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Giving pleasure or enjoyment; agreeable.

pleas′ing·ly adv.
pleas′ing·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.pleasingness - pleasant palatability
palatability, palatableness - the property of being acceptable to the mouth
2.pleasingness - an agreeable beauty that gives pleasure or enjoyment; "the liveliness and pleasingness of dark eyes"- T.N. Carver
beauty - the qualities that give pleasure to the senses
unpleasingness - the quality of being unpleasant
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
That such pleasingness would reside for her in any man astonished her.
77) finds the following measured facets of products: originality, relevance, usefulness, complexity, understandability, pleasingness, elegance/well-craftedness and germinality.
Morriss and Dunlap tested Goethe's Law (1810) about how pleasingness may be related to the proportional size of areas occupied by different colors in paintings according to the lightness of those colors.
But even if "The Way of Things" did not spell out a coherent argument per se, the pleasingness of the exhibition lay in any case less in the overall text, and more in the details and dynamics of each composition.
Indeed, the pleasingness of DSP is what most captivates us and, we imagine, others as well:
In Otherwise Than Being, the gift is frequently identified with "my own mouthful of bread" (1981, 74): it is that material benefit which I confer on the Other or that detriment which I suffer in disinterestedness, where "distinterestedness" does not mean that ethics should be "impartial" or "universalizable," but means "without compensation, without eternal life, without the pleasingness of happiness, complete gratuity" (6).
Aristotle also described three social, or conversational, excellences pertaining to the degree of pleasingness one adopts in relating to others, to forthrightness in self-presentations, and to relaxation in the company of others.
Participants were asked to look at 20 paintings randomly spread out on a large table and fill out rating questionnaires (one for each painting) across six aesthetic dimensions: pleasingness, liking, preferability, beauty, interestingness, and wish to see again.