tarsal gland

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Related to tarsal gland: Ciliary glands

tarsal gland

Any of the branched sebaceous glands located in the tarsus of the eyelid.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tarsal gland - a long sebaceous gland that lubricates the eyelidstarsal gland - a long sebaceous gland that lubricates the eyelids; "bacterial infection of a Meibomian gland produces a stye"
glandulae sebaceae, sebaceous follicle, sebaceous gland - a cutaneous gland that secretes sebum (usually into a hair follicle) for lubricating hair and skin
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In our case, we consider that epithelial cells of the tarsal gland in the eyelid (Meibomian gland) were the cellular origin of sebaceous carcinoma (Banks, 1986).
Tarsal Gland Hot Scrape from Top Secret Deer Scents brings out aggression In territorial bucks.
By combining forehead and tarsal gland chemicals, through a contortionist movement of forehead to hind leg, a buck paints the top of his head with scents that say, "I'm here, ready to fight, ready to breed and in shape to do it!" The interdigital gland, which on all deer lies between the toes, plays a critical role in identifying exactly which deer is communicating these messages.
At the spot, I had made a mock scrape with my boot, baring the ground, and placing doe estrus in it along with a tarsal gland I had taken from another buck.
His level of agitation remained and about 2 minutes after assuming the posture the first time, he repeated the behaviour again, with some urination on the tarsal gland, before running off into the adjacent bush.
We put some secretions from these glands on glass rods and found that ticks over a 24-hour period would remain on the secretions of the tarsal gland, which is halfway up the deer's leg.
"Now, commercial products such as Tink's Trophy Buck Lure and Intruder Tarsal Gland work well, but hunters can also collect tarsal glands from harvested deer," Rohm continued.
The whitetail deer's tarsal gland is perhaps its most important scent-producer.
The Tarsal Wick securely holds most wicks, or an actual tarsal gland, dispersing scent near your stand.
You'll also run across tarsal gland scent and a variety of glandular scents that provide similar results.
Code Blue also offers Buck Urine Gel and Tarsal Gland Gel (Code Blue, 251/4089, www.codebluescents.com).
JE: On a hunt in 1999, I dragged a mature buck tarsal gland along the edge of a tall weed field bedding area and down to my hunting location where I hung it on a nearby branch.