The NWP model used here is Application of Research to Operations at Mesoscale (AROME), developed by Meteo-France (
Seity et al.
(25) When Corrie gazes at broken glass and uprooted trees, and is compelled to reflect 'I think about you and how long it takes to make things grow and what a labour of love it is', her thinking of things, in one regard secures the existent
seity of things insofar as reflection serves as proof of being: it tells us that we have being, that we are in the world.
As such it is also the key image of its imaginary matrix, its
seity, purposefulness, archetypally determined intentionality, and existential project.
(40.) The issue I'm discussing is not that of per
seity as it is defined in the Aristotelian tradition.
Objective reality for self: Concreteness and animation in the
Seity user interface.
2018) is initialized from the 1.3-km AROME analysis (
Seity et al.
It is precisely because of this aspect of human embodied
seity (10) that the first initiation ceremony, featuring the critical nose-piercing act, is also characterised as the action which raptures the novices' souls.
2018), named Application of Research to Operations at Mesoscale (AROME;
Seity et al.
It appeared that the large nighttime errors were mostly caused by the CANOPY turbulence scheme (Masson and
Seity 2009).
2012) run by the Met Office, and the French Applications de la Recherche a l'Operationnel a Meso-Echelle (AROME;
Seity et al.