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Related to pars: PARS program


1. An amount or level considered to be average; a standard: performing up to par; did not yet feel up to par.
2. An equality of status, level, or value; equal footing: a local product on a par with the best foreign makes.
3. The established value of a monetary unit expressed in terms of a monetary unit of another country using the same metal standard.
4. See par value.
5. Sports The number of golf strokes considered necessary to complete a hole or course in expert play.
tr.v. parred, par·ring, pars Sports
To score par on (a hole or course) in golf.
1. Equal to the standard; normal: a solid, par performance.
2. Of or relating to monetary face value.
par for the course
Usual; typical: Unfortunately, such short-sightedness is par for the course these days.

[From Latin pār, equal, that which is equal; see perə- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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n. L. pars, parte, porción.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
To this class, all that is AWFUL is bad, in fact it is THE evil par excellence.
Ah, par exemple, elle brule ses vais-seux cella-la!
Bonds were issued, and made their appearance on 'Change; "Phileas Fogg bonds" were offered at par or at a premium, and a great business was done in them.
There were friends who seemed to be always coming and going across the Channel, on errands about the Bourse, and Greek and Spanish and India and Mexican and par and premium and discount and three quarters and seven eighths.
Mr Lammle came on the scene last, for he was always late, and so were the frequenters always late; all hands being bound to be made late, by private information about the Bourse, and Greek and Spanish and India and Mexican and par and premium and discount and three quarters and seven eighths.
The Mediterranean, the blue sea par excellence, "the great sea" of the Hebrews, "the sea" of the Greeks, the "mare nostrum" of the Romans, bordered by orange-trees, aloes, cacti, and sea-pines; embalmed with the perfume of the myrtle, surrounded by rude mountains, saturated with pure and transparent air, but incessantly worked by underground fires; a perfect battlefield in which Neptune and Pluto still dispute the empire of the world!
'Tiutkin, coiffeur.' Je me fais coiffer par Tiutkin....
I, the Parisian par essence , I who have reigned in the faubourgs, and have been called King of the Halles, - I am going to pass from the Place Maubert to the minarets of Gigelli; from a Frondeur I am becoming an adventurer!"
We must accept the capitalistic stage in social evolution as about on a par with the earlier monkey stage.
Even though the Pervaise confession had never come to light, no reasonable doubt could obtain; for the act in question, that sent fifty-two Congressmen to prison, was on a par with countless other acts committed by the oligarchs, and, before them, by the capitalists.
With typical tenacity he made birdie at the long fifteenth, but gave it back with a bogey at the short sixteenth, then needing two pars for a sub-70 round had two pars and returned in 37.
She started the outward nine with a blank on 10th par 4, dropped a shot on 11th par 3, bogeyed on 12th, 13th and 14th pars 4, 5 and 6 and parred on 16th, 17th, 18, and 18th for a total of 19 points.

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