mental ability

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Related to mental ability: Logical reasoning
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.mental ability - the power to learn or retain knowledgemental ability - the power to learn or retain knowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior
ability, power - possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"
prescience, prevision - the power to foresee the future
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References in classic literature ?
Thus, in the most brutal and formidable of the soldier class -- creatures almost on a level with women in their lack of intelligence -- it is found that, as they wax in the mental ability necessary to employ their tremendous penetrating power to advantage, so do they wane in the power of penetration itself.
"Compared to the control group, who received no training, both levels of cognitive training improved mental ability, although the multifaceted training had more of a long term effect.
Researchers found language and maths puzzles boost mental ability over a lifetime and provide a "higher cognitive point" from which to decline.
Instead, results indicate that regularly doing intellectual activities throughout life boosts mental ability and provides a "higher cognitive point" from which to decline.
UNICEF Nutrition Expert Dr Shafiq Rehman said that breastfeeding was perquisite not only for maintaining physical health of infant but also for the mental ability.
This programme focuses on the basics of Mathematics, Science and Mental Ability
"Your mental ability is also tested as it is actually a very tactical game."
" Mental ability, quick decision- making ability and medical fitness are critical for drivers on high speed trains.
The research found tiny and very large babies risk having a "poorer mental ability in middle age."
Over the 12-year study period, participants who reported feeling most lonely declined 20 percent more rapidly on tests of mental ability than did participants who reported more satisfying social networks and connections, and depression appeared to accelerate that decline.
Their reflexes, muscle and bone strength, and oxygen uptake were also measured, as well as mental ability and general health and well-being.