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Related to receiving: Receiving stolen property


v. re·ceived, re·ceiv·ing, re·ceives
a. To take or acquire (something given or offered); get or be given: receive a present.
b. To be the person who gets (something sent or transmitted): receive an email.
c. Sports To catch or get possession of (a pass or a kicked ball, for example).
d. To have (a title, for example) bestowed on oneself.
a. To hear or see (information, for example): receive bad news.
b. To perceive or acquire mentally: receive a bad impression.
c. To regard with approval or disapproval: ideas that were received well.
d. To listen to and acknowledge formally and authoritatively: The judge received their oath of allegiance.
3. To take in and convert (radio waves, for example) into an electrical signal or into an audio or visual output.
a. To experience or be subjected to; meet with: receive sympathetic treatment.
b. To have inflicted or imposed on oneself: receive a penalty.
a. To bear the weight or force of; support: The beams receive the full weight of the walls and roof.
b. To take or intercept the impact of (a blow, for example).
c. To be exposed to or withstand: The hillside cottage receives strong winds.
a. To take in, hold, or contain: a tank that receives rainwater.
b. To admit or accept: receive new members.
c. To greet, welcome, or be visited by: receive guests.
1. To acquire or get something; be a recipient.
2. To admit or welcome guests or visitors: The couple are not receiving this winter.
3. To partake of the Eucharist.
4. To convert incoming electromagnetic signals into sound, light, or electrical signals.
5. Sports To receive a pass or a kicked ball, for example.

[Middle English receiven, from Old North French receivre, from Latin recipere : re-, re- + capere, to take; see kap- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


A. Nrecepción f; [of stolen goods] → receptación f, encubrimiento m
B. ADJ to be on or at the receiving end (of sth)ser el blanco or la víctima (de algo)
C. CPD receiving set Nreceptor m, radiorreceptor m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[rɪˈsiːvɪŋ] adj
to be on the receiving end of sth → faire les frais de qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n (esp Brit Jur: of stolen property) → Hehlerei f


receiving end
n (inf) to be on the receiving (of it)/of somethingderjenige sein, der es/etw abkriegt (inf)
receiving line
n (US) → Empfangskomitee nt
receiving set
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
In the early years of the Tuskegee school I walked the streets or travelled country roads in the North for days and days without receiving a dollar.
"You will therefore tell the girl, on receiving this letter, that a death in the family has caused a temporary change in our arrangements.
On receiving the news he immediately dispatched Adjutant General Wintzingerode, who was in attendance on him, to the enemy camp.
We can receive anything from love, for that is a way of receiving it from ourselves; but not from any one who assumes to bestow.
When he was about seventeen Edmund went to Cambridge, receiving for his journey a sum of ten shillings from the fund from which he had already received help at school.
The process of receiving and submitting nomination papers will continue till June 8 with each candidate having to submit an affidavit for Article 62 and 63.
In the CSX case, the taxpayer had argued that the payments were SUB payments because the employees receiving them had already been laid off and these payments had simply changed the employees' involuntary separation status from indefinite to permanent.
The analysts consider many of their findings encouraging, including the level of use of health care, the importance that respondents attached to receiving prevention services and counseling, and the association between testing and risk reduction.
The proposed legislation arguably reverses that result because, as a condition for receiving strike pay, a union worker promises not to cross the picket line.
Next, post-hoc univariate F tests of group differences were used to determine which specific group's (males receiving free and reduced lunch, males not eligible for a discount, females receiving free and reduced lunch, females not eligible for a discount) mean scores result in a statistically significant difference.
The Third Circuit reversed, holding that "despite language in the benefit plan aimed to cast a broad net as to what constitutes receiving medical care for a 'pre-existing condition,' McLeod did not receive treatment 'for' such a preexisting condition prior to her effective date of coverage because neither she nor her physicians either knew or suspected that the symptoms she was experiencing were in any way connected with MS."
The unbalanced fastening system has a first connection between the first receiving fastening element of the receiving member and the first engaging fastening element of the engaging member in a closed configuration.