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1. often Pope Roman Catholic Church The bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic Church.
2. Eastern Orthodox Church The patriarch of Alexandria.
3. The Coptic patriarch of Alexandria.
4. The male head of some non-Christian religions: the Taoist pope.
5. A person considered to have unquestioned authority: the pope of surrealism.
[Middle English, from Old English pāpa, from Late Latin, from Latin, father (title of bishops), from Greek pappās; see papa in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Roman Catholic Church) (often capital) the bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church.
2. (Eastern Church (Greek & Russian Orthodox)) Eastern Orthodox Church
a. a title sometimes given to a parish priest
b. a title sometimes given to the Greek Orthodox patriarch of Alexandria
3. a person assuming or having a status or authority resembling that of a pope
[Old English papa, from Church Latin: bishop, esp of Rome, from Late Greek papas father-in-God, from Greek pappas father]
(Animals) another name for ruffe
(Biography) Alexander. 1688–1744, English poet, regarded as the most brilliant satirist of the Augustan period, esp with his Imitations of Horace (1733–38). His technical virtuosity is most evident in The Rape of the Lock (1712–14). Other works include The Dunciad (1728; 1742), the Moral Essays (1731–35), and An Essay on Man (1733–34)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. (often cap.) the bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church.
2. a person regarded as comparable in authority or position.
3. Eastern Ch.
a. the Orthodox patriarch of Alexandria.
b. (in certain churches) a parish priest.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English pāpa < Late Latin: bishop, pope < Late Greek pápas bishop, priest, variant of páppas father]
1. Alexander, 1688–1744, English poet.
2. John, 1822–92, Union general in the U.S. Civil War.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
an apostolic letter written by and signed by the pope.
a letter from the Pope to the Roman Catholic clergy on matters of doctrine or other concerns of the Church, of tenmeant to be read from the pulpit.
excessive veneration or worship of the pope. — papolatrous, adj.
1. the papacy.
2. the state and government of the Vatican or the Pope.
2. the state and government of the Vatican or the Pope.
Derogatory & Offensive. Roman Catholicism.
a supporter of Pope Urban VI in the conflict of 1378 when an opposing faction established Clement VII as Pope. See also monks and nuns.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Noun | 1. | pope - the head of the Roman Catholic Church papacy, pontificate - the government of the Roman Catholic Church spiritual leader - a leader in religious or sacred affairs Catholic - a member of a Catholic church antipope - someone who is elected pope in opposition to another person who is held to be canonically elected; "the antipopes resided in Avignon during the Great Schism" |
2. | Pope - English poet and satirist (1688-1744) |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
noun Holy Father, pontiff, His Holiness, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ The highlight of the Pope's visit will be his message to the people.
Related words
adjective papal
adjective papal
Pope | Pontificate |
Peter | until c.64 |
Linus | c.64-c.76 |
Anacletus | c.76-c.90 |
Clement I | c.90-c.99 |
Evaristus | c.99-c.105 |
Alexander I | c.105-c.117 |
Sixtus I | c.117-c.127 |
Telesphorus | c.127-c.137 |
Hyginus | c.137-c.140 |
Pius I | c.140-c.154 |
Anicetus | c.154-c.166 |
Soter | c.166-c.175 |
Eleutherius | 175-89 |
Victor I | 189-98 |
Zephyrinus | 198-217 |
Callistus I | 217-22 |
Urban I | 222-30 |
Pontian | 230-35 |
Anterus | 235-36 |
Fabian | 236-50 |
Cornelius | 251-53 |
Lucius I | 253-54 |
Stephen I | 254-57 |
Sixtus II | 257-58 |
Dionysius | 259-68 |
Felix I | 269-74 |
Eutychianus | 275-83 |
Caius | 283-96 |
Marcellinus | 296-304 |
Marcellus I | 308-09 |
Eusebius | 310 |
Miltiades | 311-14 |
Sylvester I | 314-35 |
Mark | 336 |
Julius I | 337-52 |
Liberius | 352-66 |
Damasus I | 366-84 |
Siricius | 384-99 |
Anastasius I | 399-401 |
Innocent I | 402-17 |
Zosimus | 417-18 |
Boniface I | 418-22 |
Celestine I | 422-32 |
Sixtus III | 432-40 |
Leo I | 440-61 |
Hilarus | 461-68 |
Simplicius | 468-83 |
Felix III (II) | 483-92 |
Gelasius I | 492-96 |
Anastasius II | 496-98 |
Symmachus | 498-514 |
Hormisdas | 514-23 |
John I | 523-26 |
Felix IV (III) | 526-30 |
Boniface II | 530-32 |
John II | 533-35 |
Agapetus I | 535-36 |
Silverius | 536-37 |
Vigilius | 537-55 |
Pelagius I | 556-61 |
John III | 561-74 |
Benedict I | 575-79 |
Pelagius II | 579-90 |
Gregory I | 590-604 |
Sabinianus | 604-06 |
Boniface III | 607 |
Boniface IV | 608-15 |
Deusdedit or Adeodatus I | 615-18 |
Boniface V | 619-25 |
Honorious I | 625-38 |
Severinus | 640 |
John IV | 640-42 |
Theodore I | 642-49 |
Martin I | 649-54 |
Eugenius I | 654-57 |
Vitalian | 657-72 |
Adeotatus II | 672-6 |
Donus | 676-78 |
Agatho | 678-81 |
Leo II | 682-83 |
Benedict II | 684-85 |
John V | 685-86 |
Cono | 686-87 |
Sergius I | 687-701 |
John VI | 701-05 |
John VII | 705-07 |
Sisinnius | 708 |
Constantine | 708-15 |
Gregory II | 715-31 |
Gregory III | 731-41 |
Zacharias | 741-52 |
Stephen II (not consecrated) | 752 |
Stephen II (III) | 752-7 |
Paul I | 757-67 |
Stephen III (IV) | 768-72 |
Hadrian I | 772-95 |
Leo III | 795-816 |
Stephen IV (V) | 816-17 |
Paschal I | 817-24 |
Eugenius II | 824-27 |
Valentine | 827 |
Gregory IV | 827-44 |
Sergius II | 844-47 |
Leo IV | 847-55 |
Benedict III | 855-58 |
Nicholas I | 858-67 |
Hadrian II | 867-72 |
John VIII | 872-82 |
Marinus I | 882-84 |
Hadrian III | 884-85 |
Stephen V (VI) | 885-91 |
Formosus | 891-96 |
Boniface VI | 896 |
Stephen VI (VII) | 896-97 |
Romanus | 897 |
Theodore II | 897 |
John IX | 898-900 |
Benedict IV | 900-03 |
Leo V | 903 |
Sergius III | 904-11 |
Anastasius III | 911-13 |
Lando | 913-14 |
John X | 914-28 |
Leo VI | 928 |
Stephen VII (VIII) | 928-31 |
John XI | 931-35 |
Leo VII | 936-39 |
Stephen IX | 939-42 |
Marinus II | 942-46 |
Agapetus II | 946-55 |
John XII | 955-64 |
Leo VIII | 963-65 |
Benedict V | 964-66 |
John XIII | 965-72 |
Benedict VI | 973-74 |
Benedict VII | 974-83 |
John XIV | 983-84 |
John XV | 985-96 |
Gregory V | 996-99 |
Sylvester II | 999-1003 |
John XVII | 1003 |
John XVIII | 1004-09 |
Sergius IV | 1009-12 |
Benedict VIII | 1012-24 |
John XIX | 1024-32 |
Benedict IX (first reign) | 1032-44 |
Sylvester III | 1045 |
Benedict IX (second reign) | 1045 |
Gregory VI | 1045-46 |
Clement II | 1046-47 |
Benedict IX (third reign) | 1047-48 |
Damasus II | 1048 |
Leo IX | 1048-54 |
Victor II | 1055-57 |
Stephen IX (X) | 1057-58 |
Nicholas II | 1059-61 |
Alexander II | 1061-73 |
Gregory VII | 1073-85 |
Victor III | 1086-87 |
Urban II | 1088-99 |
Paschal II | 1099-1118 |
Gelasius II | 1118-19 |
Callistus II | 1119-24 |
Honorious II | 1124-30 |
Innocent II | 1130-43 |
Celestine II | 1143-44 |
Lucius II | 1144-45 |
Eugenius III | 1145-53 |
Anastasius IV | 1153-54 |
Hadrian IV | 1154-59 |
Alexander III | 1159-81 |
Lucius III | 1181-85 |
Urban III | 1185-87 |
Gregory VIII | 1187 |
Clement III | 1187-91 |
Celestine III | 1191-98 |
Innocent III | 1198-1216 |
Honorious III | 1216-27 |
Gregory IX | 1227-41 |
Celestine IV | 1241 |
Innocent IV | 1243-54 |
Alexander IV | 1254-61 |
Urban IV | 1261-64 |
Clement IV | 1265-68 |
Gregory X | 1271-76 |
Innocent V | 1276 |
Hadrian V | 1276 |
John XXI | 1276-77 |
Nicholas III | 1277-80 |
Martin IV | 1281-85 |
Honorious IV | 1285-87 |
Nicholas IV | 1288-92 |
Celestine V | 1294 |
Boniface VIII | 1294-1303 |
Benedict XI | 1303-04 |
Clement V | 1305-14 |
John XXII | 1316-34 |
Benedict XII | 1334-42 |
Clement VI | 1342-52 |
Innocent VI | 1352-62 |
Urban V | 1362-70 |
Gregory XI | 1370-78 |
Urban VI | 1378-89 |
Boniface IX | 1389-1404 |
Innocent VII | 1404-06 |
Gregory XII | 1406-15 |
Martin V | 1417-41 |
Eugenius IV | 1431-47 |
Nicholas V | 1447-55 |
Callistus III | 1455-58 |
Pius II | 1458-64 |
Paul II | 1464-71 |
Sixtus IV | 1471-84 |
Innocent VIII | 1484-92 |
Alexander VI | 1492-1503 |
Pius III | 1503 |
Julius II | 1503-13 |
Leo X | 1513-21 |
Hadrian VI | 1522-23 |
Clement VII | 1523-34 |
Paul III | 1534-49 |
Julius III | 1550-55 |
Marcellus II | 1555 |
Paul IV | 1555-59 |
Pius IV | 1559-65 |
Pius V | 1566-72 |
Gregory XIII | 1572-85 |
Sixtus V | 1585-90 |
Urban VII | 1590 |
Gregory XIV | 1590-91 |
Innocent IX | 1591 |
Clement VIII | 1592-1605 |
Leo XI | 1605 |
Paul V | 1605-21 |
Gregory XV | 1621-23 |
Urban VIII | 1623-44 |
Innocent X | 1644-55 |
Alexander VII | 1655-67 |
Clement IX | 1667-69 |
Clement X | 1670-76 |
Innocent XI | 1676-89 |
Alexander VIII | 1689-91 |
Innocent XII | 1691-1700 |
Clement XI | 1700-21 |
Innocent XIII | 1721-24 |
Benedict XIII | 1724-30 |
Clement XII | 1730-40 |
Benedict XIV | 1740-58 |
Clement XIII | 1758-69 |
Clement XIV | 1769-74 |
Pius VI | 1775-99 |
Pius VII | 1800-23 |
Leo XII | 1823-29 |
Pius VIII | 1829-30 |
Gregory XVI | 1831-46 |
Pius IX | 1846-78 |
Leo XIII | 1878-1903 |
Pius X | 1903-14 |
Benedict XV | 1914-22 |
Pius XI | 1922-39 |
Pius XII | 1939-58 |
John XXIII | 1958-63 |
Paul VI | 1963-78 |
John Paul I | 1978 |
John Paul II | 1978- |
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
Giáo hoàng
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
n → Papst m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(pəup) noun (often with capital) the bishop of Rome, head of the Roman Catholic church. A new Pope has been elected.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ البَابَا papež pave Papst πάπας papa paavi pape papa papa ローマ法王 교황 paus pave papież papa римский папа påve พระสันตปาปาหัวหน้าบิชอปและผู้นำของนิกายโรมันคาทอลิค papa Giáo hoàng 罗马教皇Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009