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(no͞oz, nyo͞oz)news
(nuz, nyuz)n. (usu. with a sing. v.)
- gazette - A gazzetta, a Venetian coin of little value, gave rise to the phrase gazzetta de la novita, "halfpennyworth of news," which eventually gave us gazette.
- silly season - Any slow news period characterized by trivial news or no news.
- tidings - Probably comes from Old Norse tithindi, "news of events."
- report - To report something is etymologically to "carry it back," from Latin reportare; the metaphorical sense of "bringing back news" also developed in Latin.
- As cold waters are to a faint soul, so is good news from a far country —The Holy Bible/Proverbs
- Bad news travels fast like a bad shilling —line from British television program “Bless Me Father,” 1986
- News … rose like a grenade across Washington —Ellen Goodman, Newsday, December 2, 1986
Goodman is contrasting the normalcy with which video shopping programs are working, with the scandal over arms shipments to Iran which exploded the sense of normalcy in the capital of the nation.
- Share information like a basket lunch —Anon
newsInformation is facts that you learn or discover.
Be Careful!
Information is an uncountable noun. Don't say 'an information or 'informations'. You can say a piece of information.
You give people information.
Be Careful!
Use give, not 'tell'. Don't say 'She told me some useful information.'
You refer to information about something or on something.
Don't use 'information' to refer to descriptions of recent events in newspapers or on television or radio. Use news.
News is information about a recent event or a recently changed situation.
You also use news to refer to descriptions of recent events on television or radio or in a newspaper.
News looks like a plural noun but is in fact an uncountable noun. You use a singular form of a verb after it.
You talk about this news, not 'these news'.
Be Careful!
Don't talk about 'a news'. You refer to a piece of information as some news, a bit of news, or a piece of news.
A description of an event on television or in a newspaper is a news item or an item of news.
Noun | 1. | news - information about recent and important events; "they awaited news of the outcome" info, information - a message received and understood good word - good news latest - the most recent news or development; "have you heard the latest?" update - news that updates your information |
2. | news - information reported in a newspaper or news magazine; "the news of my death was greatly exaggerated" info, information - a message received and understood business news - news about businesses and investments news report, write up, account, report, story - a short account of the news; "the report of his speech"; "the story was on the 11 o'clock news"; "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious" newscast - a broadcast of news or commentary on the news reportage, reporting, coverage - the news as presented by reporters for newspapers or radio or television; "they accused the paper of biased coverage of race relations" hard news - news that deals with serious topics or events soft news - news that does not deal with serious topics or events stop press - late news that is inserted into the newspaper at the last minute | |
3. | news - a program devoted to current events, often using interviews and commentary; "we watch the 7 o'clock news every night" television news - a television broadcast of news | |
4. | news - informal information of any kind that is not previously known to someone; "it was news to me" info, information - a message received and understood | |
5. | news - the quality of being sufficiently interesting to be reported in news bulletins; "the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial"; "he is no longer news in the fashion world" interestingness, interest - the power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.); "they said nothing of great interest"; "primary colors can add interest to a room" |
"As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from another country" Bible: Proverbs
"News may be true, but it is not truth, and reporters and officials seldom see it the same way" [James Reston The Artillery of the Press]
"If people didn't give the news their news, and if everybody kept their news to themselves, the news wouldn't have any news" [Andy Warhol From A to B and Back Again]
"When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news" [John B. Bogart]
"all the news that's fit to print" [Adolph S. Ochs motto of the New York Times]
"No news is good news"
[njuːz]some sad news; a sad piece of news → una triste noticia
what news?; what's the news? → ¿qué hay de nuevo?
a 700th anniversary is news → un 700 aniversario es noticia
so you think you're going out tonight? well, I've got news for you! (iro) → si crees que vas a salir esta noche, te vas a llevar una sorpresa
to be bad news [person] → ser un ave de mal agüero; [thing] → ser mal asunto
to break the news to sb → dar la noticia a algn
when the news broke → al saberse la noticia
that's good news → es una buena noticia
they're in the news → son de actualidad
a piece of news → una noticia
it was news to me → me pilló de nuevas
bad news travels fast → las malas noticias llegan muy rápido
no news is good news → la falta de noticias es una buena señal
the news (Rad) → las noticias, el noticiario (TV) → las noticias, el telediario (Sp), el noticiero (LAm), el noticioso (Andes)
the foreign news pages → la sección or las páginas de noticias internacionales
News in Brief (= section in newspaper) → Noticias fpl Breves, Breves fpl
news blackout N → apagón m informativo
news bulletin N → boletín m informativo
news conference N → rueda f de prensa
news desk N → redacción f
news editor N → jefe mf de redacción
the news headlines NPL (TV, Rad) → el resumen de las noticias
news item N → noticia f
news programme, news program (US) N → programa m de actualidad
news release N (esp US) = press release news sheet N → hoja f informativa
news vendor N → vendedor(a) m/f de periódicos
[ˈnjuːz] nIt was nice to have your news → J'ai été content d'avoir de tes nouvelles.
News travels pretty fast around here → Les nouvelles vont vite par ici.
That's wonderful news! → C'est une merveilleuse nouvelle!
good news → de bonnes nouvelles
some good news → de bonnes nouvelles
I've got some good news for you → J'ai de bonnes nouvelles pour toi.
I wish I had better news for you → J'aimerais avoir de meilleures nouvelles pour vous.
bad news → de mauvaises nouvelles
I've had some bad news → J'ai reçu de mauvaises nouvelles.
the news (= item of news) → la nouvelle
the news of sth → la nouvelle de qch
Mr Brown welcomed the news → M. Brown a bien accueilli la nouvelle.
the good news → la bonne nouvelle
the bad news → la mauvaise nouvelle
to break the bad news to sb → annoncer la mauvaise nouvelle à qn
a piece of news → une nouvelle
news to sb (= previously not known)
That's news to me! → C'est nouveau pour moi!
What you're saying is news to me → Ce que vous dites est nouveau pour moi.
to be good news to sb (= helpful to) → être une bonne nouvelle pour qn
to be bad news for sb/sth (= not helpful) → être une mauvaise nouvelle pour qn/qch
The drop in spending is bad news for retailers → La baisse de la consommation est une mauvaise nouvelle pour les détaillants.
I watch the news every evening → Je regarde les informations tous les soirs.
I listen to the news every morning → J'écoute les informations tous les matins.
to be on the news [event] → passer aux informations
It was on the news at 9.30 → C'est passé aux informations à 9h 30.
to be in the news [person, story] → faire l'actualité
some of the stories that are in the news right now → certains des reportages qui font l'actualité en ce moment
financial news → informations financièresnews agency n → agence f de presse
[njuːz] nsg (gen) (Press) → notizie fpl; (report, on radio) → notiziario, giornale m radio; (on TV) → notiziario, telegiornale ma piece of or an item of news → una notizia (in newspaper) → un articolo
have you heard the news? → hai saputo la notizia?
have you heard the news about Maria? → hai saputo di Maria?
have you any news of Maria/of her? → hai notizie di Maria/sue notizie?
what's your news? → (ci sono) novità?
what's the latest news about the earthquake? → si sa qualcosa di nuovo sul terremoto?
is there any news? → ci sono notizie?
good/bad news → buone/cattive notizie
I've got news for you! → non sai l'ultima!
this is news to me → questo mi giunge nuovo
it's in the news (newspapers) → è su tutti i giornali (radio, TV) → è in tutti i notiziari
home/foreign news → notizie dall'interno/dall'estero
financial news (Press) → pagina economica e finanziaria (Radio, TV) → notiziario economico