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Related to skilfulness: skillfulness
مهارَه، بَراعَه
leikni; færni


skillfulness (US) [ˈskɪlfʊlnɪs] Nhabilidad f, destreza f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


skillfulness (Am) [ˈskɪlfʊlnɪs] n (of person, handiwork) → abilità
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(skil) noun
1. cleverness at doing something, resulting either from practice or from natural ability. This job requires a lot of skill.
2. a job or activity that requires training and practice; an art or craft. the basic skills of reading and writing.
ˈskilful adjective
having, or showing, skill. a skilful surgeon; It was very skilful of you to repair my bicycle.
ˈskilfully adverb
ˈskilfulness noun
skilled adjective
(negative unskilled).
1. (of a person etc) having skill, especially skill gained by training. a skilled craftsman; She is skilled at all types of dressmaking.
2. (of a job etc) requiring skill. a skilled trade.
skilful is spelt with -l- (not -ll-).
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Indeed the worthy housewife was of such a capricious nature, that she not only attained a higher pitch of genius than Macbeth, in respect of her ability to be wise, amazed, temperate and furious, loyal and neutral in an instant, but would sometimes ring the changes backwards and forwards on all possible moods and flights in one short quarter of an hour; performing, as it were, a kind of triple bob major on the peal of instruments in the female belfry, with a skilfulness and rapidity of execution that astonished all who heard her.
Brent Beardall, president and CEO, said, 'I had the pleasure of working with Linda on our Executive Management Committee for 13 years and value her skilfulness in solving problems and making everybody around her a better employee.
felicitated with the writer for the literary masterpiece, 'Skinned'', that won the award, commending her for the depth of insight and skilfulness in bringing up the issue of women inclusiveness, which continues to occupy the minds of leaders across the world, especially in Africa.
For example, in the 1938-41 notebooks he speaks about "the tenacious skilfulness in calculating, hustling, and intermingling through which the worldlessness of Jewry is grounded," blaming "world Jewry" for the groundlessness of modernity.
Mr Roberts said: "I must emphasise that Freeleys, the company instructed by the Council to undertake the dismantling of the Pier deserve lot of praise for the care, dexterity and skilfulness that they displayed when removing the murals."
QFBA CEO Dr Abdulaziz al-Horr said: "It is QFBA's absolute honour to bring the international final of the world-renowned 'Global Management Challenge', in partnership with Adnar Group, to Qatar and the Arab world for the first time ever in the competition's 36-year history." He added: "Not only will we witness the skilfulness and talents of some of tomorrow's brightest business minds but we are also helping raise the status of Qatar as a strong regional supporter of skill-development and human capacity building initiatives and events, in line with the country's National Vision for the year 2030, and in harmony with the Academy's vision, mission, and core values.
He added that the decision to manufacture Sentra in Egypt reflects the company's experience in the cars industry here and its confidence in the promising Egyptian market, as well as the skilfulness of the Egyptian workers.