioms: ahead of time, in advance, with time to spare.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
بَاكِراًباكِرا، قَبل الأوانفي بِدايَةفي بِدايَة، في المَراحِل المُبَكّرهفي وقتِ مُبَكّر
brzyčasnýranní ptáčeranývyspávač
tidligældrefor tidligthurtigi begyndelsen
snemmasnemma; á undan öîrumeldri/fyrsta/fyrri gerîfyrir tímann; of snemmaskjótur
ankstiankstumasankstyvasankstyvas paukštisankstyvumas
agriagrīnsagrsdrīzspirms laika
เช้าก่อนเวลาที่กำหนดไว้ช่วงต้น แต่แรก
[ˈɜːlɪ] (earlier (compar) (earliest (superl)))A. ADJ
1. (= before appointed time)
to be early → llegar temprano or pronto
you're early! → ¡llegas temprano or pronto!
you're five minutes early → llegas con cinco minutos de adelanto
I was half an hour early for the meeting → llegué a la reunión con media hora de adelanto, llegué a la reunión media hora antes de que empezase
to be early → llegar temprano or pronto
you're early! → ¡llegas temprano or pronto!
you're five minutes early → llegas con cinco minutos de adelanto
I was half an hour early for the meeting → llegué a la reunión con media hora de adelanto, llegué a la reunión media hora antes de que empezase
2. (= before usual time) [death, menopause] → prematuro, temprano
Easter is early this year → la Semana Santa cae pronto este año
early frosts → heladas fpl prematuras or tempranas
to have an early lunch → almorzar temprano, comer temprano
she was pressurized into an early marriage → la presionaron para que se casase muy joven
to have an early night → acostarse temprano
early retirement → jubilación f anticipada
it was an early summer → el verano se había adelantado, el verano había llegado pronto
Easter is early this year → la Semana Santa cae pronto este año
early frosts → heladas fpl prematuras or tempranas
to have an early lunch → almorzar temprano, comer temprano
she was pressurized into an early marriage → la presionaron para que se casase muy joven
to have an early night → acostarse temprano
early retirement → jubilación f anticipada
it was an early summer → el verano se había adelantado, el verano había llegado pronto
3. (= soon) → pronto
it's too early to say → es demasiado pronto para saber
it will happen in March at the earliest → ocurrirá en marzo como muy pronto
at your earliest convenience (Comm) → con la mayor brevedad posible
it's too early to say → es demasiado pronto para saber
it will happen in March at the earliest → ocurrirá en marzo como muy pronto
at your earliest convenience (Comm) → con la mayor brevedad posible
4. (= towards beginning)
4.1. (of morning)
we need two seats on an early flight → necesitamos dos plazas en un vuelo que salga por la mañana temprano or un vuelo a primera hora de la mañana
to get up at an early hour → levantarse temprano, levantarse de madrugada
to keep early hours → acostarse y levantarse temprano
we arrived home in the early hours (of the morning) → llegamos a casa de madrugada
we worked until the early hours of the morning → trabajamos hasta altas horas de la madrugada
it was early in the morning → era muy de mañana, era muy temprano
in the early morning → a primeras horas de la mañana
we went for an early morning drive → nos fuimos a dar un paseo en coche por la mañana temprano
to be an early riser → ser madrugador
to get off to or make an early start → salir temprano
we need two seats on an early flight → necesitamos dos plazas en un vuelo que salga por la mañana temprano or un vuelo a primera hora de la mañana
to get up at an early hour → levantarse temprano, levantarse de madrugada
to keep early hours → acostarse y levantarse temprano
we arrived home in the early hours (of the morning) → llegamos a casa de madrugada
we worked until the early hours of the morning → trabajamos hasta altas horas de la madrugada
it was early in the morning → era muy de mañana, era muy temprano
in the early morning → a primeras horas de la mañana
we went for an early morning drive → nos fuimos a dar un paseo en coche por la mañana temprano
to be an early riser → ser madrugador
to get off to or make an early start → salir temprano
4.2. [period, process] the early days/months/years of sth → los primeros días/meses/años de algo
in the early 60s/70s → a principios de los 60/70
she's in her early forties/seventies → tiene poco más de cuarenta/setenta años → tiene cuarenta/setenta y pocos (años)
she became famous in her early thirties → se hizo famosa a los treinta y pocos
there were two early goals → se marcaron dos goles al inicio del partido
in early January/March → a principios de enero/marzo
it's still early (in process) → es pronto todavía
the early afternoon → a primera hora de la tarde
at an early age → a una edad temprana
from an early age → desde pequeño → desde una edad temprana (frm)
his early career/childhood → los primeros años de su carrera/infancia
an early diagnosis → un diagnóstico precoz
it was early evening → era media tarde
we'll arrive there in the early evening → llegaremos a media tarde
her early life → los primeros años de su vida
in the early spring → a principios de la primavera
it flowers from early spring to early autumn → florece desde principios de la primavera a principios del otoño
the disease is hard to detect in its early stages → es difícil detectar la enfermedad en sus fases iniciales
at an earlier stage of the project → en una etapa anterior del proyecto
he's in his early teens → tendrá unos trece o catorce años
he began painting in his early teens → empezó a pintar a los trece o catorce años
his early youth → su primera juventud
it's early days yet we may have to modify the plans, but it's early days yet (esp Brit) → quizás tengamos que modificar los planes, pero aún es pronto para saberlo
in the early 60s/70s → a principios de los 60/70
she's in her early forties/seventies → tiene poco más de cuarenta/setenta años → tiene cuarenta/setenta y pocos (años)
she became famous in her early thirties → se hizo famosa a los treinta y pocos
there were two early goals → se marcaron dos goles al inicio del partido
in early January/March → a principios de enero/marzo
it's still early (in process) → es pronto todavía
the early afternoon → a primera hora de la tarde
at an early age → a una edad temprana
from an early age → desde pequeño → desde una edad temprana (frm)
his early career/childhood → los primeros años de su carrera/infancia
an early diagnosis → un diagnóstico precoz
it was early evening → era media tarde
we'll arrive there in the early evening → llegaremos a media tarde
her early life → los primeros años de su vida
in the early spring → a principios de la primavera
it flowers from early spring to early autumn → florece desde principios de la primavera a principios del otoño
the disease is hard to detect in its early stages → es difícil detectar la enfermedad en sus fases iniciales
at an earlier stage of the project → en una etapa anterior del proyecto
he's in his early teens → tendrá unos trece o catorce años
he began painting in his early teens → empezó a pintar a los trece o catorce años
his early youth → su primera juventud
it's early days yet we may have to modify the plans, but it's early days yet (esp Brit) → quizás tengamos que modificar los planes, pero aún es pronto para saberlo
5. (= first) [man, Church] → primitivo; [settlers, pioneers, Christians] → primer
the early Victorians → los primeros victorianos
an early Victorian table → una mesa de principios de la era victoriana
Shakespeare's early work → las primeras obras de Shakespeare
the early Victorians → los primeros victorianos
an early Victorian table → una mesa de principios de la era victoriana
Shakespeare's early work → las primeras obras de Shakespeare
6. (Hort) [fruit, vegetable, crop] → temprano
1. (= ahead of time) [arrive, leave, get up, go to bed] → temprano, pronto
he arrived ten minutes early → llegó diez minutos antes de la hora, llegó con diez minutos de anticipación
he took his summer holiday early → se tomó las vacaciones de verano pronto
to book early → reservar con anticipación
I don't want to get there too early → no quiero llegar demasiado pronto
early to bed, early to rise (makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise) → a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda
see also bright B
he arrived ten minutes early → llegó diez minutos antes de la hora, llegó con diez minutos de anticipación
he took his summer holiday early → se tomó las vacaciones de verano pronto
to book early → reservar con anticipación
I don't want to get there too early → no quiero llegar demasiado pronto
early to bed, early to rise (makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise) → a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda
see also bright B
2. (= soon) → pronto
the earliest I can do it is Tuesday → lo más pronto que lo podré hacer será el martes
a month earlier → un mes antes
as early as possible → lo más pronto posible, cuanto antes
as early as 1978 → ya en 1978
the earliest I can do it is Tuesday → lo más pronto que lo podré hacer será el martes
a month earlier → un mes antes
as early as possible → lo más pronto posible, cuanto antes
as early as 1978 → ya en 1978
3. (= towards beginning of sth)
3.1. (in morning) → temprano
you get up too early → te levantas demasiado temprano, madrugas demasiado
you get up too early → te levantas demasiado temprano, madrugas demasiado
3.2. (in period, process)
early in sth early in the afternoon → a primera hora de la tarde
early in the book → en las primeras páginas del libro
early in the war → a principios de la guerra
early in the week → a principios de semana
early in the year → a principios de año
early in 1915 → a principios de 1915
early in his life → en su juventud
Red Ribbon fell early in the race → Red Ribbon tuvo una caída al principio de la carrera
early last century → a principios del siglo pasado
early next year → a principios del año que viene
early on in his career → en los primeros años de su carrera
earlier on → anteriormente, antes
early this month → a principios de (este) mes
early today → a primera hora de hoy
early in sth early in the afternoon → a primera hora de la tarde
early in the book → en las primeras páginas del libro
early in the war → a principios de la guerra
early in the week → a principios de semana
early in the year → a principios de año
early in 1915 → a principios de 1915
early in his life → en su juventud
Red Ribbon fell early in the race → Red Ribbon tuvo una caída al principio de la carrera
early last century → a principios del siglo pasado
early next year → a principios del año que viene
early on in his career → en los primeros años de su carrera
earlier on → anteriormente, antes
early this month → a principios de (este) mes
early today → a primera hora de hoy
C. CPD early bird N → madrugador(a) m/f
it's the early bird that catches the worm → al que madruga Dios le ayuda
early closing N (also early-closing day) (Brit) día en que muchas tiendas sólo abren por la mañana
early closing is on Mondays → el lunes muchas tiendas sólo abren por la mañana
the Early Middle Ages NPL → la Alta Edad Media
early warning system N → sistema m de alarma or alerta precoz
pain acts as the body's early warning system → el dolor actúa como un sistema de alarma precoz
it's the early bird that catches the worm → al que madruga Dios le ayuda
early closing N (also early-closing day) (Brit) día en que muchas tiendas sólo abren por la mañana
early closing is on Mondays → el lunes muchas tiendas sólo abren por la mañana
the Early Middle Ages NPL → la Alta Edad Media
early warning system N → sistema m de alarma or alerta precoz
pain acts as the body's early warning system → el dolor actúa como un sistema de alarma precoz
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈɜːrli] adv
(at an early hour) → tôt, de bonne heure
I have to get up early → Je dois me lever tôt.
to go to bed early → se coucher tôt
early this morning → tôt dans la matinée
early in the morning → tôt le matin
early last week → tôt la semaine dernière
early in (= at the start of) [+ season, game, year] → au début de
early in the spring → au début du printemps
BUT au commencement du printemps.
early in the 19th century → au début du 19e siècle
BUT au commencement du 19e siècle.
early on (= at an early stage) → très tôt
early on in → au début de
I have to get up early → Je dois me lever tôt.
to go to bed early → se coucher tôt
early this morning → tôt dans la matinée
early in the morning → tôt le matin
early last week → tôt la semaine dernière
early in (= at the start of) [+ season, game, year] → au début de
early in the spring → au début du printemps
BUT au commencement du printemps.
early in the 19th century → au début du 19e siècle
BUT au commencement du 19e siècle.
early on (= at an early stage) → très tôt
early on in → au début de
(not late) at an early hour → de bonne heure
at such an early hour → aussi tôt
despite the early hour → bien qu'il faisait tôt
in the early hours of the morning → dans les premières heures de la matinée
to have an early night → se coucher tôt
to make an early start → partir tôt, partir de bonne heure
at such an early hour → aussi tôt
despite the early hour → bien qu'il faisait tôt
in the early hours of the morning → dans les premières heures de la matinée
to have an early night → se coucher tôt
to make an early start → partir tôt, partir de bonne heure
[morning, afternoon, evening] early morning → tôt le matin
from early morning to mid-afternoon → depuis tôt le matin jusqu'au milieu de l'après-midi
a series of early morning phone calls → une série de coups de téléphone tôt le matin
in the early morning → tôt le matin
by early afternoon
Things will be better by early afternoon → Les choses se seront arrangées d'ici le début de l'après-midi.
in the early evening → en début de soirée
from early morning to mid-afternoon → depuis tôt le matin jusqu'au milieu de l'après-midi
a series of early morning phone calls → une série de coups de téléphone tôt le matin
in the early morning → tôt le matin
by early afternoon
Things will be better by early afternoon → Les choses se seront arrangées d'ici le début de l'après-midi.
in the early evening → en début de soirée
early years → premières années fpl
in the early 1980s → au début des années 80
in the early 19th century → au début du 19e siècle, au commencement du 19e siècle
She's in her early forties → Elle a un peu plus de quarante ans., Elle a un peu plus de la quarantaine.
the early days → les débuts mpl
in the early days → au début
in the early days of sth → au début de qch
it is early days (= too soon to say) → il est trop tôt pour en juger
in the early 1980s → au début des années 80
in the early 19th century → au début du 19e siècle, au commencement du 19e siècle
She's in her early forties → Elle a un peu plus de quarante ans., Elle a un peu plus de la quarantaine.
the early days → les débuts mpl
in the early days → au début
in the early days of sth → au début de qch
it is early days (= too soon to say) → il est trop tôt pour en juger
(= first) [stage, sign] → premier/ière; [work, film] → premier/ière; [Christians, settlers] → premier/ière
sb's early career → les débuts mpl de qn
He spent his early career in the army → Il a fait ses débuts dans l'armée.
sb's early career → les débuts mpl de qn
He spent his early career in the army → Il a fait ses débuts dans l'armée.
(= too early) [death] → prématuré(e)
(= early riser) → lève-tôt mf inv
(= first comer) → lève-tôt mf inv
the early bird catches the worm → l'avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôtearly-bird [ˈɜːrlibɜːrd] modif [discount, special] → pour les premiers clientsearly closing day n (British) jour de fermeture l'après-midiearly-evening [ˌɜːrliˈiːvnɪŋ] adj [news, slot, show] → de début de soirée
an early-evening concert → un concert tôt dans la soiréeearly-morning [ˌɜːrlimɔːːrnɪŋ] adj [flight, meeting] → de début de matinéeearly retirement n → retraite f anticipée
to take early retirement → prendre une retraite anticipéeearly riser n → lève-tôt mf inv early warning early-warning [ˌɜːrliwɔːːrnɪŋ] adj [device, radar] → de première alerteearly warning system n → système m de première alerte
the early bird catches the worm → l'avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôtearly-bird [ˈɜːrlibɜːrd] modif [discount, special] → pour les premiers clientsearly closing day n (British) jour de fermeture l'après-midiearly-evening [ˌɜːrliˈiːvnɪŋ] adj [news, slot, show] → de début de soirée
an early-evening concert → un concert tôt dans la soiréeearly-morning [ˌɜːrlimɔːːrnɪŋ] adj [flight, meeting] → de début de matinéeearly retirement n → retraite f anticipée
to take early retirement → prendre une retraite anticipéeearly riser n → lève-tôt mf inv early warning early-warning [ˌɜːrliwɔːːrnɪŋ] adj [device, radar] → de première alerteearly warning system n → système m de première alerte
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
early (on) → früh; early in 1915/in February → Anfang 1915/Februar; early (on) in the year/(the) winter → Anfang des Jahres/des Winters; early (on) in the war → in der Anfangsphase des Krieges; early (on) in his/her/their etc life → in jungen Jahren; early (on) in the race → zu Anfang des Rennens; early (on) in the evening/morning → am frühen Abend/Morgen; he got up very early in the morning → er stand sehr früh (am Morgen) auf; as early as (= already) → schon; she learned to read as early as four → sie lernte schon mit vier Jahren lesen; early this month/year → Anfang des Monats/Jahres; early next month/year → Anfang nächsten Monats/Jahres; early today/this morning → heute früh; the earliest he can come is tomorrow → er kann frühestens morgen kommen
(= before the expected time) → früher (als erwartet); (= before the appointed time) → zu früh; (= earlier than usual) → früh; she left ten minutes early → sie ist zehn Minuten früher gegangen; to be five minutes/an hour early → fünf Minuten/eine Stunde zu früh kommen; he was early for the meeting → er kam zu früh zu der Besprechung; he left school early (went home) → er ging früher von der Schule nach Hause; (finished education) → er ging vorzeitig von der Schule ab; to get up/go to bed early → früh aufstehen/ins Bett gehen; good morning, you’re early today → guten Morgen, Sie sind heute ja früh dran; early to bed, early to rise (makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise) (Prov) → früh ins Bett und früh heraus, frommt dem Leib, dem Geist, dem Haus (Prov) ? bright b
adj (+er)
→ früh; it was early evening when we finished → wir waren am frühen Abend fertig; we went for an early morning drive or a drive in the early morning → wir machten eine Spritztour am frühen Morgen; we had an early lunch → wir aßen früh zu Mittag; in early summer/autumn → zu Sommer-/Herbstanfang, im Frühsommer/Frühherbst; in early spring/winter → zu Frühlings-/Winteranfang; the early years/months/days → die ersten Jahre/Monate/Tage; early January/August etc → Anfang Januar/August etc; in the early 60s/1980s etc → Anfang der sechziger/achtziger etc Jahre or Sechziger-/Achtzigerjahre etc; to have an early night → früh ins Bett gehen; to keep early hours → früh ins Bett gehen und früh aufstehen; the early hours → die frühen Morgenstunden; until or into the early hours → bis in die frühen Morgenstunden; her early life → ihre jungen Jahre; his early work → seine frühen Werke, sein Frühwerk nt; at an early age → in jungen Jahren; from an early age → von klein auf; since early childhood → seit seiner/ihrer etc frühen Kindheit; in his early teens → im frühen Teenageralter; to be in one’s early thirties/forties etc → Anfang dreißig/vierzig etc sein; it’s too early to say/to say whether … → es ist noch zu früh, um etwas zu sagen/um zu sagen, ob …; it is too early to know what his motives are → man weiß noch nicht, welche Motive er hat; it’s too early for a final decision → es ist zu früh, um eine endgültige Entscheidung zu fällen; only her voice has changed from those early days → nur ihre Stimme ist anders als damals zu Anfang; it’s early days (yet) (esp Brit) → wir/sie etc sind noch im Anfangsstadium; early identification (Med) → Früherkennung f
(= before expected time) flowers → früh blühend; cabbage, peas etc, crop → früh; death → vorzeitig; marriage → früh; menopause → verfrüht; early vegetables → Frühgemüse nt; an early spring → ein zeitiger Frühling
(from historical perspective) settlers, man → frühgeschichtlich; the early church → die Urkirche; early Christians → Urchristen pl; an early form of hypnotherapy → eine Frühform der Hypnotherapie; early baroque → Frühbarock m
(= soon) at an early date → bald; at the earliest possible moment → so bald wie irgend möglich; to promise early delivery → baldige Lieferung versprechen ? convenience b
:early bath
n to send somebody for an early (Brit Ftbl, Rugby) → jdn vom Feld schicken; to take an early (Brit fig: = withdraw) → sich frühzeitig zurückziehen
early bird
n (in morning) → Frühaufsteher(in) m(f); (arriving etc) → Frühankömmling m; it’s the early that catches the worm (Prov) → Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund (Prov)
early closing
n it’s early today → die Geschäfte haben or sind heute nachmittag geschlossen
early retirement
n → vorgezogener or vorzeitiger Ruhestand; to take early → vorzeitig in den Ruhestand gehen; to have taken early → Frührentner(in) m(f) → sein; early benefits → Vorruhestandsleistungen pl
early riser
n → Frühaufsteher(in) m(f)
early warning (sign or signal)
n → Vorwarnung f
early warning system
n → Frühwarnsystem nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˈɜːlɪ] (-ier (comp) (-iest (superl)))1. adv → presto; (ahead of time) → in anticipo
I came home early → sono tornato a casa presto
as early as possible → il più presto possibile
early in the morning/afternoon → nelle prime ore del mattino/del pomeriggio
early in the spring/19th century → all'inizio della primavera/dell'Ottocento
he was 10 minutes early → è arrivato con 10 minuti di anticipo
to book early → prenotare in anticipo
I can't come any earlier → non posso venire prima
earlier on → poco tempo prima
I came home early → sono tornato a casa presto
as early as possible → il più presto possibile
early in the morning/afternoon → nelle prime ore del mattino/del pomeriggio
early in the spring/19th century → all'inizio della primavera/dell'Ottocento
he was 10 minutes early → è arrivato con 10 minuti di anticipo
to book early → prenotare in anticipo
I can't come any earlier → non posso venire prima
earlier on → poco tempo prima
2. adj (man) → primitivo/a; (Christians, settlers) → primo/a; (fruit, plant) → precoce; (death) → prematuro/a; (reply) → pronto/a
it's still early → è ancora presto
an early general election → elezioni fpl generali anticipate
at an early date → prossimamente
an early edition of the book → una precedente edizione del libro
you're early! → sei in anticipo!
to be an early riser or an early bird → essere mattiniero/a
at an early hour → presto
in the early morning → al mattino presto
in the early 19th century → ai primi dell'Ottocento
she's in her early forties → ha appena passato la quarantina
from an early age → fin dall'infanzia
his early youth → la sua prima giovinezza
Shakespeare's early work → le prime opere di Shakespeare
an early Victorian table → un tavolo del primo periodo vittoriano
to have an early night/start → andare a letto/iniziare presto
at your earliest convenience (Comm) → non appena possibile
it's still early → è ancora presto
an early general election → elezioni fpl generali anticipate
at an early date → prossimamente
an early edition of the book → una precedente edizione del libro
you're early! → sei in anticipo!
to be an early riser or an early bird → essere mattiniero/a
at an early hour → presto
in the early morning → al mattino presto
in the early 19th century → ai primi dell'Ottocento
she's in her early forties → ha appena passato la quarantina
from an early age → fin dall'infanzia
his early youth → la sua prima giovinezza
Shakespeare's early work → le prime opere di Shakespeare
an early Victorian table → un tavolo del primo periodo vittoriano
to have an early night/start → andare a letto/iniziare presto
at your earliest convenience (Comm) → non appena possibile
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈəːli) adverb1. near the beginning (of a period of time etc). early in my life; early in the afternoon.
2. sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time. He arrived early; She came an hour early.
adjective1. belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc. early morning; in the early part of the century.
2. belonging to the first stages of development. early musical instruments.
3. happening etc sooner than usual or than expected. the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.
4. prompt. I hope for an early reply to my letter.
ˈearliness nounearly bird
someone who gets up early or who acts before others do.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ بَاكِراً, مُبَكِّر brzy, časný, raný tidlig anfang, früh νωρίς, πρόωρος, πρώτος etapa temprana, primero, pronto, temprano aikainen, aikaisin, alussa au début de, précoce, tôt prijevremen, rani, rano in anticipo, presto, primi 初期の, 早い, 早く 빨리, 일찍, 초기의 vroeg tidlig wcześnie, wcześniejszy, wczesny cedo, início, princípios начальный, ранний, рано tidig, tidigt เช้า, ก่อนเวลาที่กำหนดไว้, ช่วงต้น แต่แรก başında, erken sớm 在早期, 早的Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
adv. temprano, pronto;
as ___ as possible → lo más ___ posible;
at the earliest → lo más ___;
___ age → infancia;
___ cancer → cáncer incipiente;
___ childhood → primera infancia;
___ death → muerte prematura;
___ morning → madrugada;
___ pregnancy → principio del embarazo;
___ stage of → la primera fase de, al principio de;
___ ambulation → ambulación precoz;
___ detection → detección primaria.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
adj (comp earlier; super ear-liest) temprano, (development) precoz; — puberty pubertad precoz; during early pregnancy..durante el principio del embarazo; adv tempranoEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.