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 (pĕk′tə-nĕs′tə-rās′, -rāz′)
An enzyme found in certain plants, bacteria, and fungi that catalyzes the hydrolysis of pectin to pectic acid and methanol. Also called pectase.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Biochemistry) biochem an enzyme present in plants, and some bacteria and fungi, which hydrolyses pectin
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Depending on the substrate, it can be divided into three types: two types (Pectinesterase and polygalacturonase) exist in higher plants and microorganisms, and one type (Pectin Depolymerase) exists in microorganisms, especially in pathogenic microorganisms that infect plants.
Typically, commercial pectic enzymes(CPE) added in the winemaking process include pectinesterase (PE), polygalacturonase (PG), and pectinlyase (PL)from Aspergillus niger.
Daengkanit, "Firmness and activities of polygalacturonase, pectinesterase, [beta]-galactosidase and cellulase in ripening durian harvested at different stages of maturity," Scientia Horticulturae, vol.
The decrease in fibre content with increasing ripening may be explained by the breakdown of indigestible and insoluble polysaccharides such as cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin and lignin to simpler, more soluble compounds by enzymes such as pectinesterase, polygalacturonase and cellulase among others.
They prepared the purees using a commercial polygalacturonase and a highly purified pectinesterase. To shed light on how pectin affects color stability after enzymatic pulp maceration, the researchers studied the composition of pectin by isolating and fractionating the alcohol-insoluble residue from the strawberry purees.
The [beta]-Hex, a cell wall enzyme, cleaves the terminal N-acetyl-D-hexosamine residues and generates the paucimannosidic N-glycans present in most plant glycoproteins which in turn downregulate the genes that encode for certain cell wall degrading proteins, such as pectin methylesterase, glucan endo-1,3-[beta]-D-glucosidase, [beta]-1,3-glucanase, endoxyloglucan transferase, pectinesterase, expansin, pectinacetylesterase, agalactosidase, pectate lyase, (1-4)-[beta]-mannan endohydrolase, and [beta]-galactosidase [10].
Pectinesterase Ratio signal/blank dilution (v/v) 1:3 1.4 1:5 1.6 1:7 2.4 1:10 3.1 1:20 11.3 1:60 276 1:100 35.2 TABLE 2: Preincubation time effect on the reaction rate using pectin standard corresponding to 5.7 mM methyl esters.