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(word root) afterpost 1
(pōst)post 2
(pōst)post 3
- Latin posita, "placed," gave us Italian posta, "station on a road," and became French poste, "a station for mail"—from the series of stations that fast horsemen traversed to deliver messages, giving us post, as in "mail system."Post
a batch or pile; letters or mail, collectively.position
post jobSomeone's job can be referred to in formal English as their position or post. When advertising or applying for a job, you usually use position or post.
In conversation, don't use 'position' or 'post'. Use job.
mailThe public service by which letters and parcels are collected and delivered is usually called the post in British English and the mail in American English. Mail is also sometimes used in British English, for example in the name Royal Mail.
British speakers usually refer to letters and parcels delivered to them as their post. American speakers refer to these letters and parcels as their mail. Mail is also sometimes used in British English, especially in phrases such as junk mail and direct mail.
In both British and American English, mail is used to mean 'email'.
In both British and American English, post is used to refer to a comment or message that someone puts on a website.
Don't use 'post' or 'mail' to refer to the amount of money that you pay to send a letter or parcel. In both British and American English, this money is called postage.
British speakers talk about posting a letter or parcel. Americans usually say that they mail it.
In both British and American English, you can say that someone mails something to mean that they send it by email.
In both British and American English, you can say that someone posts on or posts something on the internet or on a website, to mean that they put a message, comment, or item there.
Past participle: posted
Gerund: posting
Imperative |
post |
post |
Noun | 1. | ![]() bridgehead - a defensive post at the end of a bridge nearest to the enemy observation post, lookout - an elevated post affording a wide view outpost, outstation - a station in a remote or sparsely populated location |
2. | ![]() military installation - any facility servicing military forces military quarters - living quarters for personnel on a military post outpost - a military post stationed at a distance from the main body of troops armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker" | |
3. | post - a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury" job, line of work, occupation, business, line - the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he's not in my line of business" academicianship - the position of member of an honorary academy accountantship - the position of accountant admiralty - the office of admiral ambassadorship - the post of ambassador apostleship - the position of apostle apprenticeship - the position of apprentice associateship - the position of associate (as in an office or academy) attorneyship - the position of attorney bailiffship - the office of bailiff baronetage - the state of a baronet bishopry, episcopate - the office and dignity of a bishop cadetship - the position of cadet caliphate - the office of a caliph captaincy, captainship - the post of captain cardinalship - the office of cardinal chairmanship - the position of chairman chancellorship - the office of chancellor chaplaincy, chaplainship - the position of chaplain chieftaincy, chieftainship - the position of chieftain clerkship - the job of clerk commandership, commandery - the position or office of commander comptrollership - the position of comptroller consulship - the post of consul controllership - the position of controller councillorship, councilorship - the position of council member counsellorship, counselorship - the position of counselor curacy - the position of a curate curatorship - the position of curator custodianship - the position of custodian directorship - the position of a director of a business concern discipleship - the position of disciple editorship - the position of editor eldership - the office of elder emirate - the office of an emir fatherhood - the status of a father fatherhood - the status of a religious leader foremanship - the position of foreman generalcy, generalship - the office and authority of a general governorship - the office of governor headship - the position of head headship - the position of headmaster or headmistress hot seat - a difficult position where you are subjected to stress and criticism incumbency - the office of an incumbent inspectorship - the office of inspector instructorship - the position of instructor internship - the position of a medical intern judgeship, judicature - the position of judge khanate - the position of a khan lectureship - the post of lecturer legateship, legation - the post or office of legate legislatorship - the office of legislator librarianship - the position of librarian lieutenancy - the position of a lieutenant magistracy, magistrature - the position of magistrate managership - the position of manager manhood - the status of being a man marshalship - the post of marshall mastership - the position of master mayoralty - the position of mayor messiahship - the position of messiah moderatorship - the position of moderator overlordship - the position of overlord pastorship, pastorate - the position of pastor peasanthood - the state of being a peasant; "the same homely dress she wore in the days of her peasanthood" plum - a highly desirable position or assignment; "a political plum" praetorship - the office of praetor precentorship - the position of precentor preceptorship - the position of preceptor prefecture - the office of prefect | |
4. | post - an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position; "he set a row of posts in the ground and strung barbwire between them" bitt, bollard - a strong post (as on a wharf or quay or ship for attaching mooring lines); "the road was closed to vehicular traffic with bollards" carrick bitt - either of a pair of strong posts that support a windlass on a ship's deck corner post - a square post supporting a structural member at the corner of a building gatepost - either of two posts that bound a gate goalpost - one of a pair of posts (usually joined by a crossbar) that are set up as a goal at each end of a playing field hitching post - a fixed post with a ring to which a horse can be hitched to prevent it from straying hop pole - a tall pole to support the wires on which the hop plant is trained king post - post connecting the crossbeam to the apex of a triangular truss lamppost - a metal post supporting an outdoor lamp (such as a streetlight) maypole - a vertical pole or post decorated with streamers that can be held by dancers celebrating May Day newel, newel post - the post at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs; it supports the handrail queen post - vertical tie post in a roof truss rudderpost, rudderstock - a vertical post at the forward edge of a rudder that enables the rudder to pivot stake - a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground stanchion - any vertical post or rod used as a support standard - an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support); "distance was marked by standards every mile"; "lamps supported on standards provided illumination" stump - (cricket) any of three upright wooden posts that form the wicket timber - a post made of wood upright, vertical - a vertical structural member as a post or stake; "the ball sailed between the uprights" whipping post - post formerly used in public to which offenders are tied to be whipped | |
5. | ![]() | |
6. | Post - United States female author who wrote a book and a syndicated newspaper column on etiquette (1872-1960) | |
7. | Post - United States manufacturer of breakfast cereals and Postum (1854-1914) | |
8. | ![]() aggregation, collection, accumulation, assemblage - several things grouped together or considered as a whole fan mail - mail sent to public figures from their admirers; "he hired someone to answer his fan mail" hate mail - mail that expresses the writer's dislike or hatred (usually in offensive language) mailing - mail sent by a sender at one time; "the candidate sent out three large mailings" | |
9. | post - a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track); "a pair of posts marked the goal"; "the corner of the lot was indicated by a stake" visual signal - a signal that involves visual communication starting post - a post marking the starting point of a race (especially a horse race) winning post - the post at the end of a racecourse | |
10. | ![]() communicating, communication - the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information; "they could not act without official communication from Moscow" snail mail - any mail that is physically delivered by the postal service; "email is much faster than snail mail" RFD, rural free delivery - free government delivery of mail in outlying country areas | |
11. | post - the delivery and collection of letters and packages; "it came by the first post"; "if you hurry you'll catch the post" | |
Verb | 1. | post - affix in a public place or for public notice; "post a warning" placard - post in a public place |
2. | post - publicize with, or as if with, a poster; "I'll post the news on the bulletin board" | |
3. | post - assign to a post; put into a post; "The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu" | |
4. | post - assign to a station garrison - station (troops) in a fort or garrison fort - station (troops) in a fort | |
5. | post - display, as of records in sports games | |
6. | post - enter on a public list list - include in a list; "Am I listed in your register?" | |
7. | post - transfer (entries) from one account book to another carry - transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication; "put down 5 and carry 2" transfer - move from one place to another; "transfer the data"; "transmit the news"; "transfer the patient to another hospital" | |
8. | post - ride Western style and bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting gait horseback riding, riding - travel by being carried on horseback equitation, horseback riding, riding - the sport of siting on the back of a horse while controlling its movements ride horseback - ride on horseback | |
9. | post - mark with a stake; "stake out the path" mark - make or leave a mark on; "the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads" | |
10. | post - place so as to be noticed; "post a sign"; "post a warning at the dump" | |
11. | post - cause to be directed or transmitted to another place; "send me your latest results"; "I'll mail you the paper when it's written" express - send by rapid transport or special messenger service; "She expressed the letter to Florida" airmail - send or transport by airmail; "Letters to Europe from the U.S. are best airmailed" register - send by registered mail; "I'd like to register this letter" express-mail - send by express mail or courier; "Express-mail the documents immediately" transfer - move from one place to another; "transfer the data"; "transmit the news"; "transfer the patient to another hospital" | |
12. | post - mark or expose as infamous; "She was branded a loose woman" call - ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality; "He called me a bastard"; "She called her children lazy and ungrateful" |
3post 1
verbpost 2
nounpost 3
1 [pəʊst]to post sth/sb (as) missing → dar algo/a algn por desaparecido
to keep sb posted (on or about sth) → tener or mantener a algn al corriente or al tanto or informado (de algo)
2 [pəʊst]by post or through the post → por correo
first-class post → correo m preferente
your cheque is in the post → su cheque está en el correo
second-class post → correo m normal
see also first-class B
see also registered B
see also return A1
to drop or put sth in the post → echar algo al correo or al buzón
to drop or put sth in the post to sb → enviar or mandar algo a algn
the post goes at 8.30 → la recogida del correo es a las 8.30, recogen el correo a las 8.30
the post is late → el correo se ha retrasado
to catch the post → echar el correo antes de la recogida
first post (= collection) → primera recogida f; (= delivery) → primer reparto m, primera entrega f
last post (= collection) → última recogida
to miss the post → no llegar a tiempo para la recogida del correo
it will arrive in the second post → llegue en el segundo reparto
this was posted on Monday → esto se echó al correo or al buzón el lunes
to post sth to sb → mandar or enviar algo a algn por correo
he posted a message to a newsgroup (Internet) → dejó un mensaje en un grupo de discusión
post office N → oficina f de correos, correos m, correo m (LAm)
I'm going to the post office → voy a correos, voy al correo (LAm)
the Post Office N → la Dirección General de Correos
post office box N → apartado m de correos, casilla f (postal or de correo(s)) (LAm)
Post Office Savings Bank N → Caja f Postal de Ahorros
post office worker N → empleado/a m/f de correos
3 [pəʊst]she's been offered a research post → le han ofrecido un puesto or un trabajo de investigadora
to hold a post (gen) → ocupar un puesto; (high-ranking) → ocupar un cargo
to take up one's post (gen) → ocupar el puesto; (high-ranking) → entrar en funciones, ocupar el cargo
she resigned to take up a post at the university → dimitió porque consiguió un puesto en la universidad
at one's post → en su puesto
border or frontier post → puesto m fronterizo
first post → (toque m de) diana f
last post → (toque m de) retreta f
see also command C
see also customs B
see also observation B
to post sb abroad → destinar a algn al extranjero
[ˈpəʊst]by post → par la poste
to get sth through the post → recevoir qch par la poste
to be in the post [letter, cheque] → avoir été posté(e)
The cheque's in the post → Le chèque a été posté.
Is there any post for me? → Est-ce qu'il y a du courrier pour moi?
by return of post (British) → par retour du courrier
to be posted overseas → être affecté(e) à l'étranger
to post sb to [+ city, country] → affecter qn à
1 [pəʊst]starting/finishing post (for race) → palo di partenza/arrivo
to be left at the post → rimanere indietro alla partenza
to be pipped at the post → essere battuto/a sul filo del traguardo (fig) → perdere per un pelo
2 [pəʊst]by post → per posta
by return of post → a giro di posta
to catch/miss the post → arrivare/non arrivare in tempo per la levata
it's in the post → è stato spedito
to take sth to the post → andare a spedire qc
has the post come yet? → è già arrivata la posta?
it went first post this morning → è partito stamattina con la prima posta
3 [pəʊst]post1
(pəust) nounpost2
(pəust) nounpost3
(pəust) nounpost4
(pəust) : the first/last postpost
→ عَمُود, مَنْصِب, نِظَامٌ بَرِيدِيّ, يُرسِلُ بِالبَرِيد funkce, kůl, poslat, pošta pæl, post, poste, stilling Pfahl, Post, Posten, versenden κολώνα, πόστο, ταχυδρομική υπηρεσία, ταχυδρομώ correo, mandar por correo, poste, puesto paalu, posti, postittaa, toimi poste, poster, poteau kolac, poslati poštom, pošta, pozicija affigere, carica, posta 地位, 柱, 郵便, 郵送する 기둥, 우편, 우편으로 보내다, 지위 betrekking, paal, post, posten påle, post, postlegge poczta, posada, stojak, wysłać correio, correios, postar, poste, posto кол, пост, посылать по почте, почтовая служба befattning, post, posta เสาหลัก, ไปรษณีย์, ตำแหน่ง, ส่งจดหมาย direk, görev, posta, postalamak bưu chính, cọc, gửi bưu điện, vị trí 柱子, 职位, 邮件, 邮寄- Post office
- When does the post office open?
- Where can I mail these cards? (US)
Where can I post these cards? (UK) - How long will it take by regular mail? (US)
How long will it take by normal post? (UK) - How long will it take by certified mail? (US)
How long will it take by registered post? (UK) - How long will it take by priority mail? (US)
How long will it take by priority post? (UK) - Where is the nearest mountain rescue station? (US)
Where is the nearest mountain rescue service post? (UK)