reproduction furniture


reproduction furniture

n(moderne) Stilmöbel pl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

reproduction furniture

nriproduzioni fpl di mobili antichi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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Specialised sales of antique and quality reproduction furniture and effects are held regularly at the Rothbury centre in central Northumberland.
Rift cutting produces a very straight grain, while quarter slicing produces a streaked appearance that is very popular in antique reproduction furniture and is becoming more common in kitchen cabinets, Cullen added.
The vendor purchased the property when the conversion was taking place and has made extensive sympathetic alterations which have included fine hand-built and painted reproduction furniture and a fullyequipped kitchen.
It was at this time that he took the decision to become self-employed and run his own business, taking on sub-contracted work which included the making of reproduction furniture and beds.
Sturbridge Yankee Workshop was founded in 1953 with a focus on reproduction furniture for decorating homes in early American style.
"Cherry is a benchmark for reproduction furniture and has a long storied tradition, but cherry is a wood that would be at home in any fine hardwood application," Hearne said.
Every weekend in January and February, visitors to Warkworth Castle can discover the history of the Duke's Rooms, which contains reproduction furniture the Dukes of Northumberland commissioned and inscribed.
It has lots more well-made reproduction furniture at half what you would pay in the high street.
"I was working at a reproduction furniture factory in the East End and, while feeding wood through an electric rip saw the plank split and my left hand got mangled on the blade and I lost one and a half fingers.
If the 1920s are your thing then go for an Art Deco look, or if you prefer something more classical, then you need to hunt down some antique or reproduction furniture. But if you are a slave to fashion then why not go for something a bit more modern and search for some stylish, contemporary pieces?
Beautiful Louis XVI reproduction furniture is being laid on in the upstairs area, with five chaise longues and special ornamental tables and chairs.
Jon said: "We mainly sell French-style shabby chic reproduction furniture. Neither of us is from a furniture background, we've done our homework well and it's paying off.