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Related to natron: natron lake


 (nā′trŏn′, -trən)
A mineral of hydrous sodium carbonate, Na2CO3·10H2O, often found crystallized with other salts. It can act as a dessicant and was used in mummification.

[French, from Spanish natrón, from Arabic naṭrūn, niter, from Greek nitron; see niter.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Minerals) a whitish or yellow mineral that consists of hydrated sodium carbonate and occurs in saline deposits and salt lakes. Formula: Na2CO3.10H2O
[C17: via French and Spanish from Arabic natrūn, from Greek nitron]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈneɪ trɒn, -trən)

a mineral, hydrous sodium carbonate, Na2CO3∙10H2O, found in dried-up lake beds.
[1675–85; < French < Sp < Arabic naṭrūn, variant of niṭrūn < Greek nítron, probably ultimately < Egyptian ntry; compare Hebrew nether, Hittite nitri]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Scenario 5: Originally called "Trial 6, Jasper Natron West 11th No.
Meanwhile, River Ewuaso Ng'iro, which flows through Kajiado West subcounty from Narok to Lake Natron in Tanzania is at the brink of drying up.
Mara, Talek, Enkare Narok, Siyiabei and Ewuaso Ngiro, which are the major rivers in Narok County and a source of livelihood for millions of people, livestock and wildlife, are at all-time low levels.Siyiabei, Enkare Narok and Ewuaso Ngiro rivers pour their waters into Lake Magadi and Lake Natron in Tanzania, famous for flamingo breading.
Koc mentioned certain problems of big Turkish companies, such as Natron Hayat d.o.o.
Bright-red Lake Natron in Tanzania may not look inviting enough to take a dip -- and that's a good thing: its water is extremely alkaline.
This stage will consist of five individual sites amongst 25 total, in the areas of Masr Al Qadima, Al Maadi and Wady El Natron. The journey's path is said to be 3500 KM in distance.
Its Natron SE Silicone ink is designed for pad printing and screen printing on any item that is made of silicone rubber, such as wristbands, swimming caps and phone cases.
It is well-known that, at different periods of history, glass was produced by adding a flux, composed of natron (term here adopted with the meaning of usually complex, often polyphase evaporitic deposits rich in carbonates of sodium), or soda ash from the combustion of halophytic plants such as Salsola or Salicornia, or potash ash from the combustion of trees such as beech, birch, and oak, to quartz pebbles or quartz-limestone sand [1].
"Many cats were mummified in the city of Bubastis, the centre of worship of the cat goddess, and then buried in special cat cemeteries," the post says, "This mummified cat, whose face can still be seen, would have had its insides removed and filled with earth or sand before being wrapped in bandages soaked in natron (salt) or resin.
A man was taken into custody by Lane County Sheriff's Department on Saturday night in Jasper for multiple charges of menacing and reckless endangering as well as charges of unlawful use of a weapon and criminal trespassing after he sporadically shot a 12-gauge shotgun while sitting in his car in the parking lot of Natron Wood Products on Jasper Lowell Road.
The lawyer claimed that Hamas was involved in breaking into the prison of Wadi Natron and smuggling members of the Islamic brotherhood, and killing Egyptian protesters in the Tahrir square.