

vb (tr)
to send the wrong way or by a wrong route
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The wormhole thus creates two artificial traffic choke points that are under the control of the attacker and can be utilized at an opportune future time, e.g., to delay, damage, discard, or misroute packets, or to analyze the traffic stream.
However, on the positively contrary side, since the behavior of the compromised smart meter nodes can be monitored and profiled, that would give us some advantages in the sense that certain parameters and abnormal activities such as packets dropping rate, packets flooding rate, packets modification, packets misroute and false meter reading reports can also be obtained.
Complex bureaucracies misroute information; the amount of intelligence proves to be excessive rather than insufficient, and salient indicators are buried in a clutter of information; false alarms foster a "crywolf" syndrome and make victims less sensitive to warning information; uncertainty leads decisionmakers to search for more information, which delays response; enemy deception derails the interpretation of warning data; the victim finds out that an attack is coming, but not where, when, or how it will occur, which hampers response; warnings are disregarded because the indicated attack seems strategically irrational for the enemy, and the evidence is explained away as diplomatic muscle-flexing.
Furthermore, it is frequently possible for a third party to alter, forge, or misroute packets before they reach the monitoring point.
(4) If blocked by a fault in [d.sub.i] and the [d.sub.i+1] distance has already been reduced to zero, then misroute. If we are routing in [d.sub.i+1], continue to route in the same direction.
If you can't handle adventure then stay in Iowa, where a non-instrument rated pilot contacted AFSS for a briefing: Thank you for calling VFR-Not-Recommended Service; how may we misroute your call?
If they misroute your luggage and then lose it, that's a $500-plus information error.
[FIGURE 3 OMITTED] FIGURE 1 Exception Failure Description Code Flat Car Shortage A Dray company missed cutoff B Chassis Shortage C Truck Maintenance D Shipper Misroute E FIGURE 2 PRICING STRUCTURE COMPARISON - INTERMODAL AND TAILORED TRANSPORTATION REP Quote Basis Intermodal Tailored Transportation RFP Geography Point-to-Point Region-to-Region Metric Single rate Per Mile rate
Rank-and-file government employees typically show an aversion to reading, disdaining to even go through their office directory so s/he can tell you which is the correct number to call when, as all too often happens, the operator misroutes you - another common instance of faulty reading skills.