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References in periodicals archive ?
M2 EQUITYBITES-May 4, 2015-US IT Services Firm Bridgewater Technet, Profulgent Close Merger
4 May 2015 - US-based IT Services firm Profulgent Technology has merged with US alliance partner Bridgewater Technet, the firm said.
The restructured deal comes as Profulgent is headed into its 10th year of business.
Randy Drozd, founder of Profulgent Technology will continue to operate as the company's CEO.
The truth he had hoped to find is figured by a statue with "profulgent brows" and "perfect limbs," the kind of Greek or Renaissance statue that Goethe revered, and its triumphal beauty is strikingly at odds with the Christian embodiment of truth, a figure dimly discerned in the poem's opening lines, "Patient of ill and death and scorn," his brow girt round with thorns.
It is man's privilege to doubt If so be that from doubt at length, Truth may stand forth unmoved of change, An image with profulgent brows, And perfect limbs, as from the storm Of running fires and fluid range Of lawless airs, at last stood out This excellence and solid form Of common beauty.