proper authority

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proper authority

An authority authorized to call an opposing force hostile; may be either the National Command Authorities (NCA), the affected CINC, and/or any commander so delegated by either the NCA or the CINC.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in classic literature ?
It is understood that the Government is to be at no expence, in reference to your proposed expedition, it having originated with yourself, and all that you required was the permission from the proper authority to undertake the enterprise.
Based on the proper authority, the Greek original, though with influence from Wiclif and from the Latin and German (Luther's) version, this has been directly or indirectly the starting-point for all subsequent English translations except those of the Catholics.
She appeared to be the proper authority to whom the stranger's inquiries were to be addressed, although the stableman had already told him that M.
'I think I would leave the response to the proper authority - the Secretary of Foreign of Affairs.
I hope that the proper authority will be able to find a solution.
He also complained of not having proper authority in the city.
Those found guilty of directing traffic without the proper authority will be punished under the Police Act as well as Road Transport Act.
Right now, it's with the proper authority and we'll just leave it all up to them, because they were given six months to reply," Romulo-Puyat, who received praises and felicitations from the House members, said on Wednesday.
MTPB official Mark Bien Urrietta agreed to be interviewed although he said he was not the proper authority.
Nisar went on to argue that a proper authority letter, duly signed from the Pakistani consulate in respective foreign city or country where the candidate was, should have been prepared for submission along with nomination papers.
However his authority has been rejected by some factions in the Taliban who have accused him of covering up Mullah Omar's death and seizing power without proper authority.