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(ˈpʊftə; ˈpuːf-)
1. offensive Brit a man who is considered effeminate or homosexual
2. derogatory NZ a contemptible person
[C20: expanded form of poof]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈpʊftər] (British) npédé mpooh-pooh [ˌpuːˈpuː] vt [+ idea, suggestion] → dédaigner
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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Young wrote on Twitter: "Homophobic abuse from a TFL bus driver calling me a poofter. Reported it 10 minutes after it happened and TFL been amazing.
Quite why someone who considers breastfeeding "ostentatious" and has defended the use of the terms "chinky" and "poofter" deserves such an accolade remains to be seen.
Take, for instance, the story he tells about a long-ago run-in with a teenage pupil, who -- after weeks of bad blood -- yelled out "Moisa, you poofter!" as Christodoulos was taking his evening walk.
Ex-rugby star in gay jibe fight EX?INTERNATIONALS rugby player Clive Shell, right, was involved in a street brawl after a youth called him "a baldheaded b***d" and "a poofter," Bridgend magistrates heard.
He said when tabloids make claims that he was a "poofter", he responds: "I just say, 'It would be a lot worse if it was true,' and that silences that line of enquiry."
One could imagine a British footballer noticing a faintly flamboyant or fey style of dress or play and turning this into a taunt: "Poofter Fritz!" or the like.
Sleep tight.) -Julie aka Le Poofter and Brian aka Tattan xx.
Stupid little poofter. Stoned out of his brain most of the time.
"I love the word poofter and often call myself a poof, even when I fill in forms.
Often used to deride such people, eg: 'That bloody tree-hugging greenie poofter.'"
You can describe me as a gay political performer or you could say I'm a poofter princess prancing against the patriarchy.