soya bean
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soya bean
1. (Plants) an Asian bean plant, Glycine max (or G. soja), cultivated for its nutritious seeds, for forage, and to improve the soil
2. (Plants) the seed of this plant, used as food, forage, and as the source of an oil
[C17 soya, via Dutch soya from Japanese shōyu, from Chinese chiang yu, from chiang paste + yu sauce]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun | 1. | ![]() Glycine max, soja, soja bean, soya, soybean plant, soya bean, soybean, soy - erect bushy hairy annual herb having trifoliate leaves and purple to pink flowers; extensively cultivated for food and forage and soil improvement but especially for its nutritious oil-rich seeds; native to Asia bean - any of various seeds or fruits that are beans or resemble beans |
2. | ![]() soya, soya bean, soybean, soy - the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known; the fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein) legume, leguminous plant - an erect or climbing bean or pea plant of the family Leguminosae genus Glycine, Glycine - genus of Asiatic erect or sprawling herbs: soya bean | |
3. | soya bean - the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known; the fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein) soyabean oil, soybean oil - oil from soya beans bean, edible bean - any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food field soybean - seeds used as livestock feed Glycine max, soja, soja bean, soya, soybean plant, soya bean, soybean, soy - erect bushy hairy annual herb having trifoliate leaves and purple to pink flowers; extensively cultivated for food and forage and soil improvement but especially for its nutritious oil-rich seeds; native to Asia |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
فول الصّويا
sójový bob
sojos pupelėsojų padažas
sojas pupiņas
sójový bôb
soya fasulyesi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
soya bean
(ˈsoiəbiːn) , soybean (ˈsoibiːn) noun a type of bean, processed and used as a substitute for meat etc.
soy(a) sauce a sauce made from soya beans, used in Chinese etc cooking.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.