However, if, like Slavoj Zizek, we ask: "are 'international terrorist organizations' not the obscene double of large multinational corporations--the ultimate
rhizomic machine, all-present, and yet with no clear territorial base?" ("Welcome" 276-77), the ambiguities and ironies of the title come to seem easily explicable.
The figure of the rhizome has enabled us to reflect on our writing and see the possibilities inherent in moments of 'being stuck.' Thinking through the PhD supervision process as
rhizomic pedagogy (Kuby et al., 2016) we turn away from any model that positions the process as structural or generative in a linear form (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987).
(55) Omishto's reasoning and rhetoric lays ontological ground for kincentric ecology and connects the human and nonhuman worlds utilizing indigenous epistemology in
rhizomic multiplicity.
Auge catalogued those typical spaces of super-modernity: airports, shopping malls and the like, endlessly repeated
rhizomic zones.
In the Introduction, Fazzino engages not only with recent work in transnational and Beat studies, but also extends tentacles more widely, linking his study to work in postcolonial studies, Marxist perspectives attentive to economic disparities, earlier American literary traditions (Whitman, Emerson, Thoreau, Henry Miller), and "ecoglobalism." Especially insightful and innovative here are discussions of Immanuel Wallerstein's "world-systems analysis" and Jakob von Uexkull's notion of Umwelt, or bubbles "which radically decenter human consciousness and imagine a dense,
rhizomic web of inputs and interactions among all life forms" (22).
In these new forms of dissidence that increasingly define prodemocracy, ecological movements, and cyberactivism, political subjectivity depends on the global linking of autonomous cells and regional networks in transversal and
rhizomic structures that favor horizontal, non-hierarchical and transspecies connections (Peters, 2013).
Handelman, Don, 2013, "Self-Exploders, Self-Sacrifice, and the
Rhizomic Organization of Terrorism," in Galina Lindquist, and Don Handelman, eds., Religion, Politics and Globalization: Anthropological Approaches, New York: Berghahn Books, pp.
In the infinitely complex and
rhizomic molecular landscape of the body, intelligences are transferred, memorised, and acted upon.
To be
rhizomic is to connect in ways that are "acentered, non-hierarchical, nonsignifying" (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987: 21).