Devise a new prefix for spire, or a new postfix (after checking to be sure whether or not postfix means the same as suffix; and then worrying what having two names for the same thing (if it is the same thing) does to T.)
"We never had any intentions of [causing] trademark infringement, and the fact that our entire project portfolio carries 'by Danube' as a postfix is testimony to that.
Basically, the expression is written in the infix notation and is converted to the postfix form (reverse Polish notation) using Dijkstra's Shunting Yard algorithm.
Take into account that we add multilayer context labs into concepts in Section 3.2 and normalize the vocabularies in Section 3.3, thus, when we calculate the linguistics similarity between object concept and concepts in existing ontology, we only need to estimate whether the concepts have the same postfix. If two concepts have the same postfix, we consider that they are in linguistics similarity.