parking bay

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parking bay

(Automotive Engineering) a space in a car park designed to be large enough to park a vehicle in
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I would never park in a disabled parking bay and I've never done.
Labour MSP Duncan McNeil said: "There is no excuse for denying a disabled person access to this parking bay and an officer of the law should know better."
Conwy Council has refused to rescind the pounds 30 fine, which was issued to Paula Maguire, who is expecting twins, for not parking inside a marked parking bay.
I parked in a disabled parking bay and didn't display my disabled badge correctly.
COUNCIL bosses were accused yesterday of being barking mad after painting in a disabled parking bay - with a tree in the middle.
A CAFE owner has praised council officials after they resurrected a parking bay. Earlier this year NicK Cooper, who runs Coop's Cafe in King's Mill Lane, Aspley, criticised KirKlees Council for not supporting small businesses.
AN ANGRY woman has slammed council traffic wardens for giving her a ticket claiming her car's wheels were over the boundary of a parking bay because the lines weren't straight.
Disabled motorists visiting Sainsbury's and Tesco were most likely to find an available parking bay (with 21% of bays being misused).
He also said many reserved parking bay tenants complain that if they don't block the bays after business hours the next day when they come, the reserved bays are occupied.
Commonsense says what's needed is a parking bay painted and designated only for use by electric vehicle owners for recharging.
I have found that I am unable to walk to the hospital from the nearest disabled parking bay area, and even from the nearest parking bay were I can sit down, which is outside the new distance (20 metres) by quite a way.
A BLUE motorbike was stolen from a parking bay in Milnsbridge.