

(Physical Geography) not relating to or comprising desert
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Boxes (a)-2, (b)-2, and (c)-2 indicate the limitation of MA datasets because they can only possibly calculate AOD values over desert areas; thus, MAs are unable to estimate aerosols in nondesert regions.
In nondesert habitat near Bakersfield, California, White et al.
For her, compassion has "three cognitive elements": "the judgment of size (a serious, bad event has befallen someone); the judgment of nondesert (this person did not bring the suffering on himself or herself); and the eudaimonistic judgment (this person, or creature, is a significant element in my scheme of goals and projects, an end whose good is to be promoted)" (Upheavals 321).
The SoCAB (consisting of Los Angeles and Orange Counties, and the nondesert portions of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties), with a population of 17.3 million, is classified by the U.S.
It has been adapted in nondesert areas as well (called "mesiscaping" in well-watered Massachussets).
Desertization refers to the set of processes that turn an initially nondesert area into a desert.
Subunit 11c is richer both in nondesert trees and shrubs and in companions.
For example, one might expect that eutherians living in the desert would have one or more adaptations that lead to a more frugal water economy than nondesert species, as appears to be true for many small desert rodents (Nagy and Peterson 1988).
Hence the apparent difference in the relative weighting of dimensions reported for two A-10 pilots by Kleiss (1990) probably does not reflect perceptual attunement to geographic features common in nondesert environments.
(2.) The Basin includes Orange County and nondesert portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties.
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