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(Medicine) an extreme nosebleed
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Physical and radiological findings Findings n % Skull fractures Linear fractures 25 73.5 Occipital bone 7 28.0 Temporal bone 6 24.0 Frontal bone 9 36.0 Parietal bone 3 12.0 Depressed fractures 18 52.9 Frontal bone 8 44.4 Parietal bone 4 22.2 Occipital bone 6 33.3 Basis Cranii Fractures 17 50.0 Frontobasal 7 41.2 Temporobasal 6 35.3 Occipitobasal 4 23.5 Intracranial lesion Extradural hematoma 13 38.2 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 6 17.6 Subdural hematoma 4 11.8 Cerebral edema 8 23.5 Diffuse axonal injury 2 5.9 Pneumocephalus 13 38.2 Additional lesions Subgaleal hematoma 14 41.2 Unilateral/bilateral periorbital hematoma 7 20.6 Otorrhea 3 8.8 Otorrhagia 1 2.9 Rhinorrhea 1 2.9 Rhinorrhagia 4 11.8 Superficial scalp maceration 9 26.5 Figure 1.
Jaruzelski, 89, was rushed to hospital Wednesday with acute rhinorrhagia -- the medical term for a profuse nosebleed.