scrambled eggs

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scram·bled eggs

1. Eggs with the yolks and whites beaten together and cooked to a firm but soft consistency.
2. Slang The gold braid worn on the bill of the cap of a field-grade officer in the armed services.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.scrambled eggs - eggs beaten and cooked to a soft firm consistency while stirring
dish - a particular item of prepared food; "she prepared a special dish for dinner"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
míchaná vejce
habart tojásrántottatojásrántotta
스크램블드 에그
món trứng bác

scrambled eggs

[ˌskræmbldˈɛgz] npluova fpl strapazzate
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

scrambled eggs

بَيْضٌ مَقْلِيٌّ مـَمْزُوجٌ صَفَارُهُ بِبَيَاضِهِ míchaná vejce røræg Rührei αβγά στραπατσάδα huevos revueltos munakokkeli œufs brouillés kajgana uova strapazzate 炒り卵 스크램블드 에그 roereieren eggerøre jajecznica ovos mexidos яичница-болтунья äggröra ไข่คน çırpılmış yumurta món trứng bác 炒鸡蛋
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Harris proposed that we should have scrambled eggs for breakfast.
We did not know what scrambled eggs were, and we fancied that it must be some Red Indian or Sandwich Islands sort of dish that required dances and incantations for its proper cooking.
The woman now called to them that supper was ready, so they gathered around the table and Dorothy ate some delicious porridge and a dish of scrambled eggs and a plate of nice white bread, and enjoyed her meal.
He breakfasted with appetite and method, beginning with a slice of melon, and studying a morning paper while he waited for his toast and scrambled eggs. A new sense of energy and activity had possessed him ever since he had announced to May the night before that he had business in Boston, and should take the Fall River boat that night and go on to New York the following evening.
Breakfast: Elizabeth doling out the scrambled eggs. 'What's the matter, Bill?
Look slippy.' It was wrong, of course, for Paul to slip and spill an order of scrambled eggs down the brute's coatsleeve, but who can blame him?
Summary: I would cook pancakes with scrambled eggs and hash browns
According to CNN, while meal preparation may vary around the country, with local twists often added to the usual interpretation, breakfast is pretty identical in all part of the country.A wide variety of colorful components orbit around the star of this show: freshly baked tandir bread.Whether it's honey and qaymaq (a thick cream), goat's cheese, butter or scrambled eggs with tomato, the crispy bread is a welcome companion to all those food combinations.
D'Alma has dubbed their seafood based scrambled eggs the breakfast paella and not only do we see the inspiration, we are smitten by this dish.
Eggs With tomorrow being Mother's Day, it's the perfect time to share a delicious way of preparing scrambled eggs on toast - a simple yet luxurious 'breakfast in bed' treat for hard-working mums.
Instead of a full Irish, he forsook bacon, sausage and Clonakilty white pudding for four scrambled eggs. As a musician, he had been indulging in fast foods too much and wanted a healthier diet that would enable him to lose weight.
I went with classic bacon and scrambled eggs, but they made the eggs spicy and I appreciated that.