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A. phalanges
B. metacarpals
C. carpals


a. The terminal part of the human arm located below the forearm, used for grasping and holding and consisting of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and an opposable thumb.
b. A homologous or similar part in other animals, as the terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates.
2. A unit of length equal to 4 inches (10.2 centimeters), used especially to specify the height of a horse.
3. Something suggesting the shape or function of the human hand, especially:
a. Any of the rotating pointers used as indexes on the face of a mechanical clock.
b. A pointer, as on a gauge or dial.
4. Printing See index.
5. Lateral direction indicated according to the way in which one is facing: at my right hand.
a. A style or individual sample of writing.
b. A signature: put my hand to the contract.
7. A round of applause to signify approval.
8. Physical assistance; help: gave me a hand with the bags.
9. hands Sports A hand ball in soccer.
10. Games
a. The cards held in a card game by a given player at any time.
b. The number of cards dealt each player; the deal.
c. A player or participant in a card game: We need a fourth hand for bridge.
d. A portion or section of a game during which all the cards dealt out are played: a hand of poker.
a. One who performs manual labor: a factory hand.
b. One who is part of a group or crew: the ship's hands.
12. A participant in an activity, often one who specializes in a particular activity or pursuit: an old hand at labor negotiations.
a. The degree of immediacy of a source of information; degree of reliability: heard the scandalous tale at third hand.
b. The strength or force of one's position: negotiated from a strong hand.
a. often hands Possession, ownership, or keeping: The books should be in your hands by noon.
b. Power; jurisdiction; care: The defendant's fate is in the hands of the jury. Dinner is in the chef's hands.
a. Involvement or participation: "In all this was evident the hand of the counterrevolutionaries" (John Reed).
b. An influence or effect: The manager had a hand in all major decisions.
c. Evidence of craft or artistic skill: can see the hand of a genius even in the lighter poems.
16. An aptitude or ability: I tried my hand at decorating.
17. The aesthetic feel or tactile quality of something, such as a fabric, textile, or carpeting, that indicates its fineness, texture, and durability.
18. A manner or way of performing something: a light hand with makeup.
a. Permission or a promise, especially a pledge to wed.
b. A commitment or agreement, especially when sealed by a handshake; one's word: You have my hand on that.
v. hand·ed, hand·ing, hands
1. To give or pass with or as if with the hands; transmit: Hand me your keys.
2. To aid, direct, or conduct with the hands: The usher handed the patron to a reserved seat.
3. Nautical To roll up and secure (a sail); furl.
4. Sports
a. To give (the ball) directly to a teammate, as in football. Often used with off.
b. To carry, strike, or propel (the ball) with the hand or arm in violation of the rules in soccer.
v.intr. Sports
To make a handoff, as in football. Often used with off.
Phrasal Verbs:
hand down
1. To bequeath to one's heirs.
2. To make and pronounce (an official decision, especially a court verdict).
hand on
To turn over to another.
hand out
1. To distribute freely; disseminate.
2. To administer or deal out.
hand over
To release or relinquish to another.
hand up
To deliver (an indictment) to a higher judicial authority.
at hand
1. Close by; near.
2. Soon in time; imminent: Retribution is at hand.
3. Under discussion: Let's keep to the matter at hand.
at the hand/hands of
By or through the agency of: favors he received at the hands of his uncle.
by hand
By using the hands; manually.
get/lay (one's) hands on
To get possession of; acquire or obtain.
hand and foot
With concerted, never-ending effort: had to wait on them hand and foot.
hand in/and glove
On intimate terms or in close association: "The folklore of American academia says that publishing and teaching go hand in glove" (Edward B. Fiske).
hand in hand
In cooperation; jointly.
hand it to Informal
To give credit to: You've got to hand it to her; she knows what she's doing.
hand over fist
At a tremendous rate: made money hand over fist.
hands down
1. With no trouble; easily.
2. Indisputably; unquestionably.
in hand
1. In one's possession: arrived with the contract in hand.
2. Under control: kept the tense situation in hand.
3. Under consideration: gave her attention to the matter in hand.
4. In preparation or process: With the work finally in hand, we began to see progress.
5. Sports Remaining to be played by one team but not by another: Their team is ahead in the standings, but our team has two games in hand.
off (one's) hands
No longer under one's jurisdiction, within one's responsibility, or in one's care: We finally got that project off our hands.
on hand
1. Present; available: Are there enough people on hand to hold a meeting?
2. About to happen; imminent: What is on hand for this evening?
on/upon (one's) hands
In one's possession, often as an imposed responsibility or burden: Now they have the grandchildren on their hands.
on one/the one hand
As one point of view; from one standpoint.
on the other hand
As another point of view; from another standpoint.
out of hand
1. Out of control: Employee absenteeism has gotten out of hand.
2. Without consideration; immediately: dismissed my complaint out of hand.
to hand
1. Nearby.
2. In one's possession.

[Middle English, from Old English.]

hand′er n.
hand′less adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Anatomy)
a. the prehensile part of the body at the end of the arm, consisting of a thumb, four fingers, and a palm
b. the bones of this part. manual
2. (Anatomy) the corresponding or similar part in animals
3. something resembling this in shape or function
4. (Card Games)
a. the cards dealt to one or all players in one round of a card game
b. a player holding such cards
c. one round of a card game
5. agency or influence: the hand of God.
6. a part in something done: he had a hand in the victory.
7. assistance: to give someone a hand with his work.
8. (Horology) a pointer on a dial, indicator, or gauge, esp on a clock: the minute hand.
9. acceptance or pledge of partnership, as in marriage: he asked for her hand; he gave me his hand on the merger.
10. a position or direction indicated by its location to the side of an object or the observer: on the right hand; on every hand.
11. a contrastive aspect, condition, etc (in the phrases on the one hand, on the other hand)
12. (preceded by an ordinal number) source or origin: a story heard at third hand.
13. a person, esp one who creates something: a good hand at painting.
14. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a labourer or manual worker: we've just taken on a new hand at the farm.
15. (Nautical Terms) a member of a ship's crew: all hands on deck.
16. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing another name for index9
17. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a person's handwriting: the letter was in his own hand.
18. a round of applause: give him a hand.
19. ability or skill: a hand for woodwork.
20. a manner or characteristic way of doing something: the hand of a master.
21. (Units) a unit of length measurement equalling four inches, used for measuring the height of horses, usually from the front hoof to the withers
22. a cluster or bundle, esp of bananas
23. (Cookery) a shoulder of pork
24. one of the two possible mirror-image forms of an asymmetric object, such as the direction of the helix in a screw thread
25. a free hand freedom to do as desired
26. a hand's turn (usually used with a negative) a small amount of work: he hasn't done a hand's turn.
27. a heavy hand tyranny, persecution, or oppression: he ruled with a heavy hand.
28. a high hand an oppressive or dictatorial manner
29. at hand near at hand very near or close, esp in time
30. at someone's hand at someone's hands from: the acts of kindness received at their hands.
31. by hand
a. by manual rather than mechanical means
b. by messenger or personally: the letter was delivered by hand.
32. come to hand to become available; be received
33. force someone's hand to force someone to act
34. from hand to hand from one person to another
35. from hand to mouth
a. in poverty: living from hand to mouth.
b. without preparation or planning
36. hand and foot in all ways possible; completely: they waited on him hand and foot.
37. hand in glove in an intimate relationship or close association
38. hand in hand
a. together; jointly
b. clasping each other's hands
39. hand over fist steadily and quickly; with rapid progress: he makes money hand over fist.
40. hold one's hand to stop or postpone a planned action or punishment
41. hold someone's hand to support, help, or guide someone, esp by giving sympathy or moral support
42. in hand
a. in possession
b. under control
c. receiving attention or being acted on
d. available for use; in reserve
e. with deferred payment: he works a week in hand.
43. keep one's hand in to continue or practise
44. lend a hand to help
45. on hand close by; present: I'll be on hand to help you.
46. out of hand
a. beyond control
b. without reservation or deeper examination: he condemned him out of hand.
47. set one's hand to
a. to sign (a document)
b. to start (a task or undertaking)
48. show one's hand to reveal one's stand, opinion, or plans
49. take in hand to discipline; control
50. throw one's hand in See throw in3
51. to hand accessible
52. try one's hand to attempt to do something
53. (modifier)
a. of or involving the hand: a hand grenade.
b. made to be carried in or worn on the hand: hand luggage.
c. operated by hand: a hand drill.
54. (in combination) made by hand rather than by a machine: hand-sewn.
vb (tr)
55. to transmit or offer by the hand or hands
56. to help or lead with the hand
57. (Nautical Terms) nautical to furl (a sail)
58. hand it to someone to give credit to someone
[Old English hand; related to Old Norse hönd, Gothic handus, Old High German hant]
ˈhandless adj
ˈhandˌlike adj


abbreviation for
(Telecommunications) have a nice day
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the terminal, prehensile part of the arm in humans and higher primates, consisting of the wrist, metacarpals, fingers, and thumb.
2. the corresponding part of the forelimb in any four-legged vertebrate.
3. a terminal prehensile part, as the chela of a crustacean, or, in falconry, the foot of a falcon.
4. something resembling a hand in shape or function: the hands of a clock.
6. a person employed in manual labor or for general duty: a ranch hand.
7. a person with great skill in or knowledge of something, esp. through long experience: an old hand at fund-raising.
8. a person with reference to an ability or skill: a poor hand at running a business.
9. skill; workmanship; characteristic touch: The painting shows a master's hand.
10. Often, hands. possession or power; control, custody, or care: My fate is in your hands.
11. a position, esp. one of control, used for bargaining, negotiating, etc.
12. means; agency; instrumentality: death by his own hand.
13. assistance; aid: Give me a hand with this ladder.
14. side; direction: no traffic on either hand of the road.
15. style of handwriting; penmanship.
16. a person's signature: to set one's hand to a document.
17. a round or outburst of applause for a performer.
18. a promise or pledge, esp. in marriage.
19. a linear measure equal to 4 inches (10.2 centimeters), used esp. in determining the height of horses.
20. Cards.
a. the cards dealt to or held by each player at one time.
b. the person holding the cards.
c. a single part of a game, in which all the cards dealt at one time are played.
21. a bunch, cluster, or bundle of leaves, fruit, or the like.
22. the deviation of a thread or tooth from the axial direction of a screw or gear, as seen from one end looking away toward the other.
23. the properties of a fabric that can be sensed by touching it, as resilience and smoothness.
24. to deliver or pass with or as if with the hand.
25. to help, assist, guide, etc., with the hand.
26. to give or provide with: That handed me a laugh.
27. hand down,
a. to deliver (the decision of a court).
b. to transmit, esp. to a succeeding generation.
28. hand in, to submit; present for acceptance.
29. hand off, Football. to hand the ball to a member of one's team in the course of a play.
30. hand on, to transmit; pass on to a successor, posterity, etc.
31. hand out, to give or distribute; pass out.
32. hand over, to deliver to another; surrender control of.
33. of, belonging to, using, or used by the hand.
34. made by hand.
35. carried in or worn on the hand.
36. operated by hand; manual.
1. at hand,
a. within reach; ready for use; accessible.
b. about to happen.
2. at the hand(s) of, by the action of; through the agency of.
3. by hand, by using the hands, as opposed to machines; manually.
4. change hands, to pass from one owner to another.
5. eat out of someone's hand, to be totally submissive to another.
6. force someone's hand, to compel a person to do or disclose something before he or she is ready to do so.
7. from hand to mouth, with nothing in reserve; precariously.
8. hand and foot, with slavish attentiveness: to wait on someone hand and foot.
9. hand in or and glove, in close association, esp. for nefarious purposes.
10. hand in hand,
a. alongside one another while holding hands.
b. closely associated; in cooperation.
11. hand over fist, speedily; increasingly: making money hand over fist.
12. hands down,
a. effortlessly; easily.
b. indisputably; incontestably.
13. hand to hand, in direct combat; at close quarters.
14. have a hand in, to participate in.
15. in hand,
a. under control.
b. in one's possession.
c. in the process of consideration or settlement.
16. join hands, to unite in a common cause; combine.
17. keep one's hand in, to continue to work at or practice so as not to lose one's skill or knowledge.
18. lay hands on,
a. to obtain; acquire.
b. to seize, esp. in order to punish.
c. to impose the hands on in a ceremonial fashion, as in ordination.
19. on all hands or every hand, everywhere.
20. on hand,
a. in one's possession; at one's disposal: cash on hand.
b. present.
21. out of hand,
a. completely out of control.
b. without delay or deliberation.
22. show one's hand, to disclose one's true motives.
23. sit on one's hands,
a. to fail to applaud.
b. to fail to take appropriate action.
24. the back of one's or the hand to, one's contempt or rejection for.
25. to hand,
a. within reach; accessible or nearby.
b. into one's possession or view.
26. try one's hand at, to undertake so as to test one's aptitude for.
27. turn or put one's hand to, to set to work at; busy oneself with.
28. wash one's hands of, to abandon any further responsibility for.
29. with a heavy hand,
a. with severity; oppressively.
b. in a clumsy manner; awkwardly; gracelessly.
[before 900; Middle English, Old English, c. Old Saxon hand, Old High German hant, Old Norse hǫnd, Gothic handus]



Lear•ned (ˈlɜr nɪd) 1872–1961, U.S. jurist.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 a round of applause, 1590; something resembling a hand in appearance or function. See also bunch.
Examples: hand of applause, 1590; of bananas, 1881; of bridge; of cards, 1630; of herrings [five], 1861; of oranges [five], 1851; of tobacco, 1726; of whist, 1771.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. Big hands like the claws of a crab —Guy De Maupassant
  2. The bones in her narrow wrists were small as chicken bones —Mary Hedin
  3. Closed they [hands] looked like clusters of unpainted wooden balls as large as walnuts —Sherwood Anderson
  4. A craftsman’s hands … hands quick as cats —William H. Gass
  5. Fist like a piece of iron —Raymond Chandler
  6. Fists … as large as wastebaskets —Dashiell Hammett
  7. Fists like knotty pine —George Garrett
  8. Hand as wide as a stirrup —Richard Ford
  9. Hand … dry, hard and cold, rather like a chicken’s foot —F. van Wyck Mason
  10. His hand felt like the tentacles of a sea anemone —Kate Grenville
  11. Hand … like a fine piece of ivory carving —Rebecca West
  12. A hand like a side of meat —Douglas Adams
  13. Hand … like a baseball catcher’s glove —Frank Ross
  14. Hand like a boxing glove —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  15. Hand like a bundle of taut wire —Oakley Hall
  16. Hand like a ham —Stephen Vincent Benét
  17. Hand … like a sharp, icy stake —Ariel Dorfman
  18. Hand like a wood rasp —Raymond Chandler
  19. Hand … limp as a tassel —Frank Swinnerton
  20. Hand, quick as a bird claw —Eudora Welty
  21. Hands … as soft as cotton-wool —Ivan Turgenev
  22. Hands … cool, muted and frail with age like the smoothness of old yellow linen —Stephen Vincent Benét
  23. Hands … crude and functional as if whittled out of hard wood —George Garrett
  24. Hands folded like flower petals —Clare Boylan
  25. Hands … gnarled, huge and misshapen, like chunks of wood hewn from a pale tree —James Stern
  26. Hands gnarled, twisted and earth-stained like the vigorous roots of a tree —Ellen Glasgow
  27. Hands, horny as a laborer’s —Harvey Swados
  28. Hands hung like clusters of sausages —Louis Bromfield
  29. Hands … large and too thin, like empty gloves —Margaret Laurence
  30. Hands like asbestos —Mary Hedin
  31. Hands..like blocks of wood and about as gentle —Leslie Thomas
  32. Hands like bunches of bananas —Frank Swinnerton
  33. Hands like coal shovels —Gerald Kersh
  34. Hands … like dangling shovels —Jonathan Gash
  35. Hands … like elephant’s ears —Arthur Baer
  36. Hands … like great paws —Elizabeth Taylor
  37. Hands like hard rubber —Helen Hudson
  38. Hands like hunks of steak —Julia O’Faolain
  39. Hands like lion’s feet —Arthur A. Cohen
  40. Hands … like wings of butterflies —Hart Crane
  41. Hands … looked like roots in earth —Ram Dass and Paul Gorman
  42. Hand … soft, like worn silk —Jayne Anne Phillips

    See Also: SOFTNESS

  43. Hands ridged like topography maps —Sharon Sheehe Stark
  44. Hands … slender and smooth as though they had lifted nothing heavier than a knife to cut corners —Helen Hudson
  45. Hands … soft from the [dish] water, like old gum erasers —Jean Thompson
  46. Hands … steady as steel —H. E. Bates
  47. Hands that felt … like a scrubwoman’s hands, red-knuckled and practical —Hortense Calisher
  48. Hands that have thickened and calloused through the years so they look like tough paws —Louise Erdrich
  49. Hands turned out flat, palms up, like a Balinese dancer —Leonard Michaels
  50. Hands … which projected like strings upon the finger-board of a violin, and armed with claws like those on the terminations of bats’ wings —Théophile Gautier
  51. A hand that felt as though it was reaching for you from the grave —Harvey Swados
  52. Hand that rested like a sparrow on the table —Tony Ardizzone
  53. Hand … warm as a horn —Walker Percy
  54. Hand … wet and cold as something fished out of a pond —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  55. Her hands were stunning, like a sublime idea —Boris Pasternak
  56. His hands … seemed large and awkward as if he was wearing invisible mittens —Stephen Crane
  57. His wrists seemed to dangle from his cuffs as if they were sewn to the cloth —Jonathan Valin
  58. Long hands, like pitchforks —Arabian Nights
  59. An old man’s hand, hooked and grimy with a couple of nailless fingers, like a hand in a horror film —Jonathan Valin
  60. Veins [beneath skin of hands] tessellated like a blue mosaic, shining like an intricate blue design captured beneath glass —William Styron
  61. Wrists like steel whips —H. E. Bates
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Your hand is the part of your body at the end of your arm. It includes your fingers and your thumb.

Don't refer to a particular person's hand as 'the hand'. Say his hand or her hand. You refer to your own hand as my hand.

The young man held a letter in his hand.
Louise was shading her eyes with her hand.
I raised my hand.
The guards put their hands on his shoulders and led him quickly away.

However, if you say that someone does something to someone else's hand, you usually use the.

I grabbed Carlos by the hand.
Ahmed took his wife by the hand.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: handed
Gerund: handing

I hand
you hand
he/she/it hands
we hand
you hand
they hand
I handed
you handed
he/she/it handed
we handed
you handed
they handed
Present Continuous
I am handing
you are handing
he/she/it is handing
we are handing
you are handing
they are handing
Present Perfect
I have handed
you have handed
he/she/it has handed
we have handed
you have handed
they have handed
Past Continuous
I was handing
you were handing
he/she/it was handing
we were handing
you were handing
they were handing
Past Perfect
I had handed
you had handed
he/she/it had handed
we had handed
you had handed
they had handed
I will hand
you will hand
he/she/it will hand
we will hand
you will hand
they will hand
Future Perfect
I will have handed
you will have handed
he/she/it will have handed
we will have handed
you will have handed
they will have handed
Future Continuous
I will be handing
you will be handing
he/she/it will be handing
we will be handing
you will be handing
they will be handing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been handing
you have been handing
he/she/it has been handing
we have been handing
you have been handing
they have been handing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been handing
you will have been handing
he/she/it will have been handing
we will have been handing
you will have been handing
they will have been handing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been handing
you had been handing
he/she/it had been handing
we had been handing
you had been handing
they had been handing
I would hand
you would hand
he/she/it would hand
we would hand
you would hand
they would hand
Past Conditional
I would have handed
you would have handed
he/she/it would have handed
we would have handed
you would have handed
they would have handed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


1. A unit of length, used especially to measure horses’ height. 1 hand = 4 in.
2. Have a nice day
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited


The height of horses is sometimes given in hands, with one hand equaling four inches. Hand is an archaic English unit of length that has survived in this specific application.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.hand - the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limbhand - the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt"
human, human being, man - any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
arteria digitalis, digital arteries - arteries in the hand and foot that supply the fingers and toes
arteria metacarpea, metacarpal artery - dorsal and palmar arteries of the hand
intercapitular vein, vena intercapitalis - veins connecting the dorsal and palmar veins of the hand or the dorsal and plantar veins of the foot
metacarpal vein, vena metacarpus - dorsal and palmar veins of the hand
arm - a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb
clenched fist, fist - a hand with the fingers clenched in the palm (as for hitting)
hooks, maulers, meat hooks - large strong hand (as of a fighter); "wait till I get my hooks on him"
right hand, right - the hand that is on the right side of the body; "he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left"; "hit him with quick rights to the body"
left hand, left - the hand that is on the left side of the body; "jab with your left"
palm, thenar - the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers
finger - any of the terminal members of the hand (sometimes excepting the thumb); "her fingers were long and thin"
extremity - that part of a limb that is farthest from the torso
ball - a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass; "the ball at the base of the thumb"; "he stood on the balls of his feet"
metacarpus - the part of the hand between the carpus and phalanges
2.hand - a hired laborer on a farm or ranchhand - a hired laborer on a farm or ranch; "the hired hand fixed the railing"; "a ranch hand"
farm worker, farmhand, field hand, fieldhand - a hired hand on a farm
drover, herdsman, herder - someone who drives a herd
laborer, labourer, manual laborer, jack - someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor
ranch hand - a hired hand on a ranch
hostler, ostler, stableboy, stableman, groom - someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses
3.hand - something written by handhand - something written by hand; "she recognized his handwriting"; "his hand was illegible"
handwriting - the activity of writing by hand; "handwriting can be slow and painful for one with arthritis"
shorthand, stenography, tachygraphy - a method of writing rapidly
cursive, cursive script, longhand, running hand - rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper
writing - letters or symbols that are written or imprinted on a surface to represent the sounds or words of a language; "he turned the paper over so the writing wouldn't show"; "the doctor's writing was illegible"
calligraphy, chirography, penmanship - beautiful handwriting
cacography, scrawl, scribble, scratch - poor handwriting
4.hand - ability; "he wanted to try his hand at singing"
ability, power - possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"
5.hand - a position given by its location to the side of an object; "objections were voiced on every hand"
side - a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location; "they always sat on the right side of the church"; "he never left my side"
6.hand - the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time; "I didn't hold a good hand all evening"; "he kept trying to see my hand"
aggregation, collection, accumulation, assemblage - several things grouped together or considered as a whole
long suit - in a hand, the suit having the most cards
bridge hand - the cards held in a game of bridge
poker hand - the 5 cards held in a game of poker
7.hand - one of two sides of an issue; "on the one hand..., but on the other hand..."
side - an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect); "he was on the heavy side"; "he is on the purchasing side of the business"; "it brought out his better side"
8.hand - a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece; "the big hand counts the minutes"
hour hand, little hand - the shorter hand of a clock that points to the hours
big hand, minute hand - points to the minutes
pointer - an indicator as on a dial
second hand - hand marking seconds on a timepiece
horologe, timepiece, timekeeper - a measuring instrument or device for keeping time
9.hand - a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses; "the horse stood 20 hands"
handbreadth, handsbreadth - any unit of length based on the breadth of the human hand
10.hand - a member of the crew of a ship; "all hands on deck"
crewman, sailor - any member of a ship's crew
11.hand - a card player in a game of bridge; "we need a 4th hand for bridge"
bidder - someone who makes a bid at cards
bridge partner - one of a pair of bridge players who are on the same side of the game
card player - someone who plays (or knows how to play) card games
declarer, contractor - the bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps
12.hand - a round of applause to signify approval; "give the little lady a great big hand"
applause, clapping, hand clapping - a demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together
13.hand - terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos); "the kangaroo's forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"- Springfield (Mass.) Union
forepaw - front paw; analogous to the human hand
14.hand - physical assistancehand - physical assistance; "give me a hand with the chores"
assist, assistance, help, aid - the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "he gave me an assist with the housework"; "could not walk without assistance"; "rescue party went to their aid"; "offered his help in unloading"
Verb1.hand - place into the hands or custody ofhand - place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"
give - leave with; give temporarily; "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?"
transfer - cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"
sneak, slip - pass on stealthily; "He slipped me the key when nobody was looking"
deal - give (a specific card) to a player; "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"
fork out, fork over, fork up, hand over, turn in, deliver, render - to surrender someone or something to another; "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"; "render up the prisoners"; "render the town to the enemy"; "fork over the money"
relinquish, resign, give up, release, free - part with a possession or right; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"
entrust, intrust, confide, commit, trust - confer a trust upon; "The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret"; "I commit my soul to God"
entrust, leave - put into the care or protection of someone; "He left the decision to his deputy"; "leave your child the nurse's care"
hand out, pass out, give out, distribute - give to several people; "The teacher handed out the exams"
hand down - passed on, as by inheritance; "This ring was handed down through many generations"
fork out, fork over, fork up, hand over, turn in, deliver, render - to surrender someone or something to another; "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"; "render up the prisoners"; "render the town to the enemy"; "fork over the money"
2.hand - guide or conduct or usher somewhere; "hand the elderly lady into the taxi"
lead, guide, take, conduct, direct - take somebody somewhere; "We lead him to our chief"; "can you take me to the main entrance?"; "He conducted us to the palace"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. palm, fist, paw (informal), mitt (slang), hook, meathook (slang), H& (S.M.S.) I put my hand into my pocket.
2. influence, part, share, agency, direction, participation, H& (S.M.S.) Did you have a hand in his downfall?
3. assistance, help, aid, support, helping hand, H& (S.M.S.) Come and give me a hand in the garden.
4. worker, employee, labourer, workman, operative, craftsman, artisan, hired man, hireling, H& (S.M.S.) He now works as a farm hand.
5. round of applause, clap, ovation, big hand, H& (S.M.S.) Let's give 'em a big hand.
6. writing, script, handwriting, calligraphy, longhand, penmanship, chirography, H& (S.M.S.) written in the composer's own hand
plural noun
1. control, charge, care, keeping, power, authority, command, possession, custody, disposal, supervision, guardianship He is leaving his business in the hands of a colleague.
1. give, pass, hand over, present to, deliver, H& (S.M.S.) He handed me a little rectangle of white paper.
2. help, guide, conduct, lead, aid, assist, convey He handed her into his old Alfa Romeo sports car.
at hand approaching, near, imminent, just round the corner His retirement was at hand.
at or on hand within reach, nearby, handy, close, available, ready, on tap (informal), at your fingertips Having the right equipment on hand is enormously helpful.
by hand manually, with your hands, freehand Her work is painted by hand so every design is unique.
hand in glove in association, in partnership, in league, in collaboration, in cooperation, in cahoots (informal) They work hand in glove with the western intelligence agencies.
hand over fist swiftly, easily, steadily, by leaps and bounds Investors would lose money hand over fist if a demerger went ahead.
hands down easily, effortlessly, with ease, comfortably, without difficulty, with no trouble, standing on your head, with one hand tied behind your back, with no contest, with your eyes closed or shut We should have won hands down.
hand something around or round pass round, distribute, circulate, hand out John handed round the plate of sandwiches.
hand something back return, restore, send back, give back The management handed back his few possessions.
hand something down
1. pass on or down, pass, transfer, bequeath, will, give, grant, gift, endow a family heirloom handed down from generation to generation
2. pronounce, give, decree, deliver Tougher sentences are being handed down these days.
hand something on pass on or down, pass, transfer, bequeath, will, give, grant, relinquish His chauffeur-driven car will be handed on to his successor.
hand something or someone in give, turn in, turn over Anyone who finds anything is to hand it in to the police.
hand something or someone over
1. give, present, deliver, donate He handed over a letter of apology.
2. turn over, release, transfer, deliver, yield, surrender The American was formally handed over to the ambassador.
hand something out distribute, give out, issue, pass out, dish out, dole out, deal out, hand round, pass round, give round One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes.
in hand
1. in reserve, ready, put by, available for use I'll pay now as I have the money in hand.
2. under way, being dealt with, being attended to The business in hand was approaching some kind of climax.
3. under control, in order, receiving attention The organisers say that matters are well in hand.
lay hands on someone
1. attack, assault, set on, beat up, work over (slang), lay into (informal) The crowd laid hands on him.
2. bless (Christianity) confirm, ordain, consecrate The bishop laid hands on the sick.
lay hands on something
1. get hold of, get, obtain, gain, grab, acquire, seize, grasp the ease with which prisoners can lay hands on drugs
lend a hand help, help out, do your bit, be of assistance, lend a helping hand I'd be glad to lend a hand.
try your hand attempt, try, have a go (informal), have a shot (informal), have a crack, have a stab (informal) I tried my hand at painting
Related words
technical name manus
adjective manual
"One hand washes the other"
"Many hands make light work"
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Approval expressed by clapping:
2. The act or an instance of helping:
4. The particular angle from which something is considered:
5. One of two or more contrasted parts or places identified by its location with respect to a center:
1. To relinquish to the possession or control of another:
2. To cause to be transferred from one to another.Also used with over:
phrasal verb
hand down
1. To convey (something) from one generation to the next:
bequeath, hand on, pass (along or on), transmit.
2. To deliver (an indictment or verdict, for example):
phrasal verb
hand on
To convey (something) from one generation to the next:
bequeath, hand down, pass (along or on), transmit.
phrasal verb
hand out
1. To pass (something) out:
2. To make a gift of:
bestow, give (away), present.
3. To present as a gift to a charity or cause:
phrasal verb
hand over
1. To relinquish to the possession or control of another:
2. To put in the charge of another for care, use, or performance:
Idiom: give in trust.
3. To give up a possession, claim, or right:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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aîstoîhöndhönd, spil á hendimannskapur, vinnumaîuròverhönd, 4 òumlungar
건네 주다
antrankiaiatidžiai parinktasdelnasdidinamasis stiklaseiti išvien
člen posádkykartyprepojiť späťručičkaruka
bàn tayđỡgiúpkimquyền


A. N
1. (= part of body) → mano f
to have sth in one's handtener algo en la mano
to be clever or good with one's handsser hábil con las manos, ser un manitas
a piece for four hands (Mus) → una pieza para (piano a) cuatro manos
to hold hands [children] → ir cogidos de la mano, ir tomados de la mano (LAm); [lovers] → hacer manitas
on (one's) hands and kneesa gatas
hands off!¡fuera las manos!, ¡no se toca!
hands off those chocolates!¡los bombones ni tocarlos!
hands off pensions!¡no a la reforma de las pensiones!, ¡dejad las pensiones en paz!
to keep one's hands off sthno tocar algo
hands up! (to criminal) → ¡arriba las manos!; (to pupils) → ¡que levanten la mano!
hand over fist to be making money hand over fistganar dinero a espuertas
to be losing money hand over fisthacerle agua el dinero
to be hand in glove with sb (= very close) → ser uña y carne con algn; (= in cahoots) → estar conchabado con algn
to work hand in glove with sbtrabajar en estrecha colaboración con algn
to live from hand to mouthvivir al día
my hands are tiedtengo las manos atadas, no puedo hacer nada
I could do it with one hand tied behind my backlo podría hacer con una mano atada a la espalda
he never does a hand's turnno da golpe
many hands make light workmuchas manos facilitan el trabajo
see also shake B1
2. (= needle) [of instrument] → aguja f; [of clock] → manecilla f, aguja f
the big handla manecilla grande, el minutero
the little handla manecilla pequeña, el horario
3. (= agency, influence) → mano f, influencia f
his hand was everywherese notaba su influencia por todas partes, su mano se notaba en todo
to have a hand intomar parte en, intervenir en
he had no hand in itno tuvo arte ni parte en ello
4. (= worker) (in factory) → obrero/a m/f; (= farm hand) → peón m; (= deck hand) → marinero m (de cubierta)
all hands on deck! (Naut) → ¡todos a cubierta!
to be lost with all handshundirse con toda la tripulación
to be an old hand (at sth)ser perro viejo (en algo)
5. (= help) → mano f
would you like a hand with moving that?¿te echo una mano a mover eso?
to give or lend sb a handechar una mano a algn
can you give or lend me a hand?¿me echas una mano?
6. (= handwriting) → letra f, escritura f
he writes a good handtiene buena letra
in one's own handde su (propio) puño y letra
7. (Cards) (= round) → mano f, partida f; (= cards held) → mano f
a hand of bridge/pokeruna mano or una partida de bridge/póker
8. (= measurement) [of horse] → palmo m
he's 15 hands highmide 15 palmos de alto
9. (= round of applause) they gave him a big handle aplaudieron calurosamente
let's have a big hand for ...!¡muchos aplausos para ...!
10. (phrases with verb)
to ask for sb's hand (in marriage)pedir la mano de algn
to change handscambiar de mano or de dueño
just wait till I get my hands on him!¡espera (a) que le ponga la mano encima!
to lay hands on (= get) → conseguir (Rel) → imponer las manos a
I don't know where to lay my hands onno sé dónde conseguir ...
she read everything she could lay her hands onleía todo lo que caía en sus manos
to put or set one's hand to sthemprender algo
to raise one's or a hand to or against sbponer a algn la mano encima
to take a hand in sthtomar parte or participar en algo
to try one's hand at sthprobar algo
to get one's hand inadquirir práctica, irse acostumbrando
to give with one hand and take away with the otherquitar con una mano lo que se da con la otra
to keep one's hand inconservar or no perder la práctica (at de) to sit on one's hands (US) [audience] → aplaudir con desgana; [committee etc] → no hacer nada
to turn one's hand to sthdedicarse a algo
he can turn his hand to anythingvale tanto para un barrido como para un fregado
to wait on sb hand and footdesvivirse por algn, ponérselo todo en bandeja a algn
see also eat B
see also force B1
see also join A1
see also show A1, B1
see also throw up B1
see also wash B1
see also win B3, C
11. (phrases with adjective)
to rule with a firm handgobernar con firmeza
to have a free handtener carta blanca
to give sb a free handdar carta blanca a algn
to have one's hands full (with sth/sb)no parar un momento (con algo/algn), estar muy ocupado (con algo/algn)
I've got my hands full with the kidscon los niños no paro un momento
I've got my hands full running the firm while the boss is awayestoy muy ocupado llevando la empresa mientras el jefe está fuera
don't worry, she's in good handsno te preocupes, está en buenas manos
with a heavy handcon mano dura
to give sb a helping handechar una mano a algn
with a high handdespóticamente
if this should get into the wrong handssi esto cayera en manos de quien no debiera ...
to get or gain the upper handempezar a dominar
to have the upper handtener or llevar la ventaja
12. (= after preposition)
don't worry, help is at handno te preocupes, disponemos de or contamos con ayuda
winter was at handse acercaba el invierno
keep the book close at handten el libro a mano
we're close at hand in case she needs helpnos tiene a mano or muy cerca si necesita ayuda
at first handde primera mano
I heard it only at second handlo supe sólo de modo indirecto
at the hands ofa manos de
they suffered a series of defeats at the hands of the Frenchsufrieron una serie de derrotas a manos de los franceses
made by handhecho a mano
to raise an animal by handcriar un animal uno mismo
to send a letter by handenviar una carta en mano
delivered by handentregado en mano
"by hand" (on envelope) → en su mano
to take sb by the handcoger or tomar a algn de la mano
they were going along hand in handiban cogidos de la mano
it goes hand in hand withestá estrechamente relacionado con
these plans should go hand in handestos proyectos deben realizarse al mismo ritmo
gun in handel revólver en la mano, empuñando el revólver
to be in sb's handsestar en manos de algn
it's in his hands nowdepende de él ahora
I put myself in your handsme pongo en tus manos
to have £50 in handtener 50 libras en el haber
I like to have sth in handme gusta tener algo en reserva
money in handdinero m disponible
the cases I have in hand at the momentlos casos que tengo entre manos en este momento
the situation is in handtenemos la situación controlada or bajo control
he has them well in handsabe manejarlos perfectamente
let's concentrate on the job in handcentrémonos en el trabajo que tenemos entre manos
to take sth in handtomar algo a cuestas
to take sb in hand (= take charge of) → hacerse cargo de algn; (= discipline) → imponer disciplina a algn
to play into sb's handshacer el juego a algn
to fall into the hands of the enemycaer en manos del enemigo
to put sth into a lawyer's handsponer un asunto en manos de un abogado
to take justice into one's own handstomar la justicia por su propia mano
to get sth off one's hands (= get rid of) → deshacerse de algo; (= finish doing) → terminar de hacer algo
to take sth off sb's handsdesembarazar a algn de algo
the children are off our hands nownuestros hijos ya han volado del nido
on the right/left handa derecha/izquierda, a mano derecha/izquierda
on the one hand ... on the other handpor una parte ... por otra parte, por un lado ... por otro lado
on the other hand, she did agree to do itpero el caso es que ella (sí) había accedido a hacerlo
on every hand; on all handspor todas partes
there are experts on hand to give you advicehay expertos a su disposición para ofrecerle asesoramiento
I've got him on my hands all dayestá conmigo todo el día
we've got a difficult job on our handstenemos entre manos una difícil tarea
he's got time on his handstiene todo el tiempo del mundo
to have sth left on one's handstener que quedarse con algo
he was left with the goods on his handstuvo que quedarse con todo el género, el género resultó ser invendible
to dismiss sth out of handdescartar algo sin más
the situation was getting out of handla situación se estaba escapando de las manos
the children were getting out of handlos niños se estaban desmandando
to have sth to handtener algo a mano
I don't have the information to hand just nowahora mismo no tengo a mano la información
I hit him with the first thing that came to handle golpeé con lo primero que tenía a mano or que pillé
your letter of the 23rd is to hand (frm) → he recibido su carta del día 23
see also cap A1
B. VT (= pass) to hand sb sth; hand sth to sbpasar algo a algn
he handed me the bookme pasó el libro
you've got to hand it to himhay que reconocérselo
C. CPD [lotion, cream] → para las manos
hand baggage N (US) = hand luggage hand controls NPLcontroles mpl manuales
hand drier, hand dryer Nsecamanos m inv automático
hand grenade Ngranada f (de mano)
hand luggage Nequipaje m de mano
hand print Nmanotada f
hand puppet Ntítere m
hand signal N (Aut) → señal f con el brazo
with both indicators broken, he had to rely on hand signalscon los intermitentes rotos tenía que hacer señales con el brazo or la mano
they had to communicate in hand signalstuvieron que comunicarse por señas
hand towel Ntoalla f de manos
hand around VT + ADV = hand round
hand back VT + ADVdevolver
hand down VT + ADV [+ suitcase etc] → bajar, pasar; [+ heirloom] → pasar, dejar en herencia; [+ tradition] → transmitir (US) [+ judgement] → dictar, imponer; [+ person] → ayudar a bajar
hand in VT + ADV [+ form, homework] → entregar; [+ resignation] → presentar
hand off VT + ADV (Rugby) → rechazar
hand on VT + ADV [+ tradition] → transmitir; [+ news] → comunicar; [+ object] → pasar
hand out VT + ADV [+ leaflets] → repartir, distribuir; [+ advice] → dar
hand over
1. (= pass over) → pasar
can you hand me over the hammer please?¿me pasas el martillo, por favor?
2. (= hand in) [+ driving licence, passport] → entregar; (= surrender) [+ property, business] → traspasar, ceder; [+ power, government] → ceder
B. VI + ADV (to successor) → ceder su puesto a
I'm now handing over to the studio (Rad, TV) → ahora devolvemos la conexión al estudio
hand round VT + ADV [+ information, bottle] → pasar (de mano en mano); [+ chocolates, biscuits etc] → ofrecer; [+ photocopies, leaflets, books] → repartir
hand up VT + ADV [+ person] → subir
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[person] → main f
to have sth in one's hand → tenir qch à la main
to be on one's hands and knees (on all fours)être à quatre pattes
to join hands → se donner la main
to hold hands [people] → se donner la main
We were holding hands → Nous nous donnions la main.
hand in hand (= holding hands) → main dans la main
to hold sb's hand (fig)encourager qn
to force sb's hand → forcer la main à qn
to have a free hand → avoir carte blanche
my hands are tied (fig) (= I'm not free to act) → j'ai les mains liées
to throw up one's hands (expressing anger, frustration)lever les bras au ciel
to make money hand over fist → gagner une fortune, ne pas avoir le temps de dépenser ce que l'on gagne
to lose money hand over fist → perdre des sommes d'argent phénoménales
to win hands down → gagner haut la main
see also eat
(indicating aspect) on the one hand ... , on the other hand → d'une part ..., d'autre part
(indicating possession) in sb's hands → entre les mains de qn
to be in safe hands → être en (de) bonnes mains
to be in the wrong hands → être en (de) mauvaises mains
to get one's hands on sth (= manage to get) → mettre la main sur qch
Wait till I get my hands on him! → Attends que je lui mette la main dessus!
to lay one's hands on sth (= manage to get) → mettre la main sur qch
to change hands (= be sold) → changer de mains
(indicating influence, involvement) to have a hand in sth → jouer un rôle dans qch
to go hand in hand (= be closely related) → aller de pair
to go hand in hand with sth (= be closely related to) → aller de pair avec qch
to keep one's hand in → garder la main
to keep one's hands off sth/sb → ne pas toucher à qch/qn
"hands off!" → "bas les pattes!"
to play into sb's hands [person] → faire le jeu de qn; [events, situation] → jouer en la faveur de qn
to be hand in glove with sb → être de mèche avec qn
(indicating way of treating sb/sth) at the hands of sb
He died at the hands of an assassin → Il mourut des mains d'un assassin., Il mourut assassinée.
Many people had suffered at his hands → Nombreux étaient ceux qui avaient souffert entre ses mains.
He has done nothing to deserve such kind treatment at our hands → Il n'a rien fait pour mériter un si bon traitement de notre part.
They were reluctant to risk another defeat at the hands of the opposition → Ils hésitaient devant le risque de se voir infliger une nouvelle défaite par l'opposition.
to rule with a heavy hand → gouverner d'une main de fer
(indicating responsibility) to have sth on one's hands [+ problem, responsibility] → avoir qch sur les bras
to have a big task on one's hands → avoir du pain sur la planche
to have a fight on one's hands
We have a fight on our hands → Un véritable combat nous attend.
to be off sb's hands [problem, task] → ne plus être la responsabilité de qn; [person]
I have more free time now the children are off my hands → J'ai davantage de temps libre sans les enfants sur les bras.
to take sb/sth off sb's hands → débarrasser qn de qn/qch
to have one's hands full (= be occupied) → avoir beaucoup à faire
to have one's hands full with sth → avoir beaucoup à faire avec qch
to wash one's hands of sth → se laver les mains de qch
to hold up one's hand(s), to hold one's hand(s) up (= admit responsibility) → prendre ses responsabilités
to hold up one's hand(s) to sth, to hold one's hand(s) up to sth → assumer la responsabilité de qch, endosser la responsabilité de qch
(indicating help, assistance) to give sb a hand, to lend sb a hand → donner un coup de main à qn
Can you give me a hand? → Tu peux me donner un coup de main?
to give sb a hand to do sth → donner un coup de main à qn pour faire qch
(indicating availability) at hand → à portée de main, à portée de la main
to be near at hand, to be close at hand → être à portée de main, être à portée de la main
to be on hand [person] → être disponible; [emergency services] → être sur place
to hand (= readily available) [information] → sous la main, à portée de la main
in hand (= to spare) → d'avance
Hughes finished with 15 seconds in hand → Hughes finit avec 15 secondes d'avance.
(indicating skill) to turn one's hand to sth → se mettre à qch
to try one's hand at sth → s'essayer à qch
to try one's hand at doing sth → s'essayer à faire qch
by hand [make] → à la main; [deliver] → en main propre, en mains propres; [wash] → à la main
to do sth by hand → faire qch à la main
(indicating control) in hand (= in control) → en main
We have the situation in hand → Nous avons la situation bien en main.
Matters are in hand → On a les choses bien en main.
to take sb/sth in hand → prendre qn/qch en main
to take o.s. in hand → se prendre en main
to get out of hand [situation, phenomenon] → devenir incontrôlable; [person] → devenir incontrôlable
(indicating continuity) in hand (= ongoing) [work] → en cours
the job in hand (British)le travail en cours
out of hand adv (= completely) [reject, dismiss] → d'emblée
[clock] → aiguille f
(= handwriting) → écriture f
in sb's hand (= written by sb) → de la main de qn
(at cards)jeu m
to show one's hand (= reveal one's intentions) → montrer son jeu
(= measurement) [horse] → paume f
(= worker) → ouvrier/ière m/f
hired hand → saisonnier/ière m/f farmhand
(= give, pass) to hand sth to sb, to hand sb sth → passer qch à qn
He handed me the book → Il m'a passé le livre.
(= concede)
You've got to hand it to her → Il faut lui rendre cette justice.
modif [tool, drill] → à main
hand around
vt sep = hand round
hand back
vt sep [+ object, property] → rendre; [+ power, control] → restituer; [+ country, land, territory] → rendre
to hand sth back to sb [+ object, property] → rendre qch à qn; [+ power, control] → restituer qch à qn; [+ country, land, territory] → rendre qch à qn
hand down
(= pass on) [+ tradition, heirloom] → transmettre; [+ knowledge, wisdom] → transmettre
to be handed down from father to son → être transmis(e) de père en fils
to be handed down from mother to daughter → être transmis(e) de mère en fille
to be handed down from generation to generation → être transmis(e) de génération en génération
(US) (= pronounce) [+ sentence, verdict] → prononcer
(from shelf etc)passer
Can you hand me down that book? → Peux-tu me passer le livre qui est là-haut?
hand in
[+ object] → remettre
[+ exam paper] → rendre
Martin handed his exam paper in → Martin a rendu sa copie d'examen.
hand out
vt [+ goods, leaflets] → distribuer; [+ prizes] → remettre; [+ advice] → donner
The teacher handed out the books → Le professeur a distribué les livres.
hand over
vt [+ object, goods, money] → remettre; [+ power, control] → transmettre; [+ person, prisoner, hostage] → livrer
to hand sth over to sb → remettre qch à qn
She handed the keys over to me → Elle m'a remis les clés.
to hand sb over to the police → livrer qn à la police
to hand over to sb (gen)passer le relais à qn; (on TV, radio)passer l'antenne à qn
see also handover
hand round
hand around vt sep [+ food, drinks] → faire passer
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Hand f; (of clock)Zeiger m; on (one’s) hands and kneesauf allen vieren; to take/lead somebody by the handjdn an die or bei der Hand nehmen/an der Hand führen; hand in handHand in Hand; to go hand in hand with somethingmit etw einhergehen or Hand in Hand gehen; these symptoms often go hand in handdiese Symptome treten oft gleichzeitig auf; hands up!Hände hoch!; (Sch) → meldet euch!; hands up who knows the answer/who wants to goHand hoch, wer es weiß/wer gehen will; hands off! (inf)Hände weg!; keep your hands off my wifelass die Finger or Pfoten (inf)von meiner Frau!; done or made by handhandgearbeitet; this sweater was knitted by handdieser Pullover ist handgestrickt; to deliver a letter by handeinen Brief persönlich überbringen; “by hand”„durch Boten; to raise an animal by handein Tier von Hand or mit der Flasche aufziehen; pistol in handmit vorgehaltener Pistole, mit der Pistole in der Hand; to climb hand over handHand über Hand klettern; to live (from) hand to mouthvon der Hand in den Mund leben; with a heavy/firm hand (fig)mit harter/fester or starker Hand; to get one’s hands dirty (fig)sich (dat)die Hände schmutzig machen; to give with one hand and take away with the othermit einer Hand geben, mit der anderen nehmen; it’s a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand’s doingdas ist so ein Fall, wo die rechte Hand nicht weiß, was die linke tut; we’re forced to do it with one hand or both hands or our hands tied behind our back (fig)wir sind gezwungen, es zu tun, während uns die Hände gebunden sind ? hold, shake
= sideSeite f; on the right handauf der rechten Seite, rechts, rechter Hand; on my right handrechts von mir, zu meiner Rechten (geh); on every hand, on all handsauf allen Seiten, ringsum(her); on the one hand … on the other hand …einerseits or auf der einen Seite …, andererseits or auf der anderen Seite
= agency, possession it’s the hand of God/fatedas ist die Hand Gottes/des Schicksals; your future is in your own handsSie haben Ihre Zukunft (selbst) in der Hand; to take one’s life in one’s handssein Leben selbst in die Hand nehmen; to put something into somebody’s handsjdm etw in die Hand geben, etw in jds Hände legen; he put the matter in the hands of his lawyerer übergab die Sache seinem Anwalt; to leave somebody in somebody’s handsjdn in jds Obhut lassen; to leave something in somebody’s handsjdm etw überlassen; to put oneself in(to) somebody’s handssich jdm anvertrauen, sich in jds Hände begeben (geh); my life is in your handsmein Leben ist or liegt in Ihren Händen; to fall into the hands of somebodyjdm in die Hände fallen; to fall into the wrong handsin die falschen Hände geraten; to be in good handsin guten Händen sein; to change handsden Besitzer wechseln; I received some pretty rough treatment at her handsich bin von ihr ganz schön grob behandelt worden; he suffered terribly at the hands of the enemyer machte in den Händen des Feindes Schreckliches durch; he has too much time on his handser hat zu viel Zeit zur Verfügung; he has a problem/five children on his handser hat ein Problem/fünf Kinder am Hals (inf); it’s no fun having three noisy children on your handses macht keinen Spaß, drei laute Kinder am Hals zu haben (inf); we’ve got a fight on our handswir haben einen harten Kampf vor uns; I’ve got enough on my hands alreadyich habe ohnehin schon alle Hände voll zu tun, ich habe schon genug um die Ohren (inf)or am Hals (inf); she read everything she could get her hands onsie las alles, was sie in die Finger bekommen konnte; just wait till I get my hands on him!warte nur, bis ich ihn zwischen die Finger kriege! (inf); to get somebody/something off one’s handsjdn/etw loswerden; to take somebody/something off somebody’s handsjdm jdn/etw abnehmen; goods left on our hands (Comm) → nicht abgesetzte Waren ? die1 VI a, change VT a, free ADJ a
= applauseApplaus m, → Beifall m; they gave him a big handsie gaben ihm großen Applaus, sie klatschten ihm großen Beifall; let’s give our guest a big handund nun großen Beifall für unseren Gast
= workerArbeitskraft f, → Arbeiter(in) m(f); (Naut) → Besatzungsmitglied nt; to take on handsLeute einstellen; (Naut) → Leute anheuern; handsLeute pl, → Belegschaft f; (ship’s) handsBesatzung f, → Mannschaft f; all hands on deck!alle Mann an Deck!; lost with all handsmit der ganzen Besatzung untergegangen
= expert to be an old hand (at something)ein alter Hase (→ in etw dat) → sein; he is an experienced hand at thater hat viel Erfahrung darin ? dab2
= handwritingHandschrift f; it is written in his own handes ist in seiner Handschrift geschrieben
= measure of horse˜ 10 cm
Cards → Blatt nt; (= person)Mann m; (= game)Runde f; 3 hands (= people)3 Mann; a hand of bridgeeine Runde Bridge; to show one’s handseine Karten aufdecken; (fig)sich (dat)in die Karten sehen lassen
other phrases to ask for a lady’s hand (in marriage)um die Hand einer Dame anhalten; to have one’s hands full with somebody/somethingmit jdm/etw alle Hände voll zu tun haben; to wait on somebody hand and footjdn von vorne und hinten bedienen; to have a hand in something (in decision)an etw (dat)beteiligt sein; in crimedie Hand bei etw im Spiel haben; I had no hand in itich hatte damit nichts zu tun; to take a hand in somethingan etw (dat)teilnehmen, sich an etw (dat)beteiligen; to keep one’s hand inin Übung bleiben; to lend or give somebody a handjdm behilflich sein, jdm zur Hand gehen; give me a hand!hilf mir mal!; to give somebody a hand upjdm hochhelfen; give me a hand downhelfen Sie mir mal herunter; to force somebody’s handjdn zwingen, auf jdn Druck ausüben; he never does a hand’s turner rührt keinen Finger, er macht keinen Finger krumm; to be hand in glove with somebodymit jdm unter einer Decke stecken, mit jdm gemeinsame Sache machen; to win hands downmühelos or spielend gewinnen; to stay one’s handabwarten; to have the upper handdie Oberhand behalten; to get or gain the upper hand (of somebody)(über jdn) die Oberhand gewinnen; he is making money hand over fister scheffelt das Geld nur so; we’re losing money hand over fistwir verlieren massenweise Geld; the inflation rate is rising hand over fistdie Inflationsrate steigt rasend schnell
? at + hand to keep something at handetw in Reichweite haben; according to the information at handgemäß or laut der vorhandenen or vorliegenden Informationen; it’s quite close at handes ist ganz in der Nähe; summer/Christmas is (close) at handder Sommer/Weihnachten steht vor der Tür, es ist bald Sommer/Weihnachten; at first/second handaus erster/zweiter Hand ? also (c)
? in + hand he had the situation well in hander hatte die Situation im Griff; she took the child in handsie nahm die Erziehung des Kindes in die Hand; to take somebody in hand (= discipline)jdn in die Hand nehmen; (= look after)jdn in Obhut nehmen, nach jdm sehen; stock in hand (Comm) → Warenlager nt; what stock have you in hand?welche Waren haben Sie am Lager?; he still had £600/a couple of hours in hander hatte £ 600 übrig/noch zwei Stunden Zeit; the matter in handdie vorliegende or (in discussion) → die zur Debatte stehende Angelegenheit; work in handArbeit, die zurzeit erledigt wird; we’ve got a lot of work in handwir haben viel Arbeit anstehen or zu erledigen; a matter/project is in handeine Sache/ein Projekt ist in Bearbeitung; we still have a game in handwir haben noch ein Spiel ausstehen; to put something in handzusehen, dass etw erledigt wird ? also (a, c, g)
? on + hand according to the information on handgemäß or laut der vorhandenen or vorliegenden Informationen; we have little information on handwir haben kaum Informationen pl(zur Verfügung) ? also (a, b, c)
? out + hand to eat out of somebody’s hand (lit, fig)jdm aus der Hand fressen; the children got out of handdie Kinder waren nicht mehr zu bändigen or gerieten außer Rand und Band; the horse got out of hander hat/ich habe etc die Kontrolle über das Pferd verloren; the party got out of handdie Party ist ausgeartet; things got out of handdie Dinge sind außer Kontrolle geraten; I dismissed the idea out of handich verwarf die Idee sofort
? to + hand I don’t have the letter to handich habe den Brief gerade nicht zur Hand; your letter has come to hand (Comm) → wir haben Ihren Brief erhalten; he seized the first weapon to hander ergriff die erstbeste Waffe; we have little information to handwir haben kaum Informationen pl(zur Verfügung) ? palm2, cash
(= give)reichen, geben (sth to sb, sb sth jdm etw); he handed the lady into/out of the carriageer half der Dame in die/aus der Kutsche; you’ve got to hand it to him (fig inf)das muss man ihm lassen (inf)
? hand (a)round vt sepherumreichen; bottle alsoherumgehen lassen; (= distribute) papersausteilen, verteilen
? hand back vt sepzurückgeben
? hand down vt sep
(lit)herunterreichen or -geben (to sb jdm)
(fig)weitergeben; tradition, beliefüberliefern, weitergeben; heirloom etcvererben (→ to +dat); clothesvererben (inf) (→ to +dat); story (from sb to sb) → überliefern (→ to an +acc), → weitergeben (→ to an +acc); the farm’s been handed down from generation to generationder Hof ist durch die Generationen weitervererbt worden; all his clothes were handed down from his elder brotherser musste die Kleidung seiner älteren Brüder auftragen
(Jur) sentencefällen

? hand in vt sepabgeben; forms, thesis also, resignationeinreichen
? hand off vt sep (Rugby) → (mit der Hand) wegstoßen
? hand on vt sepweitergeben (→ to an +acc)
? hand out vt sepausteilen, verteilen (to sb an jdn); advicegeben, erteilen (to sb jdm); heavy sentenceverhängen, austeilen; the Spanish boxer was really handing it out (inf)der spanische Boxer hat wirklich ganz schön zugeschlagen or ausgeteilt (inf)
? hand over vt sep (= pass over)(herüber)reichen (→ to dat); (= hand on)weitergeben (→ to an +acc); (= give up)(her)geben (→ to dat); (to third party) → (ab)geben (→ to dat); criminal, prisonerübergeben (→ to dat); (from one state to another) → ausliefern; leadership, authority, powersabgeben, abtreten (→ to an +acc); the controls, property, businessübergeben (→ to dat, → an +acc); hand over that gun!Waffe her!; I now hand you over to our political correspondentich gebe nun weiter or übergebe nun an unseren (politischen) Korrespondenten; to hand oneself over to the police/authoritiessich der Polizei/den Behörden ergeben vi when the Conservatives handed over to Labourals die Konservativen die Regierung an Labour abgaben; when the chairman handed over to his successorals der Vorsitzende das Amt an seinen Nachfolger abgab; I now hand over to our sports correspondentich übergebe nun an unseren Sportberichterstatter; he handed over to the co-piloter übergab an den Kopiloten
? hand up vt sephinaufreichen


nHandtasche f
hand baggage
nHandgepäck nt
(= game)Handball m
(Ftbl: = foul) → Handspiel nt, → Hand f
interj (Ftbl) → Hand
nSchubkarre f
hand basin
nHandwaschbecken nt
nSchelle f, → Glocke f(mit Stiel)
nFlugblatt nt, → Handzettel m
nHandbuch nt; (tourist’s) → Reiseführer m
n (esp Brit) → Handbremse f
handbrake turn
n (Aut) to do a handdurch Anziehen der Handbremse wenden
nHandbreit f


n (Rail) → Draisine f, → Dräsine f
nHandwagen m
n (US) → Händedruck m
hand controls
pl (Aut) → Handbedienung f
vtHandschellen anlegen (+dat); he handed himself to the railingser machte sich mit Handschellen am Geländer fest; to be handedHandschellen angelegt bekommen; the accused was handed to a police officerder Angeklagte war (mit Handschellen) an einen Polizisten gefesselt
plHandschellen pl


hand grenade
nHandgranate f
n(Hand)griff m; (= handshake)Händedruck m
adj device, computerim Taschenformat; taken with a hand cameraaus der (freien) Hand aufgenommen Handheld nt
nHalt m


hand loom
nHandwebstuhl m; hand-loom weaverHandweber(in) m(f); hand-loom weavingHandweben nt
hand lotion
nHandlotion f
hand luggage
n (Brit) → Handgepäck nt
adjhandgearbeitet; this is handdas ist Handarbeit
n (obs)Zofe f (old); (Bibl) → Magd f
hand-me-down (inf)
nabgelegtes Kleidungsstück
adj clothesabgelegt; piano, booksgeerbt (hum)
hand mirror
nHandspiegel m
n (Rugby) → Wegstoß (→ en nt) m(mit der Hand)
adjvon Hand bedient or betätigt, handbedient, handbetrieben
n (= money)Unterstützung f, → (Geld)zuwendung f; (= food)Essensspende f; (= leaflet)Flugblatt nt; (with several pages) → Broschüre f; (in school) → Arbeitsblatt nt; (= publicity hand-out)Reklamezettel m; budget handZuwendung for Geschenk ntaus dem Etat
n (Pol) → Übergabe f; hand of powerMachtübergabe f
adj (lit)von Hand geerntet, handverlesen; (fig) successor, team, staffsorgfältig ausgewählt, handverlesen (hum)
hand puppet
n (US) = glove puppet
n (of stairs etc)Geländer nt; (of ship)Reling f; (for bath etc) → Haltegriff m
nHandsäge f, → Fuchsschwanz m
n (Telec) → Hörer m
vt (Typ) → (von Hand) setzen


n(Handstand)überschlag m
nHandstand m; to do a hand(einen) Handstand machen
advim Nahkampf, Mann gegen Mann
adj hand fight/fightingNahkampf m
adj existencekümmerlich, armselig; to lead a hand existence, to exist on a hand basisvon der Hand in den Mund leben
hand towel
nHändehandtuch nt
nHandarbeit f
nHandschrift f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (of person) → mano f; (of clock) → lancetta
to have in one's hand (knife, victory) → avere in mano or in pugno (book, money) → avere in mano
to take sb by the hand → prendere per mano qn
on (one's) hands and knees → carponi, a quattro zampe
hands up! (during hold-up) → mani in alto! (to pupils) → alzate la mano!
hands off! (fam) → giù le mani!
to be clever or good with one's hands → avere le mani d'oro
made/delivered by hand → fatto/a/consegnato/a a mano
to live from hand to mouth → vivere alla giornata
they gave him a big hand (fig) → gli hanno fatto un bell'applauso
b. (worker, in factory) → operaio/a, manovale m; (farm hand) → bracciante m/f; (deck hand) → marinaio
all hands on deck! (Naut) → tutti in coperta!
to be an old hand → essere vecchio/a del mestiere
c. (liter) (handwriting) → scrittura, mano f
in one's own hand → di proprio pugno, di propria mano
d. (Cards) → mano f
a hand of bridge/poker → una mano a bridge/poker
e. (measurement, of horse) → dieci centimetri
f. (phrases with verb) to be hand in glove with sbessere in combutta con qn
to change hands (property) → cambiare (di) mano
to force sb's hand → forzare la mano a qn
to give or lend sb a hand → dare una mano a qn
to keep one's hand in → tenersi in esercizio, non perdere la mano
she can turn her hand to anything → sa fare un po' di tutto
he asked for her hand (in marriage) → ha chiesto la sua mano
to wait on sb hand and foot → essere a totale disposizione di qn
to have one's hands full (with sb/sth) → essere troppo preso/a (con qn/qc)
to win hands down → vincere senza difficoltà
to be making/losing money hand over fist → fare/perdere un sacco di soldi
to have a free hand → avere carta bianca
to have the upper hand → avere la meglio or il sopravvento
to have a hand in sth → essere immischiato/a in qc
g. (phrases with prep before n) at handa portata di mano
to be near or close at hand → essere a due passi
at first hand → di prima mano
hand in hand → mano nella mano
to go hand in hand (with) (fig) → andare insieme (a)
to be in sb's hands → essere nelle mani di qn
in hand (work) → in corso
to have £50 in hand → avere ancora 50 sterline a disposizione
we have the situation in hand → abbiamo la situazione sotto controllo
we have the matter in hand → ci stiamo occupando della cosa
to take sb in hand → controllare qn
to play into sb's hands → fare il gioco di qn
to fall into the hands of the enemy → cadere in mano al nemico
on hand (person) → disponibile (object) → sottomano, a portata di mano (emergency services) → pronto/a a intervenire
on the right/left hand → sulla destra/sinistra
(on the one hand) ...on the other hand → (da una parte)... d'altra parte
to have sth left on one's hands → ritrovarsi con qc, rimanere con qc
to take sth off sb's hands → togliere qc di torno a qn
to condemn sb out of hand → condannare qn a priori
to get out of hand → sfuggire di mano
to hand (information) → a portata di mano
2. vt (pass) to hand sb sth, hand sth to sbpassare qc a qn
you've got to hand it to him (fam) → questo glielo devi riconoscere
it was handed to him on a plate (fam) → glielo hanno dato su un piatto d'argento
hand back vt + advrestituire
hand down vt + adv (suitcase) → passare, dare (con movimento dall'alto al basso); (tradition) → tramandare; (heirloom) → lasciare in eredità (Am) (sentence, verdict) → emettere
hand in vt + adv (form) → consegnare; (resignation) → rassegnare, dare
hand on vt + advtrasmettere, dare, passare
hand out vt + adv (leaflets) → distribuire; (advice) → elargire
hand over vt + advconsegnare; (powers, property, business) → cedere
hand round vt + adv (information, papers) → far circolare; (distribute, chocolates, cakes) → far girare; (subj, hostess) → offrire
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(hӕnd) noun
1. the part of the body at the end of the arm. mano
2. a pointer on a clock, watch etc. Clocks usually have an hour hand and a minute hand.manecilla, aguja
3. a person employed as a helper, crew member etc. a farm hand; All hands on deck!trabajador, operario
4. help; assistance. Can I lend a hand?; Give me a hand with this box, please.mano, ayuda
5. a set of playing-cards dealt to a person. I had a very good hand so I thought I had a chance of winning.mano, cartas
6. a measure (approximately centimetres) used for measuring the height of horses. a horse of 14 hands.palmo
7. handwriting. written in a neat hand.caligrafía
(often with back, ~down, ~up etc).
1. to give (something) to someone by hand. I handed him the book; He handed it back to me; I'll go up the ladder, and you can hand the tools up to me.caligrafía
2. to pass, transfer etc into another's care etc. That is the end of my report from Paris. I'll now hand you back to Fred Smith in the television studio in London.devolver, pasar
ˈhandful noun
1. as much as can be held in one hand. a handful of sweets.puñado
2. a small number. Only a handful of people came to the meeting.puñado
3. a person etc difficult to control. Her three children are a (bit of a) handful. dar mucha guerra, ser difícil de controlar
ˈhandbag noun
(American usually purse) a small bag carried by women, for personal belongings. bolso
ˈhandbill noun
a small printed notice. prospecto, folleto
ˈhandbook noun
a small book giving information about (how to do) something. a handbook of European birds; a bicycle-repair handbook.manual
ˈhandbrake noun
(in a car, bus etc) a brake operated by the driver's hand. freno de mano
ˈhandcuff verb
to put handcuffs on (a person). The police handcuffed the criminal.esposar, poner las esposas
ˈhandcuffs noun plural
steel rings, joined by a short chain, put round the wrists of prisoners. a pair of handcuffs.esposas
ˈhand-lens noun
a magnifying-glass held in the hand. lupa
ˌhandˈmade adjective
made with a person's hands or with tools held in the hands, rather than by machines. hand-made furniture.hecho a mano
hand-ˈoperated adjective
hand-operated switches.manual
ˈhand-outhand outbelowˌhand-ˈpicked adjective
chosen very carefully. a hand-picked team of workers. escogido/seleccionado (cuidadosamente)
ˈhandshake noun
the act of grasping (a person's) hand eg as a greeting. apretón de mano
ˈhandstand noun
the gymnastic act of balancing one's body upright in the air with one's hands on the ground. pino
ˈhandwriting noun
1. writing with a pen or pencil. Today we will practise handwriting.caligrafía
2. the way in which a person writes. Your handwriting is terrible!caligrafía
ˈhandwritten adjective
The letter was handwritten, not typed.manuscrito
at hand
1. (with close or near) near. The bus station is close at hand.cerca, al lado
2. available. Help is at hand.a mano
at the hands of
from, or by the action of. He received very rough treatment at the hands of the terrorists. de manos de
be hand in glove (with someone)
to be very closely associated with someone, especially for a bad purpose. ser uña y carne
by hand
1. with a person's hand or tools held in the hands, rather than with machinery. furniture made by hand.a mano
2. not by post but by a messenger etc. This parcel was delivered by hand. en mano
fall into the hands (of someone)
to be caught, found, captured etc by someone. He fell into the hands of bandits; The documents fell into the wrong hands (= were found, captured etc by someone who was not supposed to see them). caer en (las) manos/garras (de)
force someone's hand
to force someone to do something either which he does not want to do or sooner than he wants to do it. forzar la mano a alguien
get one's hands on
1. to catch. If I ever get my hands on him, I'll make him sorry for what he did! poner las manos encima de alguien, echar el guante a alguien
2. to get or obtain. I'd love to get my hands on a car like that.conseguir, pescar, pillar
give/lend a helping hand
to help or assist. I'm always ready to give/lend a helping hand. echar una mano
hand down
to pass on from one generation to the next. These customs have been handed down from father to son since the Middle Ages.transmitir, pasar
hand in
to give or bring to a person, place etc. The teacher told the children to hand in their exercise-books.entregar
hand in hand
with one person holding the hand of another. The boy and girl were walking along hand in hand; Poverty and crime go hand in hand. de la mano
hand on
to give to someone. When you have finished reading these notes, hand them on to me.dar, entregar
hand out
to give to several people; to distribute. The teacher handed out books to all the pupils; They were handing out leaflets in the street.distribuir, repartir
hand-out noun
a leaflet. folleto, prospecto
handout noun
1. a leaflet or a copy of a piece of paper with information given to students in class, distributed at a meeting etc. You'll find the diagram on page four of your handout.folleto, prospecto
2. money, clothes etc given to a very poor person or a beggar. limosna, dádiva, caridad
hand over
to give or pass; to surrender. We know you have the jewels, so hand them over; They handed the thief over to the police.entregar
hand over fist
in large amounts, usually quickly. He's making money hand over fist.rápidamente, hacerse de oro, a espuertas
hands down
very easily. You'll win hands down. sin mover un dedo
hands off!
do not touch!. no toques, quita las manos
hands-on adjective
practical; involving active participation. hands-on experience with computers.práctico
hands up!
raise your hands above your head. `Hands up!' shouted the gunman. arriba las manos
hand to hand with one individual fighting another at close quarters: The soldiers fought the enemy hand to hand; () adjective (etc)
hand-to-hand fighting. cuerpo a cuerpo
have a hand in (something)
to be one of the people who have caused, done etc (something). Did you have a hand in the building of this boat / in the success of the project? intervenir/participar/contribuir en
have/get/gain the upper hand
to (begin to) win, beat the enemy etc. The enemy made a fierce attack but failed to get the upper hand. llevar ventaja
hold hands (with someone)
to be hand in hand with someone. The boy and girl walked along holding hands (with each other). dar(se) la mano
in good hands
receiving care and attention. The patient is in good hands.en buenas manos
in hand
1. not used etc; remaining. We still have $10 in hand. en el haber, disponible
2. being dealt with. We have received your complaint and the matter is now in hand. entre manos
in the hands of
being dealt with by. This matter is now in the hands of my solicitor. en manos de
keep one's hand in
to remain good or skilful at doing something by doing it occasionally. I still sometimes play a game of billiards, just to keep my hand in. no perder la práctica
off one's hands
no longer needing to be looked after etc. You'll be glad to get the children off your hands for a couple of weeks. quitarse de encima, librarse de, verse libre de
on hand
near; present; ready for use etc. We always keep some candles on hand in case there's a power failure.a mano; de reserva
(on the one hand) … on the other hand
an expression used to introduce two opposing parts of an argument etc. (On the one hand) we could stay and help you, but on the other hand, it might be better if we went to help him instead. por un lado... por el otro
out of hand
unable to be controlled. The angry crowd was getting out of hand.incontrolable
shake hands with (someone) / shake someone's hand
to grasp a person's (usually right) hand, in one's own (usually right) hand, as a form of greeting, as a sign of agreement etc. dar(se) la mano, estrechar(se) la mano
a show of hands
at a meeting, debate etc, a vote expressed by people raising their hands. votación a mano alzada
take in hand
to look after, discipline or train. tomar a su cargo, encargarse de
to hand
here; easily reached. All the tools you need are to hand.a mano
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entregar , mano
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. mano;
close at ___muy de cerca;
give me a ___ayúdeme, ayúdame;
___ deformities, acquireddeformidades adquiridas de la ___;
___ restapoyo de la ___;
in good ___ -sen buenas manos;
on the other ___por otra parte;
to have a free ___tener libertad para, tener carta blanca;
to have one's ___ -s tiedtener atadas las manos, sin poder hacer nada;
to keep one's ___ -s offno meterse;
to shake ___ -sdar la ___;
to ___ in a reportpresentar un informe;
to ___ out informationfacilitar información;
to ___ out newsfacilitar noticias.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n mano f
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
OBSERVATIONS: The Child was first born to nonconsanguinous parents, (mother age 25 Years and father age 28 Years) brought for Fever, Cold, Cough of one day duration and 1 episode of seizure (simple febrile seizures) following upper respiratory tract infection and found to have mental retardation, Brachycephaly, Craniosynostosis, hypertelorism, midfacial hypoplasia, shallow orbits, mitten hands, syndactyly of both feet and palms (osseous and cutaneous)
I cut mitten hands out of the leg part of the sock, just by cutting a slight curve at the ankle area, through both layers, like a tube.