

(Music, other) the art of songwriting
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Proudly wearing its retro influences on its sleeve, his debut release As The Smoke Clears is a wonderful, cogent advert for old-school songcraft and vintage soul sensibilities.
029 2087 8444 MUSIC Planet Sydney outfit Planet is the culmination of several years of trial and error in songcraft, performance and production.
Heralded as one of the finest voices of his generation, Kelly will give audiences a rare opportunity to see unique and intimate performances across an evening of storytelling and songcraft.
Caird Hall, August 8 MARTIN STEPHENSON Best known for his work with his band The Daintees, Durham-born martin stephenson's delicate songcraft touches on folk, ragtime, jazz, rockabilly, punk-pop and country blues.
A brooding intensity runs through much of Glen Hansard's music, from his time with the Frames to the ambitious songcraft of "Once" to more mature compositions of recent years.
The album as a whole reflects Feeder's pan-Atlantic influences, which meld the power of American alt-rock with the songcraft of the British indie scene.
Drawing from a broad palette of pop, folk, soul, country and blues influences, and interweaving his solo compositions with Love and Money favourites, James twins darkly literate, melodically lush songcraft with his richly potent vocals and virtuoso guitar work, leavening his performances with dashes of wickedly acerbic humour.
A master of songcraft, Jones sees the art form diminishing.
vocal harmony and songcraft that drove the group forward, guiding them to 130
Yet Kylie opts not for copper-bottomed songcraft, but the unholy intersection of country and EDM: drops beget scratchy fiddle breakdowns, while banjo clucks meet tropical house in a mush of mild euphoria.
The title track emerges in a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young West Coast haze, gearing up into a double-time country chorus - and occasionally, as with Traveller, the pedal steel, harmonies and songcraft conjure something you'd swear was a lost 60s classic.
They had the guile and songcraft to make the most of it but it was a huge boon.