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Noun1.monopolisation - domination (of a market or commodity) to the exclusion of others
domination - social control by dominating
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References in periodicals archive ?
I WAS interested to learn that, despite its monopolisation by Roman Catholics, Notre Dame is owned not by the Vatican but by the French Government.
Dear Editor I was interested to learn that, despite its monopolisation by Roman Catholics, Notre Dame Cathedral is owned not by the Vatican but by the French Government.
Marzouk specified that his movement's participation in the government had been driven by the need to remedy the malfunctioning that Nidaa Tounes had gone through and had been an important step to limit the monopolisation of the political decision by Ennahdha.
State-owned Airports of Thailand (AoT) awarded King Power the sole concession in 2006, which expires in September 2020.Thailand's prime minister has warned against the "monopolisation" of the country's airport duty-free sector, ordering a review of the bidding process that could threaten the multi-billion-dollar empire of current concession holder King Power.
When they talk of "Americans", we automatically know they are referring to the citizens of the US not of the other countries in the supercontinent.Is a similar monopolisation of names taking place in Kenya with the help of the media?EXCLUSIVE USEMark Muibo complains that the Kalenjin have appropriated the name "Rift Valley" for their exclusive use.
Kenya National Assembly speaker Justin Muturi praised the amendment and said it cures monopolisation of the positions by some regions.
Reportedly, in 2012, GN Audio had filed a lawsuit against Plantronics for unlawful monopolisation of the distributors market in the US.
"Members of the ECA held a meeting with me and it was confirmed that there is no monopolisation or an increase in prices.
Kamal Omar Al-Amin a exprime sa conviction que les partis opposants le Dialogue mettent l'accent sur le dialogue comme un moyen pour resoudre la crise , attirant l'attention que la demarche politique du Soudan depuis l'Independance n'a vu atteindre des points communs lors de ses dialogues , ajoutant que ' les problematiques plus claires est la monopolisation des elites de toutes decisions, meme les constitutions sont mis par les elites pas la societe ou le peuple ' tout en exprimant son souhait que les recommandations du Dialogue National basant sur les agendas actuels et l'ouverture puisse parvenir a ses fins et a trouver une solution reelle pour la crise du pays.
Brad Guzan is Villa's only other representative at Brazil 2014 and it is unlikely he will play given Tim Howard's monopolisation of the goalkeeper's shirt.
However, the recent surge in tech acquisitions raises concerns over privacy and monopolisation. Over the last few years, the giants of the tech world, Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Yahoo, among others, have all spent billions to buy smaller companies that could help boost their online offerings.