

1. retired
2. return
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Patrombon scored an abbreviated 1-0 ret. win over Eurydice Gaspar to arrange a Last 8 duel with No.
(Ret.) Ronald Pflieger served in every leadership position throughout his 32 years of distinguished service.
MG Carl Ernst, USA (Ret.), COO *
A forest plot of distribution of effects revealed 89% of the effects were larger than zero, indicating a reduction in depressive symptoms favouring RET. A significant reduction in depressive symptoms was associated with RET with a moderate-sized mean effect change of 0.66.
There were no significant correlations for total volume of prescribed RET, participant health status, and strength improvements with the antidepressant effect of RET. Randomized clinical trials with blinded allocation and/or assessment had smaller reductions in depressive symptoms.
Ret. Police Superintendent Floro, Antique PNP and city director
The authors find that women affected by the elimination of the RET who are 70 or older are 5.5 percentage points less likely to be below 200 percent of the poverty line than those not affected by the elimination of the RET. The older these women get, the greater their risk of having income that is below, or close to, the poverty line.
Meyerrose, USAF (Ret.), President and Chairman of the Board of the Air Historical Foundation (left) served as Master of Ceremonies at awards ceremonies on October 8, 2014.
Reiss (Ret.)--Former Ambassador, Special Envoy to the Northern Ireland Peace Process
The protein - ASCL1 - is associated with increased expression of the RET oncogene, a particular cancer-causing gene called RET.