

resembling or containing rice
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"There's a nice blend of youth coming through with the experience there, and full credit to Rory Gallagher and Ricey over the past couple of years, as to where they have taken Fermanagh.
d shrubs, ricey Instead, they buy something more permanent - and more fitting with seeing the garden as a summertime room stretching your home.
Pricey, but it does ricey, but it does double as a peacock.
These foodstuffs are commonly found in traditional Lenten recipes in Lebanon such as foul; hummus; falafel; fassoulyeh -- a bean stew -- and mjadara and mdardara, the former's more ricey sister.
Cauliflower Before heads are ricey, discolored, or blemished.
IIAN RICE is honoured for services to Hove tonight by his friends from the Sporting Life and PA, but will Ricey want to see Admiral?
DAVY Lamp Folk Club presents Ira Bernstein and Ricey Baugus at 8pm on Saturday in Washington Arts Centre.
After an indifferent league programme, 'Ricey' found himself on the sidelines for Tyrone's opening Championship date against Derry.
Despite the ghoulish, Anne Ricey atmosphere, the feats of prestidigitation he presents are mostly standard versions of classic tricks.
Although antique trumeau mirrors are very p ricey, these instructions will enable you to achieve the look for a fraction of the cost and a little time.