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tr.v. re·as·signed, re·as·sign·ing, re·as·signs
1. To assign to a new position, duty, or location: reassigned the ambassador to a new post.
2. To place in a different category or class.

re·as·sign′ment n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr)
to move (personnel, resources, etc) to a new post, department, location, etc
ˌreasˈsignment n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: reassigned
Gerund: reassigning

I reassign
you reassign
he/she/it reassigns
we reassign
you reassign
they reassign
I reassigned
you reassigned
he/she/it reassigned
we reassigned
you reassigned
they reassigned
Present Continuous
I am reassigning
you are reassigning
he/she/it is reassigning
we are reassigning
you are reassigning
they are reassigning
Present Perfect
I have reassigned
you have reassigned
he/she/it has reassigned
we have reassigned
you have reassigned
they have reassigned
Past Continuous
I was reassigning
you were reassigning
he/she/it was reassigning
we were reassigning
you were reassigning
they were reassigning
Past Perfect
I had reassigned
you had reassigned
he/she/it had reassigned
we had reassigned
you had reassigned
they had reassigned
I will reassign
you will reassign
he/she/it will reassign
we will reassign
you will reassign
they will reassign
Future Perfect
I will have reassigned
you will have reassigned
he/she/it will have reassigned
we will have reassigned
you will have reassigned
they will have reassigned
Future Continuous
I will be reassigning
you will be reassigning
he/she/it will be reassigning
we will be reassigning
you will be reassigning
they will be reassigning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been reassigning
you have been reassigning
he/she/it has been reassigning
we have been reassigning
you have been reassigning
they have been reassigning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been reassigning
you will have been reassigning
he/she/it will have been reassigning
we will have been reassigning
you will have been reassigning
they will have been reassigning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been reassigning
you had been reassigning
he/she/it had been reassigning
we had been reassigning
you had been reassigning
they had been reassigning
I would reassign
you would reassign
he/she/it would reassign
we would reassign
you would reassign
they would reassign
Past Conditional
I would have reassigned
you would have reassigned
he/she/it would have reassigned
we would have reassigned
you would have reassigned
they would have reassigned
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.reassign - transfer somebody to a different position or location of workreassign - transfer somebody to a different position or location of work
assign, delegate, designate, depute - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
second - transfer an employee to a different, temporary assignment; "The officer was seconded for duty overseas"
exchange - hand over one and receive another, approximately equivalent; "exchange prisoners"; "exchange employees between branches of the company"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
When he had reported himself to the commander of the regiment and had been reassigned to his former squadron, had been on duty and had gone out foraging, when he had again entered into all the little interests of the regiment and felt himself deprived of liberty and bound in one narrow, unchanging frame, he experienced the same sense of peace, of moral support, and the same sense being at home here in his own place, as he had felt under the parental roof.
In fact, the IRS will reassign the historic EIN of a corporation to a successor LLC only in certain situations.
The decision to reassign the paraprofessionals to different positions within the district was made out of concern for federal funding.
An important element for year two compliance activities, he notes, is for executives to be able to quickly reassign key projects if people who had been doing them leave or move into other posts.
Legal institutions can reassign property tides, but if property is constantly, chaotically, and unpredictably reassigned, it's not "property" at all; it has no legal security.
Upon a mentor's retirement, the career counselor will reassign the retiring officer's proteges to other mentors.
"Army and Marine Corps commanders later took steps to reassign black servicemen to other jobs to equalize deaths, according to Col.
But there's something fascinating about the impulse to reassign authorship of these constructions.
A divided board last week voted to reassign Pino to the job of vice president for student affairs.
That means downtime to configure the new system and reassign users and data.
Often, determining a task as marginal may mean having to reassign it to another position to accommodate the person on the job.