systems design

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systems design

The preparation of an assembly of methods, procedures, or techniques united by regulated interaction to form an organized whole.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
The installation was managed by Systems Design, Pebble's Egyptian systems integrator, in cooperation with Technology KAR & Media Speed.
represented Fusion Technology, a provider of enterprise talent management solutions and instructional systems design strategies to the intelligence community.
Published since 1996, Vision Systems Design is a global resource for engineers, engineering managers and systems integrators that provide comprehensive global coverage of vision systems technologies, applications, and markets.
When a large systems design project encounters a design flaw late in the process, the cost of respinning the design can be enormous.
"Mentor Graphics is committed to the PCB systems design community, and our PCB Technology Leadership Awards contest provides the opportunity to showcase the most innovative and talented designers worldwide," said Henry Potts, vice president and general manager, systems design division, Mentor Graphics.
* Assess the feasibility of open systems design solutions
From a best-practices perspective, spending sufficient time on a solid design will go a long way in decreasing iterations on template and report design and on the backend systems design.
(Nasdaq:XLNX), a leader in programmable logic solutions and AMIRIX Systems, a provider of embedded systems design services, have announced MultiBERT, a free reference design specifically developed for use with Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGAs.
IT solutions provider Innovative Systems Design Inc has launched version 2.3.1 of its ITVerify software.
No-Till Innovator Awards are presented in six categories: ag supplier, consulting, crop production, equipment systems design, organization and research and education.
Thus, instructional designers in the K-12 environments are facing the challenge of using appropriately and effectively academic standards in their instructional systems design process.
The design of such systems requires the use of systems design for social systems, like education, which enable citizens to create new human activity systems that provide children and adults with just and caring learning environments wherein human betterment and enhanced quality of life are implicitly and explicitly woven into the system.

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