It besieged with its last
palpitations the tense extremities; it ended by yielding as midnight struck.
Fairlie's health were just as usual, and when I sent up a message to announce my arrival, I was told that he would be delighted to see me the next morning but that the sudden news of my appearance had prostrated him with
palpitations for the rest of the evening.
It was naturally tender, sensitive, and full of little tremors and
palpitations; all of which weaknesses it retained, while her visage was growing so perversely stern, and even fierce.
"I am sorry to hear you say so, sir; but I assure you, excepting those little nervous headaches and
palpitations which I am never entirely free from anywhere, I am quite well myself; and if the children were rather pale before they went to bed, it was only because they were a little more tired than usual, from their journey and the happiness of coming.
I fancied this morning, when I was lying here alone, that there was something almost like a
palpitation - a quicker beat.
As a result I awoke with mouth parched and dry, with a slight heaviness of head, and with a mild nervous
palpitation in the stomach.
Indeed, I always get something like a
palpitation of the heart just before the priest utters those final fateful words, "I declare you man and-- wife." Half a second before you were still free, half a second after you are bound for the term of your natural life.
They were sombre blues, opaque like a delicately carved bowl in lapis lazuli, and yet with a quivering lustre that suggested the
palpitation of mysterious life; there were purples, horrible like raw and putrid flesh, and yet with a glowing, sensual passion that called up vague memories of the Roman Empire of Heliogabalus; there were reds, shrill like the berries of holly -- one thought of Christmas in England, and the snow, the good cheer, and the pleasure of children -- and yet by some magic softened till they had the swooning tenderness of a dove's breast; there were deep yellows that died with an unnatural passion into a green as fragrant as the spring and as pure as the sparkling water of a mountain brook.
Casaubon, who had risen early complaining of
palpitation, was in the library giving audience to his curate Mr.
cit.): "Fear and joy may both cause cardiac
palpitation, but in one case we find high tonus of the skeletal muscles, in the other case relaxation and the general sense of weakness."
Presently, as I went on, still gaining velocity, the
palpitation of night and day merged into one continuous greyness; the sky took on a wonderful deepness of blue, a splendid luminous color like that of early twilight; the jerking sun became a streak of fire, a brilliant arch, in space; the moon a fainter fluctuating band; and I could see nothing of the stars, save now and then a brighter circle flickering in the blue.
"My dear Monsieur d'Artagnan!" said Planchet, with a horrible
palpitation of the heart.