They call the reg'ment 'Fresh fish' and everything; but the boys come of good stock, and most of 'em 'll fight like sin after they
oncet git shootin'," he added, with a mighty emphasis on the last four words.
"'Pears like it's just taking everything off the place to
oncet!" and Mammy gave way to a passion of grief.
Jenni Francis enjoyed a fantastic event, fighting six contests and winning four with ippon and losing just
oncet to finish with an excellent silver medal.
Diastolic dysfunction in diabetic patients is believed to represent an earlier stage in the natural history of diabetic cardiomyopathy its timely recognition may help to avoid or significantly delay the
oncet of CHF.
But Mars Marrabo knowed de res' wouldn' be satisfied ef he gin Sandy ter a'er one un 'em; so w'en dey wuz all done married, he fix it by 'lowin one er his chillums ter take Sandy fer a mont' er so, en den ernudder for a mont' er so, en so on dat erway tel dey had all take him roun' ag'in, 'cep'n'
oncet in a w'ile w'en Mars marrabo would len' 'im ter some er his yuther kin folks 'roun de country, w'en dey wuz short er han's; tel bimeby it go so Sandy didn't hardly knowed whar he wuz gwine ter stay fum one week's een' ter de yuther.
Near the end of chapter 1, the veteran Jim Conklin says, "They call the reg'ment 'Fresh fish' and everything; but the boys come of good stock, and most of 'em '11 fight like sin after they
oncet git shootin'" (90).
Their guarantee is: "Most Will Fahr At Least
Oncet." Give me a break, Russ.
Oncet you've found us." He gives no name because "some things is best not named," though he admits that "they's lots would like to know that." A dark rider bound, he declares, "by nothin," this figure will follow the western road to Texas.