The project would focus on poverty alleviation through introduction of improved agricultural technologies in
rehabilitant environment of the project areas.
The project would focus on poverty alleviation through introduction of improved agricultural technologies in the
rehabilitant environment of the project areas.
Le ministre a explique que le programme national de developpement integre des centres emergents vise a lutter contre les disparites territoriales et sociales et a encourager la creation de nouveaux centres emergents , qui constituent un veritable outil d'equilibre socio-spatial et levier de developpement equilibre des territoires, tout en
rehabilitant d'autres, qui connaissent une veritable dynamique, a travers la creation notamment de projets de developpement en partenariat avec les acteurs locaux.
The judge also made Dowle subject to an intensive
rehabilitant course, and a 7pm to 6am curfew for six months.
Indywidualne konsultacje w 114 (28,0) 76 (23,0) zaleznosci od potrzeb (psycholog,
rehabilitant, kardiolog)/Individual consultations depending on the needs (psychologist, physiotherapist, cardiologist) Grupa badana Study group [n (%)] Dzialanie Activity kobiety p women (N = 77, 19%) 2 1 vs 2 1.
Having established reliability of the paretic hand rehabilitation device for measuring tip-pinch strength enables patients with stroke to do self-managed rehabilitation exercises while they can also monitor their status of hand strength or other information, such as how long a user have been doing
rehabilitant exercise.
Les responsables de l'USMA ont judicieusement viabilise le terrain reunissant l'enveloppe necessaire pour une bonne gestion du groupe et
rehabilitant le stage Omar-Hamadi de Bologhine dote, en effet, d'une belle pelouse artificielle a meme de developper un football chatoyant.
KARACHI -- The Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah has said that in addition to control on irregularities through administrative steps, the schemes of Remodeling,
Rehabilitant and re-structuring of irrigation system have been conceived to enhance the capacity of irrigation system and resolve the problem of water shortage upto tail end on permanent basis.
Rehabilitant le potentiel semantique du nom propre, Roland Barthes demontrait que le nom propre est un signe et non pas un simple indice, comme le voulait la tradition linguistique de Peirce a Russel et a Saussure.
Le Tribunal Administratif a decide, mercredi, d'annuler les decisions de revocation de 4 magistrats, au lendemain du jugement de meme nature et effet rendu en faveur de six autres en les
rehabilitant dans leurs anterieures fonctions.