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OssiMend Bioactive Moldable is slowly resorbed and replaced by new bone tissue during the natural healing process.
Immature eggs can be resorbed at the end of the spawning season.
They cover surgical options for bone grafting, lateral and transcrestal sinus elevation, implant placement in the resorbed maxilla, and the evolution and innovations in maxillar bone regeneration.
Urinalysis tests are done for the nutrients that were expelled instead of being resorbed.
Eventually, the entire tooth will disintegrate and be resorbed by the body.
The percentage of malformed fetuses in this group was 54.54 with no resorbed fetus (Table I).
Daily administration of Khat to pregnant rats at a dose 100 mg/kg body weight resulted in a highly significant increase in the mean number of the resorbed embryos (P< 0.01) compared to the control group (Fig.
"HemaQuell Hemostat will stop bleeding as soon as it is applied to cut or damaged bone surfaces and is completely resorbed in 2 -7 days," noted Robert Mart, Vice-President of WNDM Medical.
During repair, the matrix is naturally degraded and resorbed, leaving remodeled functional tissue where damaged or injured tissue would normally be expected.
Approximately 50% is resorbed by the body after transfer.
Tho raw material employed is medical polylactidc (PLA), which is resorbed by the body after a defined length of time.