strike force

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strike′ force`

1. a military force armed and trained for attack.
2. a group or team, as of law-enforcement agents, who are assigned to one special problem.
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strike force

n (Mil, Aer) → distaccamento aereo
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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The EDS-led Information Strike Force team unites industry leaders with unduplicated expertise and experience: EDS for seamless service and reliability; WorldCom for unparalleled network connectivity; Raytheon for uncompromising security; companies like General Dynamics, Cisco, WAM!NET, Microsoft, Dell, Dolch, Robbins-Gioia, Dataline, for proven products and services; plus support from scores of small businesses.
Bolton re-shaped their strike force after the break, with Marshall replacing Holdsworth and Ricketts coming on for Rankin.
Three years later, this unit would evolve into the Youth Violence Strike Force.
With Strike Force thwacking the waves, a shadowy speck grows on the horizon, revealing a great barge at anchor.
In our Dons Strike Force competition all you have to do is guess the first Aberdeen goal scorer of the game.
'Henceforth, every Customs Area Controller must respond accordingly to Strike Force intervention Alerts.
MSRP: $139.99 (Strike Force Elite HD), $159.99 (Dark Ops Elite HD)
MUSCAT: In the semifinal held over the week end Asad XI beat Taiseer Strike Force by 15 runs.
WASHINGTON -- The new Center for Program Integrity and the Medicare Fraud Strike Force are among federal efforts aimed at combating fraud and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, top federal officers testified at a hearing of the committee.