real ale

(redirected from real ales)
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real ale


real beer

(Brewing) any beer which is allowed to ferment in the cask and which when served is pumped up without using carbon dioxide
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Local branch members chose the Wetherspoon pub following regular visits to check on the quality of the real ales on offer.
Lord of the Isles manager, James Ross, said:"I am delighted that the pub has been recognised for the quality of its real ales by CAMRA members.
Martin Collinge, spokesman for Birmingham CAMRA, said the Inn on the Green was the whole package when it came to a traditional pub offering great real ales.
Martin Collinge, spokesman for Birmingham CAMRA, said the Inn on the Green was the whole package when it came to a traditional pub offering great real ales. He said: "Licensee Brendon Daly gives his customers a great range of real ales every day, plus four beer festivals a year.
The tiny outlet in Kid-derminster, Worcs, serves eight real ales and four ciders and perries on hand-pump.
A RANGE of real ales and ciders will be on tap at an Easter beer festival.
So Real Ales Events, sister company to Liverpool Organic Brewery, holds them at the hall twice a year.
The Pencelli Hotel in Pencai Terrace, Treorchy, picked up the Campaign for Real Ales (Camra) award this week - despite only reopening 18 months ago.
We are delighted that the Co-operative shares our passion for local real ales and is now stocking three of our ales including our best-selling Welsh Pride.
With many pubs across the country closing every week, this growth in the number of micro pubs selling excellent real ales is welcomed.
And the new intake of students appearing in Newcastle will be highly impressed by the wide selection of real ales available in Newcastle city centre in many great pubs.