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Related to specialised: giant, trek, specialised transduction
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Adj.1.specialised - developed or designed for a special activity or function; "a specialized tool"
specific - (sometimes followed by `to') applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique; "rules with specific application"; "demands specific to the job"; "a specific and detailed account of the accident"
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(ˈspeʃəl) adjective
1. out of the ordinary; un-usual or exceptional. a special occasion; a special friend.especial, extraordinario
2. appointed, arranged, designed etc for a particular purpose. a special messenger; a special tool for drilling holes.específico, particular
something which is special. There's a special (= a special train) due through here at 5.20.especial
ˈspecialist noun
a person who makes a very deep study of one branch of a subject or field. Dr Brown is a heart specialist.especialista
speciality (speʃiˈəti) , (American) specialty (ˈspeʃəlti) plurals speciˈalities, ~ˈspecialties noun
1. a special product for which one is well-known. Brown bread is this baker's speciality.especialidad
2. a special activity, or subject about which one has special knowledge. His speciality is physics.especialidad
ˈspecialize, ˈspecialise verb
(usually with in) go give one's attention (to), work (in), or study (a particular job, subject etc). He specializes in fixing computers.especializarse
ˌspecialiˈzation, ˌspecialiˈsation noun
ˈspecialized, ˈspecialised adjective
(of knowledge, skills etc) of the accurate detailed kind obtained by specializing. especializado
ˈspecially adverb
1. with one particular purpose. I picked these flowers specially for you; a splendid cake, specially made for the occasion.especialmente
2. particularly; exceptionally. He's a nice child, but not specially clever.particularmente
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
I presume that lowness in this case means that the several parts of the organisation have been but little specialised for particular functions; and as long as the same part has to perform diversified work, we can perhaps see why it should remain variable, that is, why natural selection should have preserved or rejected each little deviation of form less carefully than when the part has to serve for one special purpose alone.
In rudimentary organs, and in those which have been but little specialised for any particular purpose, and perhaps in polymorphic groups, we see a nearly parallel natural case; for in such cases natural selection either has not or cannot come into full play, and thus the organisation is left in a fluctuating condition.
The balance of military efficiency was shifting back from the many to the few, from the common to the specialised.
I supposed she was thinking of the young gentleman who specialised in South American rails, for I noticed a ring on the third finger of her left hand.