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(rĭ-pēt′, rē′pēt′)v. re·peat·ed, re·peat·ing, re·peats
1. To say again: Could you repeat the question?
2. To utter in duplication of another's utterance: repeated the customer's complaint in disbelief.
3. To recite from memory: repeated the poem verbatim.
4. To tell to another: repeated what he had heard that morning.
5. To do, experience, or produce again: repeat past successes; repeat a course; repeat a pattern.
6. To express (oneself) in the same way or words: repeats himself constantly.
a. To say something again.
b. To do or experience something again, especially to win a championship for a second time in a row.
c. To occur or happen again: The melody repeats in the refrain.
2. To commit the fraudulent offense of voting more than once in a single election.
1. An act of repeating.
2. Something repeated, as an interval in athletic training.
3. A broadcast of a television or radio program that has been previously broadcast; a rerun.
4. Music
a. A passage or section that is repeated.
b. A sign usually consisting of two vertical dots, indicating a passage to be repeated.
Of, relating to, or being something that repeats or is repeated: a repeat offender; a repeat performance of the play.
[Middle English repeten, from Old French repeter, from Latin repetere, to seek again : re-, re- + petere, to seek; see pet- in Indo-European roots.]
re·peat′a·bil′i·ty n.
re·peat′a·ble adj.
Synonyms: repeat, iterate, reiterate, restate
These verbs mean to state again: repeated the warning; iterate a demand; reiterated the question; restated the obvious.
These verbs mean to state again: repeated the warning; iterate a demand; reiterated the question; restated the obvious.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (when tr, may take a clause as object) to say or write (something) again, either once or several times; restate or reiterate
2. to do or experience (something) again once or several times
3. (intr) to occur more than once: the last figure repeats.
4. (tr; may take a clause as object) to reproduce (the words, sounds, etc) uttered by someone else; echo
5. (tr) to utter (a poem, speech, etc) from memory; recite
6. (Medicine) (intr)
a. (of food) to be tasted again after ingestion as the result of belching or slight regurgitation
b. to belch
7. (tr; may take a clause as object) to tell to another person (the words, esp secrets, imparted to one by someone else)
8. (Horology) (intr) (of a clock) to strike the hour or quarter-hour just past, when a spring is pressed
9. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (intr) US to vote (illegally) more than once in a single election
10. repeat oneself to say or do the same thing more than once, esp so as to be tedious
a. the act or an instance of repeating
b. (as modifier): a repeat performance.
12. a word, action, etc, that is repeated
13. (Commerce) an order made out for goods, provisions, etc, that duplicates a previous order
14. a duplicate copy of something; reproduction
15. (Broadcasting) radio television a further broadcast of a programme, film, etc, which has been broadcast before
16. (Music, other) music a passage that is an exact restatement of the passage preceding it
[C14: from Old French repeter, from Latin repetere to seek again, from re- + petere to seek]
reˌpeataˈbility n
reˈpeatable adj
Usage: Since again is part of the meaning of repeat, one should not say something is repeated again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. to say or do again.
2. to reproduce the words, inflections, etc., of another: Now repeat it after me.
3. to reproduce (sounds) in the manner of an echo.
4. to tell (something heard) to another.
5. to undergo again.
v.i. 6. to say or do something again.
7. to cause a taste to return after eating, as through belching: Onions always repeat on me.
8. to vote illegally by casting more than one vote in the same election.
n. 9. the act of repeating.
10. something repeated; repetition.
11. a duplication or reproduction.
a. a musical passage to be performed anew.
b. a sign placed in the score before and after such a passage.
13. a radio or television program that has been broadcast at least once before.
[1325–75; Middle English repeten (v.) < Middle French repeter < Latin repetere to return to, repeat =re- re- + petere to reach towards, seek]
re•peat′a•ble, adj.
re•peat′a•bil′i•ty, n.
syn: repeat, recapitulate, reiterate refer to saying or doing a thing more than once. To repeat is to say or do something over again: to repeat an order. To recapitulate is to restate in brief form often by repeating the principal points in a discourse: to recapitulate a news broadcast. To reiterate is to say (or, sometimes, to do) something over and over again, often for emphasis: to reiterate a refusal.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- recap, recapitulate - Recap is short for recapitulate, literally "repeat the headings."
- trackway - A path formed by the repeated treading of animals or people.
- frequent - From Latin frequens, "crowded" or "regularly repeated."
- spam - As in e-mail, it gets its name from the Monty Python sketch in which the word is repeated many times.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
In artillery and naval gunfire support, an order or request to fire again the same number of rounds with the same method of fire.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
Past participle: repeated
Gerund: repeating
Imperative |
repeat |
repeat |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun | 1. | repeat - an event that repeats; "the events today were a repeat of yesterday's" periodic event, recurrent event - an event that recurs at intervals sequence - several repetitions of a melodic phrase in different keys cycle - a periodically repeated sequence of events; "a cycle of reprisal and retaliation" recurrence, return - happening again (especially at regular intervals); "the return of spring" |
Verb | 1. | repeat - to say, state, or perform again; "She kept reiterating her request" tell - let something be known; "Tell them that you will be late" perseverate - psychology: repeat a response after the cessation of the original stimulus; "The subjects in this study perseverated" ditto - repeat an action or statement; "The next speaker dittoed her argument" harp, dwell - come back to; "Don't dwell on the past"; "She is always harping on the same old things" translate, interpret, render - restate (words) from one language into another language; "I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S."; "Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?"; "She rendered the French poem into English"; "He translates for the U.N." |
2. | repeat - make or do or perform again; "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick" replicate, copy - reproduce or make an exact copy of; "replicate the cell"; "copy the genetic information" recapitulate - repeat stages of evolutionary development during the embryonic phase of life geminate, reduplicate - form by reduplication; "The consonant reduplicates after a short vowel"; "The morpheme can be reduplicated to emphasize the meaning of the word" reproduce - make a copy or equivalent of; "reproduce the painting" | |
3. | repeat - happen or occur again; "This is a recurring story" hap, happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, pass off, fall out, pass - come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important" iterate - run or be performed again; "the function iterates" cycle - recur in repeating sequences | |
4. | repeat - to say again or imitate; "followers echoing the cries of their leaders" recite - repeat aloud from memory; "she recited a poem"; "The pupil recited his lesson for the day" cuckoo - repeat monotonously, like a cuckoo repeats his call reecho - repeat back like an echo parrot - repeat mindlessly; "The students parroted the teacher's words" regurgitate, reproduce - repeat after memorization; "For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information" | |
5. | repeat - do over; "They would like to take it over again" | |
6. | repeat - repeat an earlier theme of a composition music - musical activity (singing or whistling etc.); "his music was his central interest" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. reiterate, restate, say again, recapitulate, iterate He repeated that he had been misquoted.
1. repetition, echo, duplicate, reiteration, recapitulation a repeat of Wednesday's massive protests
2. rerun, replay, reproduction, reshowing There's nothing except repeats on TV.
repeat itself recur, happen again, occur again Is history about to repeat itself, with tragic consequences?
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
verbThe American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
opakovatopakováníopakovanýrecitovatříkat dál
gentagegentagelserepetereciterefortælle videre
endurtakaendurtekning; endurtekinn òáttur/sÿningfara meîhafa eftir
atmintinai sakytidaug kartųdaugkartiniskartojama laidakartojimas
atkārtojumsatkārtotizpaust noslēpumustāstīt citamstāstīt/teikt iegaumēto
การกระทำซ้ำพูด เขียนทำซ้ำ
tekrarlamaktekrartekrar etmekyinelemekezbere söylemek
nhắc lạisự nhắc lại
[rɪˈpiːt]A. VT
1. (= say or do again) → repetir; [+ thanks] → reiterar, volver a dar; [+ demand, request, promise] → reiterar (Scol) [+ year, subject] → repetir
could you repeat that, please? → ¿podría repetir (eso), por favor?
this offer cannot be repeated → esta oferta no se repetirá
the pattern is repeated on the collar and cuffs → el dibujo se repite en el cuello y en los puños
repeat after me, I must not steal → repetid conmigo, no debo robar
could history repeat itself? → ¿se podría repetir la historia?
to repeat o.s. → repetirse
at the risk of repeating myself → con el peligro de repetirme
could you repeat that, please? → ¿podría repetir (eso), por favor?
this offer cannot be repeated → esta oferta no se repetirá
the pattern is repeated on the collar and cuffs → el dibujo se repite en el cuello y en los puños
repeat after me, I must not steal → repetid conmigo, no debo robar
could history repeat itself? → ¿se podría repetir la historia?
to repeat o.s. → repetirse
at the risk of repeating myself → con el peligro de repetirme
3. (= recite) → recitar
1. (= say or do again) → repetir
we are not, I repeat, not going to give up → no vamos, repito, no vamos a ceder
lather the hair, rinse and repeat → aplicar al cabello formando espuma, aclarar y repetir la operación
we are not, I repeat, not going to give up → no vamos, repito, no vamos a ceder
lather the hair, rinse and repeat → aplicar al cabello formando espuma, aclarar y repetir la operación
3. (Math) [number] → repetirse
C. N
1. → repetición f
in order to prevent a repeat of the tragedy → para evitar la repetición de la tragedia, para evitar que la tragedia se repita
in order to prevent a repeat of the tragedy → para evitar la repetición de la tragedia, para evitar que la tragedia se repita
2. (esp Brit) (TV) [of programme] → repetición f; [of series] → repetición f, reposición f
it can be seen tonight at eight, with a repeat on Monday → se podrá ver esta noche a las ocho y será repetido el lunes
it can be seen tonight at eight, with a repeat on Monday → se podrá ver esta noche a las ocho y será repetido el lunes
3. (Mus) → repetición f
D. CPD repeat mark(s) N(PL) (Mus) → símbolo(s) m(pl) de repetición
repeat offender N → delincuente mf reincidente
repeat performance N (Theat, fig) → repetición f
he will give a repeat performance on Friday → hará una repetición el viernes, repetirá la función el viernes
I don't want a repeat performance of your behaviour last time → que no se repita tu comportamiento de la útima vez
repeat prescription N (Brit) → receta f renovada
repeat sign N (Mus) = repeat mark
repeat offender N → delincuente mf reincidente
repeat performance N (Theat, fig) → repetición f
he will give a repeat performance on Friday → hará una repetición el viernes, repetirá la función el viernes
I don't want a repeat performance of your behaviour last time → que no se repita tu comportamiento de la útima vez
repeat prescription N (Brit) → receta f renovada
repeat sign N (Mus) = repeat mark
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[rɪˈpiːt] vt
(= say again) [+ statement, word, promise] → répéter
"Stop!" he repeated → "Arrêtez"!" répéta-t-il.
to repeat (that) ... → répéter que ...
He repeated that he was innocent → Il répéta qu'il était innocent.
to repeat o.s. → se répéter
I repeat → je le répète
Do not, I repeat do NOT, touch the red button → Ne touchez pas, je répète ne touchez pas, le bouton rouge.
"Stop!" he repeated → "Arrêtez"!" répéta-t-il.
to repeat (that) ... → répéter que ...
He repeated that he was innocent → Il répéta qu'il était innocent.
to repeat o.s. → se répéter
I repeat → je le répète
Do not, I repeat do NOT, touch the red button → Ne touchez pas, je répète ne touchez pas, le bouton rouge.
(= tell to someone else) → répéter
to repeat sth to sb → répéter qch à qn
Please don't repeat this to anyone → Je vous prie de ne répéter ceci à personne.
to repeat sth to sb → répéter qch à qn
Please don't repeat this to anyone → Je vous prie de ne répéter ceci à personne.
(= do again) [+ mistake, action, process] → répéter
Repeat the process as often as necessary → Répéter le processus aussi souvent que nécessaire.
history repeats itself → l'histoire se répète
Repeat the process as often as necessary → Répéter le processus aussi souvent que nécessaire.
history repeats itself → l'histoire se répète
(= broadcast again) [+ show, programme] → rediffuser
The show will be repeated on Saturday → Le spectacle sera rediffusé samedi.
The programme is being repeated on Radio 4 next Sunday → L'émission est rediffusée sur Radio 4 dimanche prochain.
The show will be repeated on Saturday → Le spectacle sera rediffusé samedi.
The programme is being repeated on Radio 4 next Sunday → L'émission est rediffusée sur Radio 4 dimanche prochain.
[+ pattern] → reproduire
(= buy again) [+ order] → renouveler
(at school) [+ class, year] → redoubler
(on TV, radio) → rediffusion f
There are too many repeats on TV → Il y a trop de rediffusions à la télé.
There are too many repeats on TV → Il y a trop de rediffusions à la télé.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
vt → wiederholen; (= tell to sb else) → weitersagen (to sb jdm); to repeat oneself → sich wiederholen; he wasn’t keen to repeat the experience → er war nicht darauf aus, die Erfahrung noch einmal zu machen; he repeated his lesson to the teacher → er sagte seine Lektion vor dem Lehrer auf; to repeat an order (Comm) → nachbestellen; this offer will never be repeated! → dies ist ein einmaliges Angebot!
radishes repeat on me → Radieschen stoßen mir auf
(gun, clock etc) → repetieren
(Math) → periodisch sein
(Rad, TV) → Wiederholung f
adj repeat business → Nachfolgeaufträge pl; repeat customer → Kunde, der/Kundin, die wiederkommt; (= regular customer) → Stammkunde m, → Stammkundin f
:repeat mark
n (Mus) → Wiederholungszeichen nt
repeat offender
n (Jur) → Wiederholungstäter(in) m(f)
repeat order
n (Comm) → Nachbestellung f
repeat performance
repeat sign
n (Mus) → Wiederholungszeichen nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[rɪˈpiːt]1. vt (gen) → ripetere; (pattern) → riprodurre; (promise, attack) → rinnovare
don't repeat it to anybody → non riferirlo a nessuno
this offer cannot be repeated → questa è un'offerta irripetibile
to repeat an order (Comm) → rinnovare un'ordinazione
in spite of repeated reminders → malgrado diversi or ripetuti solleciti
don't repeat it to anybody → non riferirlo a nessuno
this offer cannot be repeated → questa è un'offerta irripetibile
to repeat an order (Comm) → rinnovare un'ordinazione
in spite of repeated reminders → malgrado diversi or ripetuti solleciti
2. vi → ripetersi
3. n → ripetizione f (Radio, TV) → replica
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(rəˈpiːt) verb1. to say or do again. Would you repeat those instructions, please?
2. to say (something one has heard) to someone else, sometimes when one ought not to. Please do not repeat what I've just told you.
3. to say (something) one has learned by heart. to repeat a poem.
noun something which is repeated. I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television; (also adjective) a repeat performance.
reˈpeated adjective said, done etc many times. In spite of repeated warnings, he went on smoking.
reˈpeatedly adverb many times. I've asked him for it repeatedly.
repetition (repəˈtiʃən) noun (an) act of repeating.
repetitive (rəˈpetətiv) adjective doing, saying, the same thing too often. His speeches are very repetitive; My job is a bit repetitive.
reˈpetitively adverbreˈpetitiveness noun
repeat oneself
to repeat what one has already said. Listen carefully because I don't want to have to repeat myself.
to repeat (not repeat again) the lessons.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ تَكْرار, يُكَرِّرُ opakování, opakovat gentage, gentagelse wiederholen, Wiederholung επαναλαμβάνω, επανάληψη repetición, repetir toistaa, toisto rediffusion, répéter ponavljanje, ponoviti ripetere, ripetizione 繰り返し, 繰り返す 반복, 반복하다 herhalen, herhaling repetere, repetisjon powtórzenie, powtórzyć repetição, repetir повторение, повторять repris, upprepa การกระทำซ้ำ, พูด เขียนทำซ้ำ tekrar, tekrarlamak nhắc lại, sự nhắc lại 重复Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. repetir, reiterar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt repetirEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.