

n. pl. se·nar·i·i (-ē-ī′, -ē-ē′)
A Latin verse consisting of six usually iambic feet.

[Latin sēnārius, consisting of six each, senarius; see senary.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a verse of Classical poetry consisting of six iambic feet
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References in periodicals archive ?
Dinoflagellates (1-8) and diatoms (9-12) species found at the three sampling stations.1) Dinophysis tripos, 2) Dinophysis ovum, 3) Gonyaulax spinifera, 4) Prorocentrum compressum, 5) Prorocentrum sp., 6) Prorocentrum gracile, 7) Prorocentrum koreanum, 8) Protoperidinium claudicans, 9) Pleurosigma formosum, 10) Actinoptychus senarius, 11) Asteromphalus flabellatus, 12) Planktoniella sol.
gigas showed that the intact diatom Actinoptychus senarius Ehrenberg and clean empty frustules (no organic coating) of the same diatom are processed differently by the gills.
recendens TP (Schmidt) Cleve (c) Surirella febigerii TP TP Lewis (c) Surirella lineares Smith (a) Surirella robusta TP TP Ehrenberg (a) Surirella rorata TP Frenguel (c) BACILLARIOPHYTA Achnanthes brevipes TP TP Agardh (c) Achnanthes longipes TP Agardh (c) Actinocyclus normanii P P (Gregory) Hustedt (c) Actinocyclus roperii (Breb.) Grunow (c) Actinoptychus senarius TP (Ehrenb.) Ehrenberg (c) Actinoptychus splendens (Shadbolt) Ralfs (c) Amphora angusta TP TP (Gregory) De Toni (c) Amphora laevis Gregory (c) Amphora sp.
Written in Plautus's own iambic senarius metre, these six Latin lines summarize the dramatic action while spelling out the play's title, Rudens, in a verse-initial acrostic.
Actinoptychus senarius (undulatus) (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg 1843
Smart's eight-beat line makes a good equivalent to Phaedrus' iambic senarius; he was less judicious in using it to render Horace's hexameter poems: Horace is not like Samuel Butler.
the intact diatom Actinoptychus senarius, which is small enough to enter the gill principal filament, is directed to the dorsal tract, whereas clean empty frustules (no organic coating) of the same diatom are transferred to the ventral tract (Beninger et al., 2008).