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Second, paid work in the organizable formal sector is increasingly subjected to 'informalization' processes, meaning employers are resorting more and more to short-term and casual hiring arrangements such as the utilization of third-party manpower agencies and putting workers on five-month probationary status (terminated before the six-month regularization requirement of the law).
Simple customer reporting — Programmatically develop customer radio attribution reports with a near real-time advertising analytics dashboard organizable by advertiser or campaign view
Luciani, "Spatial Analysis of Employee Safety Using Organizable Event Quiltmaps," in Proceedings of the IEEE VIS Workshop on Temporal Sequential Event Analysis, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2016.
The supplier ( also launched ControlWorks 2.0, a system that allows processors to view all of their equipment at a glance with an easily organizable plant-floor display.
Al thining del Estado, el "achicamiento" al que este es sometido en los anos de la desregulacion y del progresivo vaciamiento de las funciones de representacion de la sociedad que le son unidireccional-mente adosadas, le corresponde un thikening, una "expansion" de nodos de produccion juridica y de agregacion de intereses, que atraviesa la entera red de poderes sociales, ajustandolos al objetivo de una accion de gobierno dificilmente organizable o transmisible por medio de los tradicionales dispositivos de control administrativo o produccion del consenso.
Italian women carried a legacy of radicalism with them into their new unions; not only were they indeed organizable but for decades they helped to organize others, including Italian men.
must vote always for the richer universe, for the good which seems most organizable, most fit to enter into complex combinations, most apt to be a member of a more inclusive whole.
Dictionary browser
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- Organic stricture
- organic structure
- organic substances
- Organical
- organically
- Organicalness
- organicism
- organicistic
- organicity
- Organific
- organification
- organisation
- organisational
- organise
- organised
- organiser
- organism
- organismal
- organismic
- Organisms
- organist
- Organista
- organistrum
- Organity
- organizability
- organizable
- organization
- organization chart
- organization expense
- organization for combat
- organization for embarkation
- organization for landing
- Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
- organization man
- Organization of African Unity
- Organization of American States
- Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries
- organization of the ground
- Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
- organizational
- organizational culture
- organizational equipment
- organizational maintenance
- organizational psychology
- organizationally
- organize
- organized
- organized crime
- Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
- organized labor
- organized labour
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Full browser
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- Organismos Ekdoseos Didaktikon Vivlion
- Organismos Georgikon Asfaliseon
- Organismos Internacionales No Financieros
- Organismos Multilaterales de Crédito
- Organismos Públicos Descentralizados
- Organismós Sidirodrómon Elládos
- Organismos Tilepikinonion Ellados AE
- Organisms
- Organisms
- Organisms
- Organisms
- Organisms per Gram
- Organisms, genetically modified
- Organisms, genetically modified
- Organismus für Gemeinsame Anlage in Wertpapiere
- organist
- organist
- organist
- organist
- Organist and Choirmaster
- Organista
- Organistrum
- Organistrum
- Organists
- Organists
- Organists
- Organity
- Organització de Països Exportadors de Petroli
- Organitzacions No Governamentals Catalanes
- Organizability
- organizable
- Organização Comunista dos Presos do Tarrafal
- Organização Consciência Negra do Maranhão
- Organização Contábil Souza Cardoso
- Organização da Unidade Africana
- Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras
- Organização das Nações Unidas
- Organização de Aviação Civil Internacional
- Organização de Base Comunitária
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- Organização do Tratado de Cooperação Amazônica
- Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte
- Organização dos Estados Americanos
- Organização dos Países Exportadores de Petróleo
- Organização dos Trabalhadores de Moçambique
- Organização Educativa de Prevenção à Saúde
- Organização Mundial da Propriedade Industrial
- Organização Mundial de Saúde
- Organização Mundial do Comércio
- Organização Não-Governamental
- Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico
- Organização Republicana da Juventude Angolana
- Organizace Spojených Národù
- Organizacija Druzenih Narodov
- Organizacija Ujedinjenih Nacija
- Organizacije za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju
- Organización Alemana para Ayuda a al Niñez
- Organización Ambientalista No Gubernamental
- Organización Anarquista Libertad
- Organización Atunera del Pacífico Oriental
- Organización Bolivariana de las Naciones Unidas
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