small advertisement

small advertisement


small ad

(Journalism & Publishing) a short, simply designed advertisement in a newspaper or magazine, usually set entirely in a small size of type. See display advertisement
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
To buttress his " credentials", Rana had also put out a small advertisement on November 17 in a leading English daily's Kerala edition, offering visa to the US and Canada on " a limited time moneyback guarantee".
Why is everyone complaining over a small advertisement?
The city council has taken out a small advertisement in The Times headed: "Correction: Coventry, the only home for the new national stadium."
Its monthly budget would buy a very small advertisement in a paper such as yours, contrary to what you might have been told.
A small advertisement in a national magazine helped the 25-year-old Simmons expand his customer base beyond Drexel students to include Macintosh owners throughout the United States and Canada.
The firm regularly runs a small advertisement in the Port Angeles newspaper seeking alder logs or stumpage.
A jumble of small advertisements offer rewards for a lost horse or runaway apprentice, while another insists the poster will no longer pay his "misbehav(ing)" wife's debts.
Drizzle SMS places small advertisements at the top of the messaging application for users to see.
Detectives are warning sellers about a fraudster who buys products from small advertisements with stolen cheques.
According to Trading Standards, the sofas are being sold either door to door, through small advertisements - described as unwanted gifts - and off the back of lorries.
Gaskill said he didn't know the status of the application, but when the city receives the cars, they will be assigned to the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program because residences are accustomed to seeing those police cars with small advertisements on them.
The navigation bar runs small advertisements, and the newspapers will get a percentage of those revenues.

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