

a facetious or jocular rendering of style4: jazz in a hip-hop stylee.
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Vocal performances relish the script's irreverent humour like when Spider-Ham signs off in Looney Tunes stylee - "That's all folks!" - and Peter wonders aloud, "Is he allowed to say that?
Kimono released his debut album, Under Pressure in 1989, accompanied by the popular single, 'Rum-Bar Stylee', this revealed both a Jamaican and native African influence (the latter particularly evident in his 'Patois' delivery.
gangster stylee!' Millat ran a finger down Hifan's lapel, and Hifan, against his better instinct, beamed with pleasure.
Via Lionel Messi, who punched the ball into the net Diego Maradona stylee, Barcelona led 2-1 with 60 seconds remaining.
Comedian Cee Stylee posted a picture of great nephew online Kenichi - known as Nichies - and appealed for witnesses to come forward to help police.
Yesterday, comedian Cee Stylee posted a picture of his great nephew - known as Nichies - and appealed for witnesses to come forward to help police.
crying Comedian Cee Stylee, the victim's great uncle, said: "My heart cries & bleeds for my niece who has lost her baby boy, my sister & the rest of our family."
A number of Puerto Rican artists, like Nicky Jam and Alberto Stylee, have either moved to the city or are spending more time there to be part of the moment.
Now regular readers will know that under normal circumstances the only way I'd watch the dross churned out of the Montrose sewage plant is if I was strapped to a chair, matchsticks holding my eyes open, Clockwork-Orange stylee.
Sous la forme d'un expose magistral d'environ une heure suivi d'une periode de questions, la presentation, tres stylee, se fait a l'aide du logiciel PowerPoint.