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The associations between air quality and the number of hospital admissions for acute pain and sickle-cell disease in an urban environment.
[USA], Sep 04 (ANI): A new study sheds light on how sickle-cell disease occurs when deformed red blood cells clump together, blocking tiny blood vessels and causing severe pain and swelling in the affected body parts.
Decreased RBC's elasticity is central to the pathophysiology of sickle-cell disease. In sickle-cell disease, low-oxygen tension promotes RBC sickling and repeated episodes of sickling damages the cell membrane and makes it rigid.
Sickle-cell disease is a hereditary blood disorder that affects red blood cells which can lead to life-threatening complications and a life expectancy of 20-30 years less than those that are not affected.
Osteomyelitis in patients who have sickle-cell disease. Diagnosis and management.
Serjeant, "Renal function in patients over 40 with homozygous sickle-cell disease," British Medical Journal, vol.
Over the years, there have been case reports of sudden death during physical exertion in young adults with sickle-cell disease. The first cases of sudden deaths due to sickle cell disorders were four army recruits who died during or immediately after strenuous exercise during basic training at Fort Bliss between March 1968 and February 1969.