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Noun1.mastalgia - pain in the breastmastalgia - pain in the breast      
hurting, pain - a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; "the patient developed severe pain and distension"
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n. mastalgia, V.: mammalgia
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The majority of women with mastalgia and normal clinical examination findings can be reassured with education about the many benign causes of breast pain.
In some premenopausal women with short menstrual cycles, progesterone deficiency symptoms, and not symptoms of estrogen deficit, predominate with severe premenstrual syndrome and tension, mastalgia, etc.
Experimental group included 50 women with respective history data and clinical findings, existence of mastalgia and mastodynia, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
In a triple-blind, active RCT, topical application of seed oil also provided significant relief from mastalgia associated with menstrual cycle, comparable to topical diclofenac use (181).
The main causes of patient referral were a palpable mass, mastalgia (breast pain), mass plus mastalgia, nipple discharge, and nipple retraction in 51.2%, 17.2%, 8.4%, 4.9%, and 3.9% of patients, respectively.
[1] Previously mastalgia was regarded as a trivial symptom, but careful clinical study by Preece Mansel and Hughes has shown that it is not seen only in 'neurotic patients.' [2] Furthermore, several forms of mastalgia can be distinguished from clinical history.
Effectiveness of Matricaria chamomilla (chamomile) extract on pain control of cyclic mastalgia: a double-blind randomised controlled trial.
Many of them have cyclical mastalgia, nodularity, or asymmetry but a small proportion will indeed present with breast lump2.
Referral reasons of pediatric patients to radiology department for breast examination Referral reason n (%) Palpable mass (*) 90 (35) Localized pain 14 (5.4) Gynecomastia 57 (22.2) Nipple discharge 17 (6.6) Asymmetrical enlargement 17 (6.6) Tenderness 10 (3.9) Breast enlargement 6 (2.3) Precocious puberty 11 (4.3) Premature thelarche 7 (2.7) Mastitis 5 (1.9) Metastasis 5 (1.9) Breast hypoplasia 1 (0.4) Erythema 2 (0.8) Bilateral mastalgia 2 (0.8) Hemangioma 1 (0.4) Big areola 1 (0.4) Trauma 1 (0.4) Swelling 6 (2.3) Poland syndrome 1 (0.4) Lymphadenopathy 2 (0.8) Neurofibromatosis 1 (0.4) Total 257 (100) (*) Almost one-third of patients with palpable mass had no real lesion like solid mass or cyst.
Sao eles: cefaleia, mastalgia, edema de membros inferiores, colicas, ansiedade, depressao, asma, visao turva, tonteiras, letargia (Appolinario, 2003).
Mastalgia in 3 patients was managed symptomatically with analgesics.
Two patients above 50 were diagnosed with DCIS, on mammography imaging for other complaints (new onset mastalgia).