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n, pl -lae (-liː)
(Archaeology) a bucket-shaped container, usually of metal or pottery and often richly decorated: typical of the N Italian Iron Age
(Archaeology) of or relating to the type of designs usually associated with these containers
[from Latin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Por el otro, consideramos que el recipiente que es identificado como un cadus romano podria ser en realidad una situla. Destacamos estas dos cuestiones ya que se trata de algo que va mas alla de los simples aspectos formales pudiendo tener implicaciones de caracter religioso.
(20) It shows him carrying a situla (bucket); his upper right chest is left bare by a tunic which falls over his left shoulder, is gathered by a cord around his waist, and falls in folds which model the curvature of his legs in an extra-ordinarily sensuous manner, apparently focusing on the bulge between his thighs, whether an allusion to the alleged macro-phallic character of blacks or a more subtle form of eroticism.
The women behind her carry, from left to right, a situla and a large lidded casket.
Harry Dunlop will always have a soft spot for theWest Midlands track after the fledgling trainer gained his first success with Situla here last year, and he was back for more when sending out Mr Loire to take the 6f handicap under Jimmy Quinn.
Situla (2.30) can return to winning ways in the Novice Median Auction Stakes.