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adj, -tier or -tiest
informal characterized by or involving shouting: a shouty youth; shouty conversation.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
There would be no shouty bosses, no cut-throat profit making and no backstabbing.
But, to be serious, shouty chefs are so old hat, and this new six-parter looks like it's going to be about much more than that.
So fair play for going anywhere near Bear Grylls and his shouty, over-enthusiastic survival schtick.
Tucker was probably originally a calm, thoughtful type, whose words of wisdom -- not shouty swearing -- helped persuade Cabinet ministers of the error of their ways.
1 / 5 'Dog Day Afternoon' proved that there was more to Al Pacino than cold and steely, or loud and shouty. (Getty Images)
A random selection of pop tunes pep up the overexcited and shouty tone, and there's enough use of eye-searing electric colour to jolt Frankenstein back to life.
They've turned aggro, pent-up frustration and total utter boredom into rampant, shouty, spit-fuelled, BO-inducing, agitated punk rock'n'roll.
Then, as we sat here delicately perspiring over our first issue, if you'd said we'd be doing this issue as a sociopathic reality TV star with a bad comb-over took charge of the free world, while we watched a royal wedding starring a shouty African-American preacher and Dec hosted live telly without Ant, we'd say you'd been robbed of your marbles.
JO Swinson has warned of the return of the "politics of the bully", saying "Faragey, Trumpy, angry, a***y, shouty, slogans aren't a solution to anything".
Jo Swinson warned of the return of the "politics of the bully", saying "Faragey, Trumpy, angry, shouty, slogans aren't a solution to anything".
Fed up, Ben has it out with Phil, and in a shouty, tense scene, he asks if Phil ever wanted him in his life.