low-velocity zone

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Related to low-velocity zone: Transition zone, Shadow zone

low-velocity zone

(Geological Science) a layer or zone in the earth in which the velocity of seismic waves is slightly lower than in the layers above and below. The asthenosphere is thought to be such a zone. See asthenosphere
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Also, it is very noticeable that the mantle low-velocity zone (i.
This boundary joint to the LAB define a low-velocity zone in the Australian mantle, which is also present for a similar depth range in the continents (South America, Antarctica and Africa) that were part of the same super-continent Gondwanaland.
Seismic low-velocity zone along the MHT Recent Hi-CLIMB seismic experiment, using an 800 km long, densely spaced seismic array across Nepal and southern Tibet has revealed a low-velocity zone along the Main Himalaya Thrust (MHT; Nabelek et al, 2009).
The standard zone is the low-velocity zone and is considered to be unaffected by the flow in specific zones (Bouia 1993).
The researchers also found that overlying this high-seismic-velocity layer is a low-velocity zone that is much more apparent in their work than in past studies.
lt has been known for more than 15 years that many mid-ocean ridges are underlain by low-velocity zones. Velocities almost always increase with increasing depth below the seafloor, but in these instances, at depths between 2 to 5 kilometers, the velocity abruptly decreases with depth.
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